by: Nicole

AN: my 1st prtf fic. please b kind when u review. i wrote this in 2002 after i saw the time forece finally. i really hope u like it. it may take me a day or two 2 ad chs 23. my computer keeps freezin.

The last time we saw Wes & Jen was in the year 2001. Now it is 2002. Lets see how they're doing.

Jen had to go back to her time, the year 3000. She had to protect her time. Jen loved Wes very much, therefore she feared he would get hurt on the job. Wes didn't want his one true love to leave. Jen still loves Wes just as much to this day.


Over the year Wes became leader of the Silver Gardians along with his co-leader, Eric. He missed Jen a lot and it was hard to get a connection over the veiwscreen. Wes remembers the day Jen gave her engagment ring back to Alex in the future. She came back that day to help Wes fight Ransik.

Wes was sitting on the beach watching the sun set when the sky went bright & a ship appeared in the sky. "Jen?" wondered Wes.

Could it be her? The ship landed & out walked a filmilar face. It was her.

"Jen! How did you get here?" Wes hugged her.

"I had to see you again.," Jen said.

They talked the rest of the night.

"I lasted a year without you and I hated it.," Jen cried.

"I missed you so much. Do you know how much I love you?" Wes asked Jen.

"I love you more," Jen teased. "So what have you been doing?" she asked.

"I became leader of the Silver Gardians with Eric but mostly I've been missing you.," he told her. "I knew I would see you again, Jen."

"I guess I can choose my destiny too.," she smiled at him.

"I want to ask you something, Jen."

"Sure, anything for you, Wes."

"Will you marry me Jen?" Wes asked her.

"Yes, yes, yes I will!" Jen cried happily.

They pulled a blanket over their shoulders & fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning the two lovers woke with a shock. They were being attacked. "Ready?" Wes asked Jen.

She nodded. They both jumped into fighting stance & yelled, "Time for time force!"

Wes & Jen morphed into the red & pink time force rangers. They started battling the cyclobots. Jen started to get weak & she didn't know why. She started to collapse on the beach when Wes rushed over to her.

"Jen, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. The cyclobots started retreating before Wes could get to them.

"I...I don't know.," the words mannaged to escape her lips before she passed out in Wes' arms.

Wes picked Jen up carefully & took her to his car. He set her down tenderly on the backseat while he checked her over. Nothing seemed to be wrong with Jen but Wes decided to get her help just in case it was something internal. He didn't want to think of those possibilities. He quickly grabed his car phone & dialed Eric.

"Captian Myers speaking."

"Eric, this is Wes. Get to the beach & meet me at my car fast. Something's wrong with Jen."

"Jen's back?"

"There's no time just get here." Wes quickly hung up his phone & hurried back to his fiancee.

"Just hold on, Jen. Just hold on a little longer.," Wes talked to her in a soothing voice.