The love of the Kitsune

By: S.K.Y.0003

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, but the plot is mine.

A/n: the creation of this story is what is delaying my other story. I hope this is worth the delay, I was trying to be different with this story so be genital with the flames. THIS IS A SHIPPO/KAGOME fic so if you don't like it, don't read it, but just to let you now it will not be wrong in a child/adult way. Just read the summery:

Shippo finds out that Kagome is a kisune around his age and size, you see kitsune age every 11 years so because of that Kagome is 67 but appears 6,Shippo is 82 but appears 7,thier true age only appears when they are in their true fox form when they have a tail for every year of their life. Kagome makes Shippo keep the fact that she is a kitsune from the others until the final battle. But can they do that when the gang continues to walk in on them in thier true form.... This will tern out to be a cross over with YYH.

On with the story...

Chappie 1:Finding out

(Kags POV)

I peeked open my eye making sure everyone was asleep, witch they were. Silently getting up making sure that I did not wake up Shippo.As quietly as I could I walked out of the hut we were currently staying in. Walking into the forest surrounding the hut I let down the spell hiding the fact that I was a demon, a black kitsune to be more pacific. I am 2 and a half feet tall, damn slow kitsune ageing.

I smiled as I came to a lake; it was beautiful with the waterfall flowing in the moonlight. I clamed up on a big bolder to watch the moon.


I was woken up when Kagome had gotten up. I stayed still make her thank the I was still asleep. When I heard her leave the hut and walk in to the forest I sat up dividing to follow her.

As I came to the forest Kagomes sent changed but, I could not place a finger on how. I followed her sent until I came to a large lake with a waterfall. Looked around trying to find Kagome only to find a black kitsune sitting on a bolder staring at the moon. Than realization hit me like a ton of bricks.' The sent change.'

Jumping on to the rock, scaring the other kitsune, I say one word."Kagome?"

Sighing the black kitsune witch I now relize has sapphire blue eyes, Turns back to the moon and says,"Hai."

I smile," How come you never told us?"


Turning back to Shippo Kagome says, "Because...You know how InuYasha took taking you into the group."

"So." Said Shippo shrugging. (A/n The four Ss.)"Black kitsune are good luck."

"I don't care. You better not tell them. "Kagome was up in Shippos face only inches away, glaring at him.

Shippo nodded his head viciously, but in the prose's hitting Kagome in the head." Own. "Kagome said rubbing her head.

"I'm going to get you for that."Kagome said before tackling Shippo to the ground, and so begun the wrestling.

Kagome finding that she no longer could hold up the fight, trancphormened into her true form, this ended with Shippo on the ground pinned by Kagome.

"Hay, no fair."With that said he to trasphormed intro his true form, flipped Kagome over, pinning her. Unexpectedly Kagome licked Shippos muzzle, to a fox it is a kiss.

He looked at her with a questioning look to see passion filled eyes. He licked her on the muzzle than they both fell asleep Shippos head o top of Kagomes neck, hers on one of his many tales.

End chappie

S.K.y.0003-Ok people I am really starting to hate this story's start. So please vote if you want me to continue or not in your reviews.