Disclaimer: I DO OWN PROJECT ZERO! YOU HEAR ME?!?! I DO OWN IT! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAH-[gets hit my a random shoe] OW! x-X

KBM: T-T Damn you Japanese Lawyers!

Japanese Lawyers (JL): Just doing our job...fufufufufufufufufu...

KBM: [murmurs] Damn bastards...

JL: And the other half of your disclaimer?

KBM: What other half? [whistles "innocently"]

JL: ...[gets out another shoe]

KBM: O-O Oh shit! I do not own Silent Hill 2 either!

JL: Good...


JL: ...

Torture-I mean, Chapter 1 [cough]

KBM: Welcome to the happiest and most joyful town in the world, SILENT HILL!

[The town of Silent Hill is shown, which is filled with thick ass fogs and few dead bodies of slashed people in a pool of blood]

KBM: I am your host, KawaiiBlackMoon! Or KBM for short! And this is the Screwed Version of Jacked Up Survivor 2 With the Limited Info Of the Actual Show Which I Never Watched! The first one is now deleted for...err...some reasons...I lost interest is all you need to know...anyways, here are the victims-I mean, players of this game! The main characters of Fatal Frame and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly!

Mayu: ...I really don't like this place...

Mio: I don't know what's worst, Silent Hill or Minakami Village...=.=

Kirie: I'm so scared love! [clinging to Mafuyu's leg]

Mafuyu: You're a friggin' ghost! You scare the crap out of people for living and you're scared of some misty town? And get the hell off my leg! [tries to shake Kirie off]

Miku: I hope Kirie won't end up being my sister-in-law...Kirie's creepy...=.=

Yae: Not as creepy as my sister...she laughs like she's high on something only God knows what

Sae: [Insert her crazy laugh...thing]

Mutsuki: No bloody mist this time....-.-;

Mio: o.O; You're not a main character...or a main ghost...and same goes for you [points to Yae]

Mayu: Hey, at least we're all women here except that old man-

Ryozo: I'm not an old man!

Mayu: -and Itsuki

Mafuyu and Mutsuki: WE'RE NOT A GIRL!

Mayu: o.O Really? Funny...I thought you were and I'm still not convinced you are actually males...are you SURE you're not women? =.=;

Mafuyu and Mutsuki: ...

Kirie: How about they strip in front of us? That way we'll know if they ARE men!

Mafuyu: =.= You just want to see me strip and take a picture of me naked for blackmail and your personal enjoyment...

Kirie: That's sooooooooooooo not true! [hides her camera]

Chitose: [tries to run away]

KBM: [ties her to a tree with a rope that magically appeared] Sorry! But you can't run away! Not after you hear my ever-so-wonderfully-written-introduction-of-pure-and-utter-joy-of-this-fabulous-show-of-happiness!

Chitose: ITSUKI!! HELP ME!

Itsuki: Err...[sees KBM holding a knife] O.O; sees [KBM licking the knife] What was that? I swear I heard something...heheheh...[walks away from Chitose]

KBM: Anyways, here are the rules...

Everyone: ...

KBM: .........

Everyone: Aren't you going to tell us the rules?

KBM: Err...there are no rules...

Everyone: o.O;;

KBM: ;-;

Miku: What kind of sad excuse of a show is this?

KBM: [gasp] No one was supposed to know that! O.O How did you know this was a sad excuse for a show?

Everyone: ...

KBM: Well, if you win, you get a stuffed cow

Mio: What are we gonna do with a stuffed cow? O.o;

Ryozo: She's right...I'm dead so I don't really NEED anything...which reminds me, how the hell did we get here anyway? I don't remember subscribing to this show thing...

Chitose: I want a stuffed cow!

KBM: You also win a trip to Disneyland, the happiest place in the universe!

Sae: I thought that was Disney World...=.=

Yae: How cheap...Disneyland is only few hours from where you live anyway...


Kirie: If you're dead, time has no meaning

Miku: Hey! I'm still alive here!!

KBM: Speaking of dead people, I made all of you points to dead ppl alive with my authoress powers!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! So now you have to breathe, eat, drink, pee, and shit to stay alive!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Everyone: .........

Sae: Oh jumping jackrabbits! That means I'm gonna have periods again!

Kirie: Damn! And I was sooooooo happy about it too...

Chitose: I don't care! I'm too young have periods and cramps...muwahahahaha!!

Yae: =.=

KBM: I don't have to suffer cramps alone anymore! Wheeeee!

