Title: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Author: Sita Z

Genre: Angst/Drama

Rating: PG 13

Summary: A twist in the events of "Unexpected". The second encounter with the Xyrillians doesn't go quite as smoothly. And Trip is forced to make a decision.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

AN: This story begins at the second meeting with the Xyrillians, but the Klingons will not make an appearance (sorry, guys! -g-).

Thanks and hugs to my wonderful beta-readers Gabi (for all the feedback and encouragement - vielen, vielen Dank!), and T'eyla (for making sure there's enough Malcolm in the story -g-) - you rock, girls!

On with the story... read and review!

Chapter 1

"We may have found the Xyrillian ship, sir."

T'Pol's statement, dryly delivered and as impassive as ever, was the one thing Trip had been waiting for. Never once during those last eight days, while his initial dismay and chagrin had slowly turned into shock, had he stopped hoping for this exact announcement to be made. They were going to find them. He hadn't allowed himself to think otherwise, to think about what exactly "not finding them" would mean. He had endured Phlox' poking and prodding, the Captain's worried looks, T'Pol's caustic comments about where a diplomat was supposed to keep his hands. He had even found it in him to feel something like relief when the doctor cheerfully announced that the embryo was in "perfect health" – all due to the fact that he hadn't allowed himself to stop believing that things were going to turn out alright. Being optimistic was a talent of his, or at least so he'd been told, and during the last eight days that talent had turned into a necessity. Without it, Trip would have been lost.

Maybe the worst about all of this was feeling so ridiculous. Even from his rather biased point of view, Trip couldn't help but acknowledge the humorous aspects of his situation. Charles Tucker III, Chief Engineer of the starship Enterprise, spending three days on an alien vessel to help repairing their engines – and coming back pregnant. Pregnant. When Phlox had first told him, his ever-present smile seemed to have even broadened, and there was no mistaking Jon's snorts, however hard he might have tried to hide them. T'Pol had reacted in her own, scathing way, claiming only his definition of gentleman was the reason for his current... condition. Well, Trip had never expected her to believe that all he had done was play a game. A stupid old game. He still couldn't quite believe that sticking his hands into a box of pebbles could have had quite that effect. But the evidence was clearly displayed on Phlox' sickbay monitors, and there was no way T'Pol would ever believe him. Sometimes he wasn't even sure if Jon really bought his story of interacting with the alien engineer in a strictly diplomatic manner.

It was quite implausible, after all, as implausible as it was that a man got pregnant. But it was the truth.

Phlox, T'Pol and the Captain had promised him to keep his condition a secret, and Trip had convinced himself that not thinking about it was probably the best solution to be able to keep the last few shreds of his sanity intact. Only a few days later it had become clear, however, that it wasn't only the Captain and Phlox discussing the Chief Engineer's unexpected pregnancy. No, most likely it was the whole ship, and every time someone looked at him or made a comment when he passed by Trip knew they were talking about him. Laughing at him, and even though he guessed they were laughing in an affectionate, maybe even compassionate way the fact that he was the butt of their joke still wounded his pride more than he would have thought.

But he hadn't allowed his upset, tangled feelings to surface and get the better of him. A lot of times he had come close to yelling at innocent by-standers, or bursting into tears at the most inopportune moments, but he had managed to keep a grip on himself. Telling himself that there was no use in making this even more difficult, that in the end it would turn out alright, he had somehow managed to get through the past days with his dignity still intact. More or less.

Standing next to Jon in the turbolift, Trip was glad for that fact. The knowledge that he was able to handle the situation made him feel more confident. He was going to be alright. They had found them. Soon this whole business would be over, and in a few months time it would hopefully be forgotten, a report to Starfleet written and sent and never looked at again.

The turbolift doors opened, and Trip followed Jon onto the bridge. When she noted the Captain's arrival, T'Pol immediately rose from the command chair and turned around. Her face bore the usual Vulcan non-expression as she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Captain, we have picked up a warp signature which in all likelihood belongs to the Xyrillian ship. According to long range scans it should take us less than seven minutes to reach their current position." She paused, and for a brief moment her eyes came to rest on Trip. As always he felt uncomfortable under her cool gaze, and the fact that he was wearing civilian clothing didn't help. After a moment, however, T'Pol's eyes shifted back to the Captain. "Your orders, sir?"

