Chapter 21: Mr Snape

It was actually quite a time before Rosie finally managed to send her letter to Maximus Snape. A sudden discovery of a past affair that some decrepit Minister had had some years previous, meant that Rosie's job in the Ministry Press Office was taken up by covering all the stories that went out of the building, and making sure that no Ministry members were caught passing indecent information. It wasn't a job that Rosie particularly relished; the whole environment of the Ministry was dull – at least where she worked it was. Her job was taken up by monitoring the press and checking what was going on. It didn't help that she loathed the current government, and had to keep a professional persona about her. The only thing that made her more faithful to her employers, was the fact that her position within the Order meant that she was continually looking for signs that workers had been duped by Voldemort.

It was after a few weeks of careful research and monitoring within the Ministry that Rosie finally found the time to sit at her kitchen table and pen a letter to Maximus. She had also arranged for her friend Alina to come and visit her in a few days time. Rosie was looking forward to the meeting; she hadn't seen Alina in what seemed like an age and she was keen for her friend to see the house.

As Rosie finished her breakfast she reached across the table and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill pen. She sat with the pen hovering above the parchment wondering how on Earth she should begin her letter. She didn't know what Maximus Snape was like at all. Severus clearly loathed him so Rosie thought that maybe a formal letter would be appropriate.

She dipped the quill in the ink and began to write.

Dear Mr. Snape,

My name is Rosie Watermouth, and I am your son Severus' partner. We have been living together for a few months now and I am curious to meet his father. I would be very much obliged if you would accept an invite to our house next week. I am fairly free that week so if you could let me know when you could pay me a visit I would be grateful. Severus will not be around for the coming term as he is a teacher at Hogwarts.

I hope that you are well and look forward to seeing you soon,

Yours truly,

Rosie Watermouth.

Rosie lent back in her seat and absently scratched herself on the chin with the end of her quill. The letter seemed adequate; it wasn't rude or demanding. She couldn't see how Maximus could possibly be offended by what she had written. This analysis made she sent the letter off with a post office owl (Severus' bird had gone with him to Hogwarts). Now all Rosie had to do was to wait for a reply.

Two days later Rosie received an owl back. It was, Rosie assumed, from Mr. Snape. The writing was unfamiliar and the owl was the same one that she had used. Rosie unfolded the parchment and read his letter.

Dear Ms. Watermouth,

I must say that I am very curious to know what woman has put up with Severus for many months. I am interested to meet you. I assume that Severus has informed you of our past history – maybe you wondered why we hadn't spoken for almost twenty years? I cannot say that I particularly desire to be reacquainted with him but I am certainly desirous to meet you.

I am afraid that I am busy the next week and will not be able to come to your house. However this week will suffice. I can come on Thursday at ten am.

I look forward to our meeting,

Yours truly,

Maximus Snape.

Well, thought Rosie, if her letter wasn't demanding his certainly was. She thought for a while; Alina was arriving at twelve on the Thursday. However, Maximus wanted to come at ten in the morning, if all went well he would be gone by the time Alina arrived – and he couldn't hold it against her if she had a social life. Rosie didn't really want to tell him that she couldn't make this week, she just had a feeling that he would not be particularly impressed, so Rosie replied to his letter informing him that he could come on that day and also telling him that she had a friend coming round later that afternoon. She hoped that Maximus would find this acceptable. Now all she had to do, with some trepidation, was to wait for Mr. Snape to arrive.

On Thursday morning Rosie was prepared. She had cleaned the house from top to bottom, had got everything in the kitchen organised so that she didn't look like a fool trying vainly to search for the teabags and she had shut the cats out in the garden.

Rosie had also decided to write to Severus to let her know what was going on with respects to Maximus. She reread the letter quickly before sending it with an owl to Severus. It read:

Dear Severus,

How is the school term going? Thankfully, the end is in sight, only a few more weeks to go! I am missing you, the house is slightly untidy and I can't be bothered to clean the bathroom – come home this instant! Although I am dearly in need of a certain Severus Snape I am making myself acquainted with other infamous Snapes – namely one Maximus.

I have invited him round to our house this Thursday. I thought that I had better tell you so that you knew what was going on. Alina's also popping round afterwards – don't worry, it will all be fine!

Hope you are having a jolly old time,

Love you far too much,



Rosie now had to wait an hour for the dreaded ten o'clock.

