Well, I'm in a good mood. I already got two reviews, so I'm going to start the prologue to the story. That other thing was the prologue to the fanfiction.

A young boy was crouched in the shadows, waiting. He could have been human. But he was not. An almost tangible aura of menace surrounded him. He was cold and tired. But he sat, waiting for his prey to come. Jackbots hid beside him maintaining absolute silence only because they feared him.

The forest was dense and thick with growth. It was virtually impossible to see through the pitch black night. A twig cracked in the distance. They were coming. He silently signaled to the Jackbots, who prepared for battle.

He drew a long sword with a scratch running down the blade. A Jackbot rose, the underbrush rustling.

"Down, fool!" the boy hissed. But it was too late. When the Jackbot turned to face his master, there was an arrow protruding from his head.

Several white horses emerged from the darkness. There was an elf maiden flanked by several guards.

The boy wrenched the head off the fallen Jackbot and threw it into the clearing. There was a loud clanging sound as it struck the ground, and the horses backed up, startled. This was all the distraction they needed, and the Jackbots jumped out to attack.

A Jackbot sliced at a horse, severing its leg from its body. It reared up in pain and surprise, and its rider was thrown off. Another Jackbot sliced the horse neatly in half. The guard who had been riding the horse ripped off the Jackbot's arm, and sliced it half just like the Jackbot had done to his horse. He grabbed the other Bot and threw it to the ground.

The boy was disgusted by the display of weakness by the Bots. He decided to step in. He drove his sword through the guard's skull, yanked it out, and destroyed one of the Bots.

The battle was over a few minutes later as he hacked apart the last guard. He had destroyed most of the Jackbots himself. The mangled corpses of the guards were nearby.

He saw the elf maiden riding off in the darkness. She was hoping to lose him in the forest, but that would not happen.

"Ferrelen!" he shouted. A path of fire raced from his had to a nearby tree. He soon had caught a large part of the forest on fire. He ran directly in to the fire and it extinguished in front of him, though he allowed most of the fire to burn.

He almost had caught up with the elf when he saw a flash of light. He cursed under his breath as he ran forward. He sent a blast of light at the horse and it slumped to the ground, dead. The elf fell and the impact knocked her unconscious. He grabbed the bag she had been carrying, only to find it empty. He was about to kill the elf, but decided that she might prove useful.

He grabbed the elf and they disappeared in a flash of light.

"So how was my acting?"

"Excellent. Readers will notice that this story is not exactly the same as Eragon, but the plot is the same. Well there you go. Another chapter, though it is short."