Archer nodded at Travis who had half-turned in his seat. "Take us there, Ensign." He turned to Hoshi. "I'll be in my ready room. Put them through as soon as they're in comm range."

"Yes, sir." Trip could hear the unasked question in her voice, and he knew Jon did, too, even though he ignored it.

"T'Pol," he said, "Trip..."

Ignoring Travis' and Malcolm's raised eyebrows, he walked over to the ready room door, and Trip followed him, grateful that Jon had decided to make this call in private. He had been steeling himself for explaining his condition to the Xyrillians with all the senior staff watching, and while it seemed a small price to pay for getting rid of that... being inside him, he was relieved to be spared this particular embarrassment.

As soon as the door had slid shut behind them, T'Pol turned to Archer.

"Captain," she said. "I believe you have considered the possibility that the Xyrillians may not be able to help Commander Tucker?"

She was doing it again. Talking about him as if he wasn't even there. As always it irritated him, and made him feel small at the same time, and the words were out of his mouth before he had the time to think.

"You're some little ray of sunshine, aren't you, T'Pol? It doesn't hurt to ask them!"

Archer threw him an exasperated glance. "Trip. T'Pol is right. We have to keep that possibility in mind. No need to rush things."

"Easy for someone to say who hasn't got an alien lifeform stickin' out his side," Trip muttered, and felt ashamed before he was even finished. Jon was doing everything he could to help him, and he certainly didn't deserve this. Before he could say a word of apology, though, T'Pol spoke up again, her voice sounding definitely icy now.

"Commander, I do not think I have to remind you that it was your carelessness and dereliction of your duties as a senior officer which caused this condition in the first place. Blaming others for your situation will change nothing about that fact."

Trip felt the blood rush to his face. His remark had been out of line, but T'Pol's words spoke of outright contempt. He knew she didn't believe him about what had happened, but up until now he had never realized just how much she detested his supposed actions aboard the alien vessel. He took a deep breath, but before he could say anything Jon held up a hand.

"I don't think there is much use in arguing," Archer said firmly. "It's not like we have much of a choice, and Dr.Phlox assured me that it is highly probable the Xyrillians have developed a way of... transferring a fetus." He paused, and Trip met his gaze, offering a mute apology for his earlier words. Jon accepted it with an almost imperceptible nod, and suddenly Trip found it a little easier to keep his upset feelings under control. It helped a lot to know that Jon, at least, didn't blame him for what had happened. T'Pol raised an eyebrow, looking as if she wanted to add something, but right then a small chirping noise came from the comm speaker on Archer's desk. The Captain pressed a button.


"Captain, I have contacted the Xyrillian ship," the communications officer's voice came through the open channel. "They're ready to speak to you, sir."

Archer took a seat in front of his desk, turning the monitor so that Trip and T'Pol had a clear view of the screen as well. "Put them through, Hoshi."

"Aye, sir."

Trip felt nervousness sitting like a hard knot in the pit of his stomach. He noticed that one of his hands had somehow found its way to the bulge on his side, and quickly removed it, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Why did that thing have to start aching now, of all times?

The blank screen in front of them changed. At first, it showed only the colorful flickering of static interference, then transformed into an image of the Xyrillians' bridge. Trip had never been to the ship's control center during his visit and didn't recognize the surroundings, but the scaly features of the alien on the screen were instantly familiar.

"Captain Archer," Tr'Nal said, his strange bright eyes seeming to display slight surprise. "We didn't expect to see you again so soon. Is there something we can do for you?"

Only someone who knew Archer as well as Trip did would have noticed the subtle tensing of the Captain's shoulders. Jon's voice, however, sounded as level as ever when he answered.

"Captain. Actually I'd prefer different circumstances for our meeting, but I'm afraid we have... ah... some sort of medical emergency here."

Trip winced, and knew without looking that T'Pol's eyebrow had climbed even higher. Tr'Nal seemed confused. "A medical emergency, Captain? I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you have far more suited medical facilities aboard your ship. I really don't know what-"

"It concerns a pregnancy."

