Raimundo was relaxing outside the Temple when a guy with white hair and dog ears walked up.

"Are you Raimundo?" he asked.

"Yeah. Are you Inu Yasha?"

"No! How could you mistake me, Yoko Kurama, for Inu Yasha. He is a clumsy, foolish dog demon, while I am a graceful, wise, fox demon!"

"Oh, my mistake." said Rai sarcastically. "So what brings you here?"

"Nothing. I'm just here to make snide remarks and petty observations."

"Concerning what, dare I ask?"

"Your acting skills! You have been chosen for the part of Eragon in Storm Sword's latest story. Now I must find someone to play the part of the elf maiden and dragon egg courier, Arya."

"I know who would probably be good for the part."

"Then tell me their name and I shall tear the world apart to find them if I have to!"

"Yeah… Uh huh…" Oo "Hey Kimiko! Yoko Kurama wants to see you."

Kimiko screamed like a crazed fan girl and rushed out. "Wowhiareyoureallyyokokuramacauseyoulookmorelikeinuyashabutinuyashadoesnthaveatailandyoudosoyoumustbeyokoandthatssoawesomebecauseyourmyfavoriteanimecharacterand…" she passed out.

"I should transform before she wakes up." He transformed. "Hi! It is I, Storm Sword! I am here to find people to play the parts of the characters in Eragon. And I know who would be good for the part of… I still have a tail, don't I?"

Kimiko randomly got up. "Hey! You aren't Yoko Kurama! I'm going to-." I held up a script and indicated her part in the fanfiction. "Not do anything." she finished.

"Good. Now go get me Jack and Katnappe." I said. "I think I have parts for them."

She was about to protest when I held up the script again. She left to Jack's mansion and wherever Katnappe lives.

"So what's in that script anyway?" asked Raimundo. I handed it to him and he started to read.

"Read while we ride. Someone go get Clay so we can go to Texas." Dojo got Clay and we got on.

"So I ride a dragon in this story? But the dragon's name is Saphira. That sounds like… NO! No Way! I'm not going anywhere near it!"

"Not it. Her." I corrected.

"The Sapphire Dragon is female!?" everyone half shouted. I nodded.

"We're here." said Dojo, landing. "Why did we come here anyway?"

"I'll tell you in a second. So anyway, Clay, you play the part of Murtagh."



"Well, we came for two reasons. We need horses, and we need someone to play the part of Morzan. And SPOILER COMING UP! DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ ERAGON!

Morzan is Murtagh's father. So naturally, we would have Clay's dad play the part."

Clay hopped off Dojo. "Hey Daddy!" he shouted.

"Howdy Clay. Nice to see you again. I see you brought some friends. I don't recognize that boy, so he must be one of those 'authors'. So what brings you here anyway?"

"Hello Mr. Bailey. I am indeed an author who goes by the name Storm Sword. I seek you for a part in my latest story. And I also request three fine horses that are fast and strong."

"Okay. I'll come, and I'll let you have the horses, but tell me, how do you plan to get the horses to the Temple?"

I hope I have mystic author powers. I thought. "We'll fly. What else?" We lifted off the ground and zoomed off to the Xiaolin Temple. During this entire time, Raimundo had not looked up from the script.

We returned to find Jack and Ashley standing there. "Jack, you are Durza, the Shade. Katnappe, you are Angela, the fortuneteller. In case your wondering, I picked you because Angela has a cat. The part of Solombum the Werecat will be played by Omi. Chameleon-Bot will play Ajihad, while Rya will play the part of Ajihad's daughter, whose name escapes me. Master Fung will be Brom, and there are a few other characters I haven't mentioned. I play Roran in this story. If I make a parody of Eldest, Roran will be played by Jack. Now, for the Disclaimer."

"If I owned Eragon or XS, I wouldn't be writing this story."

"And now our story begins…"

That's Chapter one. Please review!