Kirie: Heheheh...so does that mean I can rape Mafuyu and get pregnant with his child? [insert insane smile]

Mafuyu: O.O

Miku: Oh dear lord....-.-;

KBM: Err...yea...

Kirie: Yessssssss! [in a "manly" voice] Come here Mafuyu dear...

Mafuyu: O.O Dear Father who art in heaven! AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! [runs away]

KBM: You can also get STDs from it

Kirie: Damn!

Mafuyu: [sighs] Whew......wait a minute...I don't have STDs! I'm still a virgin!

Everyone: O.O

Itsuki: That's not something to be proud of...especially in your age...

Miku: I tell him to get himself a girlfriend and get laid but nooooooooooo...=.=

Kirie: Muwahahahaha!! I'm going to be your FIRST!

Mutsuki: Funny...I always thought Mafuyu was the type of person who'd work at gay bars...or a gay strip joint or something like that...

Mio: O.O;

Mafuyu: I did NOT work at a gay bar or a strip joint!

Miku: Don't kid yourself dear brother. Remember that one time when you-[mouth is covered by Mafuyu] UUuUuuUufffff! [glares]

Mafuyu: [whispers to Miku] IF you don't keep your mouth shut dear imooto-chan, your secret stash of SoraXRiku Kingdom Hearts yaoi doujinshis will meet an unfortunate end...[holds up a lighter]

Miku: [gasp] O.O; ulliwood! (translation: I'll be good)

Mafuyu: Good...[let go of Miku]

Miku: T-T

Ryozo: There's something really WRONG with those siblings...=.=;;

Kirie: That's why I love Mafuyu so much!

Sae: I thought Mafuyu was supposed to be nice...o.O

Yae: So were he [points to Itsuki] =.=

Itsuki: [robbing the dead body on the ground] Hey cool! A diamond ring! [holds up a bloody diamond ring] I can sell it off in ebay! Muwahahahaha...I can finally get that Hajime Saito Katana I've been saving my money for....heheheheh...

Sae: o.O;

Mayu: [sigh]

KBM: Anyways, the show goes like this, okay? You have to search the town, as in this town, to find some clues in random places, you follow me? Okay. The clues, which you found, will tell you to go to some places, okay? Good. You try to find enough clues or such to go to this one place, okay? Which I'll be waiting you people, follow me? And win your prize okay? And you have to find your own food and such, got that? And once a day or so, there'll be special guests from somewhere to give you some presents from the reviewers, okay? If they love you enough to give you something' kapeesh?

Everyone: ...what? O.o;

KBM: =.= Find clues to find the place where I am so you can get the hell out of this hell hole of a town you dumb ass! [disappears]

Itsuki: ...now what?

Mutsuki: how the hell am I supposed to know?

Mio: But why are we in Silent Hill 2? Not Silent Hill 1 or 3...or even the 4th one?

Yae: Who knows...

Sae: O.O Sister!

Yae: Huh?

Sae: You're finally here! I missed you so much! Where have you been all these years?

Yae: Err...heheheheheh...[murmurs] Damn! I was hoping she wouldn't notice me...

Ryozo: trying to walk away

Itsuki: =.= How's it goin' Munakata?

Ryozo: O.O Itsuki? Is that you?

Itsuki: No shit Sherlock. Just because I have white hair like some random old man-

Sae: [cough]woman[cough]

Itsuki: -doesn't mean I'm not Itsuki...or am I? O.o; I'm confusing myself...

Ryozo: ...

Mutsuki: Haven't seen you in a while...what you up to?

Ryozo: Well-

Sae: O.O YOU WHAT?!?!

Yae: Heheheh...

Sae: While Itsuki and I fucking hanged ourselves in misery and pain, after I was thrown down to that fucking Hellish Abyss and climbed out of that DEEP ASS PERFECTLY SQUARE HOLE and killed everyone with the Kusabi while waiting for your sorry ass, you got laid with MUNAKATA?!?!?!?! And on top of that, you had a child and you killed yourself? I waited for you for nothing?!?! HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?!

Yae: I lost my memory! I couldn't help it!

Sae: Couldn't HELP it? It was me who slipped and fell down that fucking cliff! I SCREAMED my little lungs out for PETE'S SAKE! Are you deaf?!?! What did you do? Run into a stupid tree?

Yae: Well...