At these words, Tr'Nal's mouth closed shut. He regarded Archer with disbelief on his face, and Jon half-turned in his seat, looking at Trip. Swallowing hard, Trip stepped up beside the chair and nodded as a way of greeting.

"Captain," he said. Tr'Nal's gaze came to rest on him, and Trip saw his eyes widen fractionally in recognition.

"Commander Tucker! It is good to see you. As Ah'Len said, you worked real miracles with our engines."

Trip had never known the alien captain to speak in that overly hearty tone of voice. He forced a smile onto his face.

"Glad to hear that. Well, as the Cap'n already told you, I'm afraid we've got a bit of a... problem over here. I've got a bit of a problem." He paused, fighting hard to hold Tr'Nal's gaze. Again, a dull ache made itself felt in his side and Trip bit his lip, trying to ignore the fact that this was probably the most embarrassing and at the same time surreal conversation he'd ever had in his life.

"After I came back from your ship, I noticed certain... changes, and after a while Dr. Phlox discovered that somehow I had become pregnant."

Tr'Nal stared at him, and Trip sighed, lifting his shirt and revealing the reddish protuberance on his left side. As always, the sight of it caused a small shudder within him, but it was nothing compared to the open shock on Tr'Nal's face. Archer spoke up again.

"We do hope you can help us, Captain. Our ship's surgeon says he can't remove the fetus without endangering its life or the life of Commander Tucker, but we assumed you might have some means of-"

"Captain." There was something to Tr'Nal's voice that caught Trip's immediate attention. The Xyrillian captain paused a moment before continuing. "These are very... unexpected circumstances, and I don't think we should discuss this using ship to ship communication." Again, he hesitated, and Trip had the distinct impression that Tr'Nal was feeling very uncomfortable, maybe even embarrassed. Well, he couldn't blame him.

After another small pause the Xyrillian continued," I suggest you and Tucker come aboard my vessel so we can... talk this over."

Archer didn't answer immediately, and for a moment Trip believed he was going to object, but he didn't.

"Very well, Captain. I hope you won't mind if I also bring Dr.Phlox. He's a very capable physician and I believe his knowledge of human physiology would prove a great help to your doctors."

Tr'Nal's face was still rigid, and he kept looking back over his shoulder as if he was afraid of someone eavesdropping on their conversation. Trip doubted the Xyrillian captain was really listening to what Archer was saying.

"Yes, of course, Captain. I'll have the decompression facilities readied for you."

"Thanks. We're on our way."

Tr'Nal threw him a last glance, and Trip couldn't help but think that the man looked like he would rather have a bunch of Suliban invading his ship than them coming aboard. The captain didn't say anything, though, but simply reached for something right below the monitor.

"Tr'Nal out."

The screen went blank and for a moment none of them spoke. Leaning back in his chair, Archer crossed his arms and frowned.

"He did seem rather shaken up at the news."

"Well, that makes two of us," Trip said in a lame attempt at lightening the tension that was hanging over the room. T'Pol raised a disapproving eyebrow, and Archer ignored him, still frowning down at the gray screen.

"It's almost as if we offended him somehow," he said, and Trip sat down on the edge of the desk, studying Jon's features. The Captain looked worried.

"I guess he was jus' surprised," Trip offered quietly, and Archer raised his eyes. "I know I was. Maybe he wants to talk to his crew first."

To Ah'Len, he'd been about to say, but thought better of it when he saw the disapproval on T'Pol's face deepen. He didn't want to give her cause to think he believed there was any particular reason to mention Ah'Len. They had only played a game, after all.

Archer nodded slowly, getting up. "Maybe. Anyway, guess we'd better get going. I'll notify Phlox." He looked at T'Pol who was still standing ramrod straight in the middle of the room. "You have the con," he said, and Trip felt secretly relieved that the Vulcan wasn't going to accompany them to the Xyrillian ship. This was going to be unpleasant enough without having to endure T'Pol's acid looks and remarks on top of everything else.

"Aye sir," she said, turned around and strode to the door without looking back. Trip sighed, looking at Jon.

"Well, let's go, then."

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think!