A/N: Again, yes I do know that I should be updating my other story, but this has been with me for a while and I am in the right mood to write this ONE SHOT so here it is. It has occurred to me that I am writing in a pattern (one shot, chapter, one shot, chapter, and now another one shot). Well, hopefully, I will update I Wanted to Tell You sometime soon. Please wait just a bit longer. I'm having a little trouble on it. In the meantime, enjoy this ONE SHOT song fic! Lol.

Disclaimer: I don't own the teen titans. They won't fit in my house, and I don't have any video games for bb and cy to play anyhow. Song belongs to Bethany Dillon.


She was once the princess, the center of attention in all her mysterious and dark ways. But this was no longer.

/I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all/

Raven moved about her room, packing a duffle bag. She couldn't stand it anymore- how they paid her no heed. She knew she wasn't exactly open to the titans and often pushed them away. But all the same, she missed how they used to wonder, and pry. She found it helped her keep her dark past and heritage she could not share hidden. Deep down, she'd enjoyed the spotlight. But now, they couldn't care less what she did or said. In fact, they never even noticed when she said anything apart from battle.

Raven found herself actually yearning to let them all know what she went through, that she kept them safe from her father by not telling them about her past. This could not happen. She had to leave, before the confession came out in a torrent of emotion that was sure to release the evil within her and kill them all. The isolation from the people who were closer than any had ever come before, and the full weight of her secret, was tearing at her, clawing away at her soul. It wearing thin her defenses and the darkly emotionless façade she hid behind. She couldn't tolerate being so ignored any longer. She had tried.

/Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me /

Raven paused in her hurried packing as tears began to slide down her cheeks. Her heart felt like it was being slowly liquefied. As if it was being burned till it was like runny, molten lead. She hurt inside, silently screaming at all the unfairness in the world that had lead her to this point.

/Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life/

Raven wished with all of her heart that someone paid attention to her. But they hadn't. Simple as that.

/I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed /

All she had wanted was someone to see her as she was, and be satisfied with that, nothing more or less.

/I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful/

Raven picked up another random object off her dresser. It was her mirror- her most precious and most hated possession. She could not leave it behind though. With a disgusted glance at her own reflection, she tossed the mirror across the room and into her bag. The thought that her own, very plain appearance was partly to blame crossed her mind yet again.

/Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy/

Tears were pouring down like heavy rainfall now, and Raven felt weak. She leaned against the wall and slid down until she was hugging her knees, her sobs muffled against them. If only she didn't have to go. If only someone would be there for her. If only, if only.

/Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory/

Suddenly, as if some divine entity had heard her cries, there was a knock on her door. She looked up, shocked, as no one had ever bothered to or dared knock on her door before. A small, folded sheet of paper was slid under the crack under the door. Curiosity stopped her tears as she crawled over. She hesitated for a moment before she unfolded it.

Dear Raven,

I noticed that you seemed kinda down- more so than usual. Are you ok? If you need to talk, I'm totally here for you. No strings attached. No need to rush either. You can come talk to me about anything, if you need it, whenever you're ready.


Beast Boy

P.S. Sorry to bother you. Please don't kill me!

Raven stared at the tiny piece of paper, tears trickling from her eyes once more. Reading it again, she slowly got up and unpacked her bag. Someone had noticed her. And they'd found her worth paying attention too. She realized, after reading it a few times that Beast Boy had signed it 'Love'. Not from, or yours truly, or even sincerely, but love. He really cared.

Raven stared, once more at her reflection. This time, she saw someone looking back at her, who wasn't plain, or alone, or boring, or overly dramatic. She saw someone who was cared for and belonged, and didn't need to do anything drastic or out of character to prove themselves. She saw herself as Beast Boy had.


/You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful...

You make me worthy of love and beautiful/

A/N: sorry if it was bad. Basically, Raven was being ignored and was hurt by it so much she wanted to tell the titans about trigon to get their attention. But she knew if she did, she'd feel so much, it'd make everything go ka-boom. So she wanted to leave but beast boy's note showed her that they did see her, and like her.

And yeah, I know it's a little out of character. So sorry. And just to explain why she wasn't blowing stuff up, in the fic, raven can feel stuff as long as it doesn't completely swallow her up like hate does. So she can totally feel hurt enough to leave. In fact, the extent of her hurting helped drive her to prepare to leave.

Please review and be gentle. Constructive criticism is great, but no flames, and read my notes before you say anything against me. If you didn't like the pairing, go ahead and read the thing again and substitute all the "beast boy"s with whomever it is you like with raven. Lol, and please please PLEASE review. Haven't gotten to many in the past couple days.