Yae: [skipping] Tralalala I'm OUT of this town! I can't wait to go to Hollywood and become an award winning movie star! [does a model pose] Hey Sae? [turns back to see Sae]

Sae: [waaaaaaaaay down the cliff] $%&%&$)&)!! Someone help me damn it!!!

Yae: ......Sae? Oh well...[skips along with a dead flower in her hair] Tralalalalalalalalalalal-[runs into a tree] OoOooooo...shiny stars.... Aww...I need to pee....aaahhh...never mind... It feels warm....

[Flashback ends]

Yae: ...err...I didn't run into a tree....

Sae: It's time for you to DIE a second DEATH! [Insert her crazy laugh and her Bloody Mist thing]

Everyone: [gasp] O.O

Mio: Oh fiddlesticks! Not that fucking mist again! That shit smell like my grandma...

Mayu: o.O;;

Sae's Bloody Mist: [mixes with the fog]

Itsuki: o.O It's turning pink!

Mutsuki: What the fuck?

Mafuyu: PINK-err...I mean, ew

Miku: =.=

Sae: Damn it! My mist is turning pink because of this damn white fog!

Kirie: [sniffs] Oh shit, that crap smells just like a road kill!

Chitose: It smells like Mutsuki and Itsuki's room...x.X

Itsuki and Mutsuki: =.= Shut it imooto-chan

Chitose: But it's true!

Mio: I have to agree on that...

Ryozo: Hmm? [sees a piece of paper on the ground] Hey! I found a map to Silent Hill!

Itsuki: o.O

Mafuyu: Good! Now we can take shelter or something!

KBM: [pops out of nowhere] Hiya!

Yae: O.o; What are you doing here?

Miku: Yea...I thought you left

KBM: Well...I came back so I could do this! [glomps Mutsuki]

Mutsuki: OO;;;


Mutsuki: O.O...I have a fan girl?

Itsuki: Wow...that's amazing...O.O

Mio: True...since Masumi or whatever his name was dead ugly and being slashed to death didn't really help jack squat and you were the only thing-

Itsuki: Thing? -.-#

Mio: -closest to a "man," you became hella popular. It's all because of your white hair as well. Since so many fan girls LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE white haired bishonen

Miku: Like Riku from Kingdom Hearts

Mayu: Sephy! [starry eyes]

Mafuyu: Muraki from Yami No Matsuei! HOTNESS!

Everyone else: o.O;;; WTF?

Mio: Isn't that show shonen ai hinted? o.O;

Mayu: That's Hana to Yume for you...

Mafuyu: Err...I mean...Aeris from Final Fantasy 7 is hot? [nervous sweat drops]

Kirie: She looked like she got a boob job in Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children...

Yae: Why didn't I get a boob job in Fatal Frame 2? -.-

Ryozo: Yea! Why didn't she? [murmurs] She seriously needed some...=.=

Mio: Anyways, as I were saying, without your white hair, you're butt ugly!

Itsuki: That's not true!

Mutsuki: Yea! That's not true! He may be fatter than me, but that doesn't mean he's ugly!

Itsuki: You're not helping onii-sama....=.=

Ryozo: Onii-sama? That's gonna boost all those twincest fan girls' twisted minds...

Random Twincest Fangirls: [squeals]

Chitose: o.O;

KBM: [still "handshaking" Mutsuki]

Mutsuki: I can't feel my arms no more...T-T [looking at KBM's hands] O.O What's that brown stuff stuck on your finger nails?

KBM: [lets go of Mutsuki's hands]

Mutsuki: My arrrrrrrms...freedom!!

KBM: [Looking at her fingernails] [sniff] Hmm...[sucking on her finger along with the brown stuff]

Everyone: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww

KBM: It taste like blood...-.- Funny...it doesn't taste like my blood and it's too brown to be my blood since my blood's bright red...and I can't remember where I got it from...[disappears again]

Everyone: O.O;

Yae: What the hell is WRONG with that CHILD?

Sae: =.= At least I know where the blood on my kimono came from...

Chitose: I'm hungry!

Miku: I'm hungry too

Mayu: I'm also hungry, too, dears

Chitose and Miku: Why are you calling us "dears" =.=;

Mayu: Because the two of you are just so CUTE together!

Chitose and Miku: [gasp] Yuri lover! O.O

Mayu: Actually, I'm more into yaoi...yummy...

Mio: O.O Stay the fuck AWAY from meh! [runs away and hides behind Yae]

Sae: What's wrong with yuri? I like it

Mayu: Yea! What's wrong with it?

