
A Tales of Symphonia Fanfic

Summary: Colette remembers past struggles to determine if her relationship will work.

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Symphonia or any of its related characters and ideas.

Warning: This story contains shounen-ai, meaning a female/female relationship. If this sort of story disturbs you, please hit "Back" on your browser right now.

Chapter 2: Understanding

"Sh-Sheena?" Colette managed to sputter. "What are you doing up here? I thought you would be downstairs with the others."

Sheena walked up beside Colette. "And let Zelos' perverted jokes be the one thing I remember from our little get together? I don't think so." Sheena leaned upon the snow covered railing. "So, what are you doing up here yourself?"

"Just thinking, that's all." Colette looked out over the snow covered town of Flanoir, few people out in the streets due to how late it was. She glanced over at the ninja beside her, looking up at the clear night sky.

She's so beautiful... Colette thought. Ever since she had met her in the Ossa Trail, she was amazed by how beautiful she was. Her long, dark, hair and her piercing brown eyes probably made Lloyd fall for her so quickly.

Once she permanently joined the group, an unspoken rivalry reigned between the two for Lloyd's heart. During the several years between the end of their journey and their reunion here in Flanoir, the once burning rivalry between them had become a small ember. Lloyd had matured beyond the rash, reckless swordsman he once was into a quiet, skilled warrior.

Lloyd had always kept the two girls in suspense, always waiting for him to answer the one question that was always on their minds: Which girl would he choose? He was always visibly immersed in thought about the effects of his decision. Kratos would always try his best to help his son with his decision, but even after several years, he remained neutral.

On one hand, he could choose Sheena, the beautiful assassin from Mizuho. Though he hadn't known Sheena for as long as he knew Colette, they had grown very close in a very short amount of time. Though she was young, she was the chief-to-be of Mizuho, and so she possessed wisdom beyond her years. She always had a level of understanding of everyone else, and she always knew just what to say when someone ever had a problem. She was even able to help Regal win Raine's heart, and that is no easy feat. Everyone knows what happens whenever Raine gets upset: a solid WHACK and an unconscious victim a clear ten feet away from where they once stood. Ever since Regal and Raine's marriage became official, Sheena gained a new level of respect from the others.

On the other, hand, he had Colette. He had known Colette for almost his entire life. She had always been a caring friend to look to when troubles weighed heavily upon your mind. Her words could easily soothe the most anguished of her companions. There was one time when Presea told Genis the truth about her age and the experiments with the Cruxis crystal that had robbed her of 16 years of her maturity. To say that Genis was heartbroken would be the understatement of the century. Though she retained the look of a 15 year old girl, in truth she was actually a 31 year old woman. Their relationship would never work. Presea was forced to tell, with a heavy heart, that she could not be Genis' lover. But, ever-faithful Colette was there to brighten up Genis' misery. With one evening of comforting words, Genis had returned to his usual lively self.

This decision would plague Lloyd for the years ever since the completion of their journey. Such a great burden had been placed upon him for making such a decision. Should he choose beautiful, wise, Sheena or sweet, caring, Colette? This thought was the one thing on his mind for all those years. So long, in fact, that he could not stand it any longer.

And so, one night in Iselia, Lloyd sent a message to Sheena asking her to visit Iselia with the utmost urgency. Sheena took one of the Rheiards to the small forested town. There, Sheena met with Lloyd and Colette, and Lloyd took them both to the balcony of his house for his decision. The next thing they heard was definitely not what they were expecting.

Not being able to make a decision, Lloyd decided to make a compromise. No matter what he chose, one of his closest friends would walk away heartbroken, and that was the last thing Lloyd ever wanted to happen. And so, he decided to remain a single bachelor, and continue to lead his quiet life without occurrence. That way, he could save both Colette and Sheena years of heartbroken sorrow.

It took a few moments for this to finally sink in. Colette and Sheena were finally free from their feuding and rivalry. They no longer had to fight over someone's heart. Ever since that night, the usual tension and hostility between the two had started to simmer down. They both decided that their rivalry was selfish, and that they should just start over. Given time, their friendship began to grow stronger and stronger, until all memories of their past fights had all but faded.

There were none who could deny that there was a strong bond between the two. Some would say they loved each other as close friends, and others say they loved each other like sisters would. But, no, Colette wished to take their friendship beyond that level.

Colette turned to the woman beside her, her chin in her hands and consumed by her thoughts. Well, I've waited long enough.

"Sheena?" The woman beside her turned and Colette gazed into her auburn eyes. Well, there's no turning back from here. "There's something I need to tell you."

Well, how did you like this chapter? Please read and review, but don't flame me too badly. Constructive criticism is accepted. Thanks for taking the time to read my story!