Inuyasha's P.O.V.

I watch, as she moves in front of me, her hair falling around her bare shoulders, as we trudge through this undiscovered territory. It seems safe enough; why not let her go on ahead? I don't smell any danger, but is it because there simply isn't any, or is it because of her.

Once a month, her smell over powers my senses, and I have to struggle to keep my distance from her, so maybe standing down wind of her wasn't the best of idea's, but being in front wouldn't be any different. I sigh, and look around.

Abandoned temple. No one here. Just Shippou, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, and us. That's all. I turn about to watch the ones behind me, as they examine the walls, and wholes, and floorboards. To me, this seems too easy, and then I hear a crash, and Kagome shriek, and my heart stops, as I hurl around, my worries are easily calmed. She's sitting on the ground, eyes closed, and giggling, as one of the decrepit screen doors leans against the wall above her. It must have fallen, and spooked her. I hate hearing her scream. Miroku, and Sango are laughing with her now, and I watch Shippou bound to her, offering his hand, as if to help her up.

"Keh." Is all that comes from me, as I step onwards, and over her, and she abruptly stops laughing. It's almost like she's hurt.

"Inuyasha?" Her voice is so gentle, as she calls to me, and I fight to not turn around, but I do, even still.

Kagome stands up, dusting the dirt from the rear of her jeans, and then from the knees, and I see how much she's changed. It's been three years, since our little escapade's started, and she's eighteen. But, there is more difference, well physically, at least. She's grown a bit taller, and her hair has become long and straight, her bangs flat against her forehead, and high above her thin eyebrows. Her body's thinned out, too. In the beginning, she had a much more curvy figure, now it almost seems, skeletal. Her torso is long, but so are her legs, and her hips stick out like razors above the top of her low jeans. She adjusts a fallen strap from her little black tank top, and then she looks at me, pleadingly. Her mannerisms haven't changed at all, when it comes to me, however. It still sends shivers up my spine, when she says my name.

"What?" I ask, the annoyance in my voice far over-exaggerated.

She falters a moment and then whispers, "Nothing," before moving on past me, and the look in her eyes makes my heart crumble. I follow her, hearing the others grow silent behind me, and we continue our inspection.

Kagome throws open one of the screen doors at the end of the hall, and she enters, coughing slightly, and she reassures us all, it's the dust. I follow her in, and the room is pitch black.

In the silence, I hear her reach into the bag she has slung over her shoulder, and suddenly, I smell a sort of gas, and there's a little bit of light. I look over to her, and with the faint glow of the lantern-thing she's lit, she's more beautiful then ever I've seen.

"What is that?" I ask, attempting to occupy my mind.

"Lighter." She retorts lightly, as we each go to look over separate sides of the room. There's nothing on my side, save a spear sticking out of the wall. It's facing point out, that's strange, is it a trap? If it is, where's the trigger? I begin to search around, but Kagome calls my attention away.

"Hey! Look at this!" she says with excitement. I turn, and she's examining the front of a sword cabinet, the only thing in this otherwise desolate room. Finally, I find the trigger. It's a thin wire that comes up from beneath the floorboards, follows the wall of the room, and then, connects up through the underside of the cabinet, and I feel like I'm being choked. Kagome's opening the cabinet, and before I can reach up to stop spear, it flies past me. The world slows to a crawl. I dash after the spear and this once, my own strength plays against me, my pant leg caught sharply by a ruptured floorboard, and I struggle so hard against it, I'm thrown backwards, landing on my back.

"KAGOME!" I yell, "DUCK!" but, to my horror, she turns around instead, and the world speeds back up.

"Hunck." Is the sound she makes, as the spear shoots through her, and into the open cabinet, hitting some other trigger, because the walls began to crumble, and there's a rumbling under the floor. None of this matters, only Kagome. She's slumped against the spear, the blade out her back, and pole through her torso. She's been skewered, and I hear Sango screech, watching as the other's rush to her, sliding her off the staff, and Kagome's voice gnarls in pain as she mutter's an inaudible something, and she looks at me. How could I let her get hurt? How?! I jump up, ignoring Shippou's ranting and what not. Ignoring his tears, for fear of my own, and grab her, a hole ripped in the bottom of my gi.

"BE CAREFUL!" Miroku and Sango yell at me, and I sneer at them, bounding away as fast as I can towards Kaede's village, but a wound like this? Kaede can't do anything but say a prayer, and suddenly the scent of her open wound over powers me. I look down.

There's blood. So. Much. Blood.

A/N: Eh, this was just an experiment. It could have potential, but I dunno'. It's just something that's been in my brain. However, if anyone would like to see more, lemme' know, yeah?

(I don't own Inuyasha.)