Itsuki and Mutsuki and Ryozo: Nothing's wrong with wonderful yuri! [big ass smiles]

Females: Men...

Kirie: Speaking of "men" [looks at Mafuyu] How about you honey chunks?

Miku: Honey chunks? WTF?

Mafuyu: Huh? [was reading a ItsukixMutsuki doujinshi]

Itsuki and Mutsuki: O.O [walking slowly away from Mafuyu] Oh my GOD...Where the hell did you get that...that...THING from?

Mafuyu: Why do you wanna know? [winks]

Mutsuki: Aaaaaaaah! Some gay fruit winked at meh!

Itsuki: Someone gauge out my poor eyes!! X.X

Miku: =.= Try living with him...I don't know WHY I even put up with all this...

Ryozo: He brings home the bling bling sista

Yae: That's fo' sho' my bradda!

Kirie: o.O; What are you people on?

Miku: True...I guess that's the only reason...and also free doujinshis which my brother "happily" pays for...heheheheheh...

Sae: true that

Mio: What the hell is WRONG with you people?!?!

Mutsuki: Hey, you're gonna crack too sooner or later...=.=

Ryozo: Anyway, where should we go? The map says we're at a Flower Shop on Sanders Street

Chitose: The map "says"? I never knew maps can talk...o.O

Mio: They don't...unless you watch Dora the Explorer

Ryozo and Yae: [sings] Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora, Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora, Dora the Explorer!

Mafuyu: Oh wow...even I don't watch that gay ass mother fucking show and here we have, my ancestors, singing the damn theme song...

Miku: True that

Itsuki: True that...wait a sec, I'm not related to you people! Forget what I said

Ryozo: As I were saying until I was "rudely" interrupted, where shall we go?

Sae: Well, in Silent Hill 2, James the Ugly Wife Killer From the Sewage went to the Vachss Road to get a Wooden Plank and a Radio

Miku: Rajiotaiso!

Mayu: Don't even mention that WORD!

Mio: Yea! [hissss]

Mafuyu: Every FUCKING day at school...you have to do that crap...thank GOD I graduated

Miku: Agreed

Mio and Mayu: We still go to school...T-T

Yae: I say we just go get those items...who knows, maybe we can sell it

Itsuki: Yayness!

Mutsuki: Itsuki...what the hell did you eat this morning because I think there was something WRONG with it...

Itsuki: I was dead this morning

Mutsuki: Okay...what did you eat when you were still alive?

Itsuki: Hmm...I can't remember...

Chitose: I remember what you ate...you ate Yae and Sae's, the late Kiryu twin's AND my Hinaningyo dolls out of depression of killing your own flesh and blood!

Mutsuki: o.O;

Itsuki: Oh yea...

Mutsuki: Why am I sane in this fic? In almost all the other fics I'm in, I'm insane, do drugs and talk like a gay mofo slash a South African

Kirie: The authoress likes you...maybe that's why?

Mutsuki: Then why am I here suffering? Wouldn't she want me to be happy?


Chitose: Itsuki! I'm scared! T-T

Mutsuki: So in other words, she's gonna make me suffer by forcing me to stay sane even if everyone else does not...great...

[Vachss Road]

Kirie: What's all that fucking noise?

Ryozo: Hmm...

Mio: It sounds like there's some monster near us or something...

Sae: It must be the Radio that's making all this noise...

Chitose: So annoying...

Itsuki: You nagging all the time is more annoying Chitose...

Chitose: ;-; meanie

Mafuyu: It's coming from the barricade...who wants to go in there and check?

Everyone: You

Mafuyu: o.O WHAT?! I ain't going in there you fools!

Kirie: Save us my love! [starry eyes]

Miku: Be a man bro!

Yae: You suggested it

Mafuyu: But what about you people?!?! [points to Ryozo and Tachibana twins]

Ryozo: I have a poor back and I'm not as young as you

Itsuki: And we're still teens

Mutsuki: You're not cowardly enough to send children in there...would you?

Mafuyu: Actually, I would [kicks Itsuki into the barricade]

Chitose: Oh my God! You killed Itsuki! O.O

Mutsuki: You bastard!

Sae: Wrong show people...=.=

Kirie: I love my men cowardly and weak! That way, I can be on the TOP!


Mutsuki: [sniff] My poor otooto-chan...died of young age...again [sniff]

Chitose: T-T Onii-chan!!

