[Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. hears cheering from somewhere upstairs QUIET UP THERE!! I am however keeping the cast hostage until they let me. Hehehe...]

Girl of the Flame: Yeah, like I said in my email I'm really sorry about that. I didn't think I had too since the only things that I have in common with you on this fic is that Vegeta's dead and the house is made of black stone. The only reason I said this fic was based on yours was because your fic reminded me of the movie. That's what I based my fic on, not Card Castle. Sorry for the inconvenience though.

OtakusVegence: Thanks for not being cruel and here's your update!!

Alannah: Thanks!

Lexican Devil: Don't you hate it when you can't remember your password?! I do the same thing on MediaMiner. -sigh- Well, thanks for the review! I love the detailed ones. They're really encouraging.

Dray: Yeah, the bunney's cool...Card Castle's written by Girl of the Flame. It's on my favorites if you wanna check it out. It's cool.

The Cap'n: Love your name! Actually I wouldn't really mind Veggie haunting me. It's kinda dull around my house. -sweatdrop- Well, here's your update anyway!

Jedi Videl Spiderfan: Love your name too!

Meow Mix: This fast enough for ya? ;)

Draegon-fire: Well, without a good start all we have is the middle and end and then we have some grumpy guy next to you asking what happened first. That makes a big mess.

Devilangel: Thanks. I based the house after a house I lived in when I was five. That was my favorite place. I'm really glad you liked it. Have you watched the movie? I love it and you're the first one who seems to know what it is. Thganks for all the accolades, it's really sweet of you.

Kp...detective Kp: Cool name...I continued!

Stacey16: Hopoe you didn't have to wait long!

kasumi977: I'll try.

FlamerCerberus: Wow, you're my first flame. I always thought flamers would at least have a reason to flame though, and knew a few more words. Oh well, I guess you can't help being an inarticulate jackass just like I can't help laughing insanely at your attempt to make me feel like I did something wrong. Life's crazy like that. -cackles-

The Ghost and Miss. Briefs

Chapter 2: Meetings in the Dark

"Mercenary Manor?" asked Chi-Chi incredulously, "Sounds charming."

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you Ceech," said Bulma dryly, "Besides, If you had seen this place you wouldn't care what it's called. It's amazing!"

"If you say so,"

She had decided not to tell anyone about the ghost. Not that she had doubts. Oh no. She knew her new house was 100% haunted even if she was a scientist. She just didn't think Chi-Chi (or anyone else for that matter) would believe her.

"Who's helping you move in?" her friend asked, "I could ask Goku and Krillen if you want."

Krillen was their other best friend. Goku, Bulma, Krillen, Chi-Chi, Yamcha, and 18 had been friends forever it seemed like. 18 was Krillen's wife now, Chi-Chi and Goku had been going steady since high school, so Yamcha and Bulma were almost expected to end up together. Well, now he was out of the little posse, ever since...

"No one is," Bulma replied, "The place was already fully furnished so it seems a waste to get rid of it all."

"But didn't you say that the house has been empty for ten years?" asked her black haired friend, "Wouldn't the furniture be moldy?"

"A few people came and tried it for a while. They made necessary repairs when they were there so everything is in pretty good shape,"

"Well, maybe so but," Bulma could hear a shiver pass through her friend's voice even through the phone, "I wouldn't want to sleep in some dead guy's bed. Especially if he died in the same room."

Bulma silently agreed. She had thought of that too but decided that worrying about it would be stupid.

"Well, it's pretty late," began Bulma, "I should be unpacking. Thanks for talking Chi-Chi."

"No problem, Bulma," she answered, "Goodnight! Don't let the ghosties bite!"


The bluette hung up, a little shaken. She hoped that the ghosts didn't bite...She hung up the phone (in the living room) and decided to walk to the kitchen to get some cocoa. Hopefully that would calm her nerves. The house was extremely dark even with the hall light on and Bulma stumbled around in the kitchen looking for a light switch. She found it.

As the woman flicked it on and started over to the pantry the light suddenly went black again. It startled her but she made it back and flicked it on again. She got half-way there this time before the kitchen went dark once more. Bulma was getting angry and was about to make her way back over when the hall light suddenly went out as well and plunged her into complete pitch blackness. She barely muffled a scream so it sounded like a muffled squeak.

"I know you're here," she whispered softly.

Silence greeted her.

"I said I know you're here!" she said confidently this time.

Still nothing.

"Is that all you're good for?" Bulma began again, angrily, "To frighten women?" Silence "Who ever heard of a cowardly ghost? Afraid to speak to me are you?"

"Turn the light on," said a deep raspy voice.

The bluette froze, her anger morphing into fear.

"W-Why should I w-when you'll only switch it off again?" she stammered breathlessly.

"Turn it on, damn you!" it yelled.

She shakily walked to the switch, flipped it on, and gasped. Casually leaning against the counter was the man from the painting, scowling darkly at her, his onyx eyes flashing dangerously.

"Just give me a second," slowly Bulma took in a breathe trying to calm herself.

The man, Vegeta probably, seemed mildly amused but the anger overwhelmed everything.

"I'm sorry about what I said before," she began again still a little shaken, "It must have been kinda embarrassing for you. You know, with how you died and all."

He raised an eyebrow.

"The way I died, onna?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied almost puzzled, "Since you committed suicide."

He growled angrily and she was shocked at the amount of hate that passed through his dark orbs.


Against her rational side's better judgement Bulma became angry and shot a glare at the enraged ghost.


He growled again but seemed to calm down.

"If I was still alive you would have been the cadaver as soon as you walked in my door," he began in a dangerously quiet voice, "Along with the rest of your planet's pitiful inhabitants. Alien assassins don't like weaklings."

Bulma snorted.

"Well, you may be an alien but you're not alive are you?" she mocked, "So me and the rest of us 'pitiful inhabitants' will just have to deal with our meaningless existence."

Vegeta bared his fangs at her and snarled, taking a long step towards her.

"Shut your mouth wench!"

"Or you'll do what?" she laughed, her fear forgotten, "I doubt if you jump at me yelling 'BOO' I'll drop down dead."

"Get out of my house," he muttered dangerously.

"I think that's my line," she growled, "I bought this house fair and square. You've got no use for it."


Bulma walked right up to him, with only inches between their noses and glared fiercely.

"Well, that's too damn bad now isn't it 'cause I like this house and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon," his eyes narrowed, scowled darkly, and suddenly disappeared in front of her.

Bulma smiled triumphantly and started making her cocoa. When she was finished, a mug in her hand, the bluette looked out into the dark hallway suddenly remembering that the switch was next to the front door. She frowned.

"Could've at least turned the light back on," she muttered.

She held back a squeak as the light overhead flicked on almost immediately.

[Weeeeeell? How was it? I tried to make it as close as I could to the movie but the heroine is a little too placid to be Bulma so I had to spice it up a bit. I kinda think it's funny that Vegeta can't kill her so she's pretty much able to do anything. Hehehe...REVIEW PEOPLES!!!!!! ]