Hello there. Enjoy the story.

I don't own Inuyasha. Who would?

Inuyasha: Hey!

I was just kidding. You're so damn gullible.

Inuyasha: Whatever.

We met in Home Ec


Inuyasha sat up drenched in sweat.

'That dream again' he thought, walking to his bathroom.

Inuyasha Takahashi is neither rich nor poor. This middle class teen is a punk. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this teen is a punk. He's seventeen with waist long white hair and liquid copper eyes.

"Damn dream" he said to no one in particular.

He got out, dried off and put on some "Spongebob" boxers and black skater shorts. Then he grabbed his blue "West Coast Choppers" t-shirt, some socks, and black and blue Converses.

"Inuyasha! Get yur ass in the kitchen!" his older half-brother, Sesshoumaru, yelled.

Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru had different mothers. Both died at complications of birth. Then their father died of cancer years later, leaving them a small, but successful company. Ever since then they have been living together. They are not very fond of each other, but will stick together in time of need.

"I'm comin' stupid bastard!" he yelled back.

Well, aren't they a happy family...

"Hey dip shit" Sesshoumaru greeted in the kitchen.

"Hey bro" Inuyasha greeted back, grabbing the Cinnamon Pop Tarts mid-air.

"It was that dream again, wasn't it? You only call me 'bro' when you had it." He asked worried. WORRIED, ladies and gentlemen. Sesshoumaru is WORRIED for INUYASHA, his younger HALF-BROTHER.

"Yeah and it's startin' to get worse," he said, drowning his throat in orange juice.

"Yeah well, you get over it. Hurry up, we gotta go to school." He finished, grabbing the keys to his 'baby'. Sesshoumaru is a sophomore at Tokyo Uni and Inuyasha is a senior in Tokyo High.

Inuyasha grabbed his own keys and headed out of the two storey building. It seems like they are rich. They aren't. But, they can manage bills and two cars. Thanks to their father's company.

"Oh Rin, I missed you so much" Sesshoumaru gloated over his car. 'Rin', Sesshoumaru car, a '67 Mustang, was dead in a junk yard. Sesshoumaru just happened to pass by when he caught sight of the blue beauty about to be smashed. For a cheap price, he bought it, and got his engine, the Tenseiga, and restored 'her' back to life. He gave her a paint job, thus giving the blue convertible the name Rin.

"It's been only 10 hours. You got a serious obsession, dude." Inuyasha said, hopping into his own window. "See ya at 5 dick wad."

"Bye ass-wipe" Sesshoumaru said.

School aka Hellhole

"Hello me Hellhole" he yelled, causing people passing by to roll their eyes.

"Dickweed!" a feminine voice called out behind him.

She was seventeen with waist long brown hair in a ponytail and magenta eyes. She skater shorts with chains, a black shirt that sported "Smile so I can punch out your teeth easier", Converses, and endless bracelets on each arm.

"Sango, you dirty slut." He greeted, as she came up beside him, smiling.

"Hey Dickweed!" another, but more masculine, voice called out.

He was eighteen with short midnight blue hair pulled into a small ponytail and dark blue eyes. He wore skater shorts, a white t-shirt that says"Caution: Wondering Hands" on it, Converses, and a spiked choker on his neck.

"Miroku, shit face" Inuyasha greeted to him.

My aren't they good friends...

"So how's life Inu?" Sango asked.

"Well let's see...shit, oh, shit and guess what? More shit!" he joked.

"Why aren't you a little ray of sunshine" Miroku said, as they walked to 'The Freaks' side of school.

The Freaks is made up of punks, goths, skaters, stoners, loners, geeks, and well, freaks. Being a hanyou, which what Inuyasha is, automatically puts you in the Freaks, unless your filthy rich like Naraku.

It's quite a few demons in the Freaks, too.

"I had that dream again" he murmured, but they heard him anyways.

"Damn" she whispered "Shit" Miroku muttered.

"Those damn evil pink bunnies! They won't stop." He whined, his dog ears slouching.

"It's okay we're here for you" Miroku reassured.

"You don't know what it's like for giant pink furry things with freakishly long ears chase you around for a hug. That's a fate worse than death. And I got it." He said.

First Period's a Bitch

"Hey class!" Inuyasha greeted happily, walking in late...again. Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

"Mr. Takahashi please sit down." Mrs. Kaede, his homeroom teacher, said.

"Yeah, yeah. I just want to say one thing to the male population in this class" he said, then turned to his fellow class mates. "Now dudes, when you see a hot chick and your genitals get hard, I just wanna let you know that it's perfectly normal."

The class "Ewwed" while Sango and Miroku laughed. Some even said "I already know that".

"Thank you Mr. Takahashi" she said, bored, "Another dentition?"

Inuyasha made a fake loving smile and placed a hand over his heart, "You know me to well, milady." Kaede rolled her eyes at his immature behavior.

As he walked to his seat, a foot stuck out, making him trip.

"Whoops, mutt face" said Kouga, one of Inuyasha enemies.

He is nineteen. He is a wolf demon. He is a prep and extremely dense. He kept his long brown hair in a ponytail (A/N: Jeez, everyone's sporting the ponytail like it's a fad. Lol) with light blue piercing eyes and pointy wolf ears.

"Stupid wolf" he yelled as he threw a punch. And again the 'Inu-ookami' fight began.

Kaede picked up the phone and dialed the Discipline Office. "Hello Dolores, Code 'IT' has commenced...yes...bye. Takahashi and Ookami, DO's office now." She finished.


Next time on We Met in Home Ec:

Inuyasha meets Kagome. Sango and Miroku too. Naraku meets Kagome. Kouga meets Kagome. Kagome joins The Freaks. The jocks are trying to pull her to the Dark side with them. Sesshoumaru meets a girl. Oh, hell is gonna be raised in here.


Kag: Interesting beginning. It has...a unique touch to it, HazelEyed Freak.

Inu: Me likey story, Hazel.

Me: Thanks Kagome. Inuyasha, I'm sure you do. And don't worry; you will get to kick Kouga's ass in it. And Naraku's ass. Multiple times.

Inu: Oh hell yeah!

Sesshy: I named my car...that's awesome! That's kick ass! Will I be in the story some more, Hazel?

Me: Of, course. You gonna be important. It's some one you will fall in love with in this story. An OC of mine.

Inu: Let me guess...you?

Me: Shut up! That was supposed to be a secret you special hanyou!

Sesshy: Yay! I get to date an author! In your face, Kagome!

Kag: What?! Inuyasha's...well...he's okay! Right?

Inu: (rolls eyes) Forget ya'll. Hey review the story, okay?

Everyone: Ja Ne!

Tell me how you like it, okay my peeps? I need to know. Review and enjoy the story.