Sae: Is it my fault? Did I do something wrong again? T-T

Itsuki: [from the barricade] I'm still alive people! [Final Fantasy X battle music starts out of nowhere in the background] What in the mooing cows is that? O.o;;

Patient Demon: Grrrrrrr...hisss...hey, you're cute! Come here and let me grab your cute lil' ass!

Itsuki: O.O OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!! [grabs the wooden plank on the ground] GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT! AAAAAAAHH!! [beats the living day lights off of the monster repeatedly] Ayeeeeeeeeeeeee! Onii-sama! Help me! [rocking back and forth in a corner]

Monster: [dead and barely recognizable]

Mutsuki: Err...

Miku: Forcing a child to do such a thing...tsk tsk tsk...shame on you brother!

Mafuyu: You want free doujinshis or not? =.=

[3 Hours later after "calming" Itsuki down]

Ryozo: Well, thank GOD that's over with...

Itsuki: depressed

Mutsuki: [pats Itsuki] -.-;

Chitose: [hugging Itsuki]

Kirie: We don't know where the hell we're supposed to go since the only person who knows about this game is...mentally challenged-

Sae: [Insert her...err...yea...]

Everyone else: [covering their ears] Make her STOP! My poor ear drums!

Kirie: I say we go to Saul Street since I like the sound of Saul...

Mio: That's a gay reason but what the hell

Mayu: =.= My knee huts...

Yae: Huts? You means hurts right?

Mayu: Same difference!

[Lindsey Street]

Patient Demons: Hissssssssssssss

Itsuki: Noooo! There's more of those crap!

Patient Demon (PD) 1: Dude, you're hurting our feelings

PD2: Yeah...we may be monsters from the deepest depth of hell but we have feelings too you know! [sniff]

PD3: It's always the same! They judge us from our looks, not our inner selves!

PD1: Preach it brother!

PD4: We love trees, we love the birds and fellow animal creatures! We mean no violence!

PD3: Yes, indeed

PD2: All we want are some friends who's willing to go to the Lovely Hippy Convention with us at the Rosewater Park!

PD5: Yes, that is the tru-hey...where did they go?

Fatal Frame PPL: running for their lives

PD1: Sweet dancing dung beetles! They left us!

PD4: Just like James...[sad]

PD2: Let us follow our fellow brothers and sisters and save their polluted minds and renew their souls with the ever-so-wonderful mother nature and all it's sweet glory!

PD3: Like, peace with that dude

PD5: It's a mission!

[all the Patient Demons hums the Mission Impossible theme song while attempting to act like some spies or secret agents]

Random Announcer Guy (RAG): Will Itsuki be saved from the perverted monsters? Will Mafuyu ever be a man? Are our heroes safe from all these madness? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba-[gets hit by KBM's One Piece plushie]

KBM: Go away you motha fucking gay lord!

RAG: [sniff] But it's my job...

KBM: ...[clicks a button]

Falling Woman: [falls on RAG] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

RAG: x.X

KBM: Heheheh...RAG...rag? Mind as well call you a hobo! Anyways, please review! Gifts for the Fatal Frame characters are welcome! Like, a tutu for Mafuyu, a condom for Sae or even a bottle cap or half a sock is welcome! But only one gift per character please! And no flames please! Well...I think I'm gonna get at least more than one since I bashed just about everyone here...sort of...here's a little teaser on what's going to happen next chapter!

[Preview...sort of...-.-;;]

Yae: What's going-oh my GOD! OO MY VIRGIN EYES! MY POOR VIRGIN EYES! [runs around screaming bloody murder]

What happened to Yae? What did she see?

Sae: Err...Chitose, are you okay?

Chitose: O.O

Is Chitose really okay?

Sae: [dreamy sigh] They're so cute together!

What IS Sae talking about?

Itsuki: O.O Oh...my...GOD! You raped me! You fucking raped me didn't you?!?!?!?!

What in fucking hell?

Mutsuki: [rolled into a little ball] [rocking back and forth in a dark corner] This is a lie....this is a lie...a nightmare...[mumbles incoherent stuff]

Has Mutsuki gone mad? Why is he in denial of reality?

Tachibana Twins: ......

Sae: Heheheheheheh...

Find out on the next chapter!

KBM: Remember to send some gift to the characters! That's where I get some of the ideas for the ficcei anyway...and make it interesting gifties please! Love you all!

RAG: No you don't

KBM: ...fine...I love you all who actually LAUGHED at this fic and reviewed!

RAG: Good...muwahahahahahahah [gets hit by a giant cow plushy] OW!

KBM: Fufufufufufufufufu...