
Confessions Gone Worse

© Jess-chan


Author's Notes: You will not believe this. I got the weirdest inspiration for this fic... and my dear readers that inspiration would be... a local drama series--U I am not even going to elaborate. And would someone please suggest a better title... please.

Dedication: To Yue's Lady... see I updated. Even though I did tell you I wasn't going to... ever. Also to Sheo-niichan, you asked for an ET fic, right... even though it IS a few months late, and to Eina-chan and Lor-chan the notorious sequel that I have gotten death threats from. Here it is. Finally.




"Do not even dare open that mouth of yours."

Suppi could not believe it. Mortals have repeated, over and over again. Love makes people do stupid things. Next time, he thought, never underestimate clichés.

There is a certain reason why they are.

If, per say, a few weeks ago, someone told him that the reincarnation of Clow Reed was going to dress in pink and lavender to please a mere earthly being falling prey to the hands of death, he would've arched an eyebrow at the audacity not to mention the lame attempt of a joke and tell them to bite him. Needless to say it was something he totally expected coming from the mouth of Kero, hailed idiotic Sun Guardian.

But now... he wasn't quite sure.

His Master was now nervously checking his reflection clad in his customary dark slacks with a light purple sweater complete with pink accents while the Love of his Life, the Angel of his Heart, hovering about him cooing at his long dark locks and how a cute glittery pink head band would go well the ensemble, occasionally running a comb, her hand ever, along silky dark locks, appraising them in the process.

Suppi shot a barely suppressed smirk at Eriol's direction. And with the abrupt flash of range that Suppi picked up in his dark, dark eyes. Well let's just say someone was going to be locked up alone in the house with one hyper Moon Guardian.

He shuddered at the thought of spending the day with Nakuru and impending threats of accursed sweets. But then... since certain incidents came to be. They have actually agreed on something.

They're Master's hilariously hopeless situation.


Who would've thought Hiiragizawa Eriol was the type to be one of those sappy foolish romantics whipped by their girlfriends, following their every whim.

Not me that's for sure. Muttered the said reincarnation of Clow Reed darkly to himself.

And who would've thought that Hiiragizawa Eriol was one of those people who were too much of a coward to profess their own feelings.

"Hi-kun!" His angel's eager exclamation coupled with the radiant smile meant only for him snapped him out of his thoughts. Technically, Eriol dear, Tomoyo is not yours, and in the process she does not smile only for you.

He soon processed this information and the smile that was starting on his lips disappeared abruptly.

Yes, reality sucks, and the truth hurts, face it Eriol-kun.

How could I even survive this?

"How 'bout this? This color looks wonderful on you. And it accents those lovely eyes of yours."

To emphasize her point Tomoyo cupped her best male friend's face appreciating the cool, smooth contours of his face and pinching his cheeks every so slightly. Flashing another dazzling smile, she sauntered off to find something or another.

When she was out of hearing range, he let out a very happy sigh.

It isn't too bad really.


Pretending to be gay so you can get closer to Tomoyo was just the perfect plan to make her fall in love.