At half past eleven there was a knock at the door. About time too, Rosie thought; he was over an hour late! Rosie got to her feet and made her way out into the hallway. She could see a figure silhouetted against the glass. She knew that it must be Maximus (though she had never even seen him before); she recognised the hooked nose.

Rosie put her hand on the handle and wrenched open the door coming face to face with Maximus.

He was a tall man, taller than Severus and broader, though there was a definite family resemblance. Maximus had a haughty expression and he was looking at Rosie down his hooked nose. He had piercing eyes and brown hair, though it was still very dark. The one difference – apart from his build – to Severus was that he had thick, wavy brown hair. It was long, coming down to below his ears. The waviness of it was tamed down somewhat so that it looked very neat. Maximus was a handsome man, Rosie decided. More conventionally good looking that her own beloved Severus, but not quite as appealing somehow.

"Hello," Rosie said holding out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Rosie. You must be Maximus? Do come in."

He shook her hand briefly and nodded, bending his head slightly as he walked through the door. "Good morning," he said to her. His voice was of a similar pitch to Severus' though he voice was harsher, more grating and definitely less silky. "Where do I hang my cloak?" he asked, holding out his black travelling cloak to Rosie.

She smiled and hung it up on one of the pegs. "Right," she said. "Come into the kitchen. I put on some tea for us. You do drink tea?"

"Yes. White, no sugar."

He followed her into the kitchen and seated himself at the head of the table. Rosie smiled inwardly and set about making the tea. After she had made two mugs she sat down near to him and shunted the cup towards him.

"Thank you," he said taking a sip from it.

There was a moment of silence and then Maximus asked, "Why did you want me here?"

"I wanted to meet you," Rosie replied. "I don't really know very much about you. Severus doesn't talk about his past to me in that great a detail. I wanted to know what you were like."

"I see," he said taking another sip from his cup. "And what do you think of me?"

"I don't know you at all," said Rosie, shrugging.

"First impressions," he persisted. "What do you think of me?"

"Er," said Rosie, she thought that he was being a bit demanding. "As I said I don't really know you. You seem all right."

He sneered. "Indeed."

"What about me?"

"I confess that I know nothing about you either," he replied.

"Yes but first-" Rosie began to tease but was cut off by Maximus. He was looking over at the kitchen counter, apparently eyeing up the bottle of wine on the worktop.

He got to his feet and moved towards it. Rosie watched his movements. He was nothing like Severus, whose jerky walk was somehow elegant; Maximus on the other hand was a confident walker. His presence was not like Severus', which was just that – a presence. Maximus' was an overpowering one, he demanded to be noticed; he positively oozed arrogance. He picked up the bottle and examined it closely.

"Red wine," he said. "I didn't know that my son approved of drinking."

Rosie realised that he was referring to Severus' hatred of his father's drunkenness. She didn't know how to reply and so kept her mouth shut. He shook the bottle and Rosie felt that she had to say,

"It's empty I'm afraid. We drank it the other night."

He said nothing and set the bottle down again. Rosie got up as well and moved round table to stand near the counter facing Maximus. "So, as I was saying," she said, feeling that it would be best to steer the conversation away from anything controversial, "what do you think of me? First impressions?"

"You seem cheerful enough, though I will have to say again that I know nothing of you. I could not find your name on any list that I checked."

Rosie was baffled. "On any list? What list?"

"On any list of Wizarding families. Your name – Watermouth was it? – was not there."

"What kind of list did you look on?" asked Rosie.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, we're not really a Wizarding family. If you checked purebloods only then I doubt that we would be on there."

"I beg your pardon?" he asked; his eyes were slightly wider than they had been and Rosie noticed with some trepidation that he seemed angry. Maybe Severus had been right.

"Well, we're not a Wizarding family. I am a witch of course but my parents were Muggles. I'm Muggle born." Rosie realised that Maximus seemed even more outraged and was slightly off put by it. She also noticed a stray used teabag on the counter. She picked it up and turned round to put it in the bin – wanting any excuse not to look into that angry face.

"Don't turn away from me!" he cried and Rosie turned around with a sudden fear; Maximus looked beyond livid. "You are no witch! You do not deserve the luxury of being involved with our world!"

Rosie backed away, feeling that any objection that she voiced towards his previous comment would not be wise.

"Are you going to answer me?"

There was no question, Rosie thought desperately. She eyed the glass bottle that Maximus was still holding and swallowed nervously. "Mr Snape – just – it doesn't matter – please, just put the bottle down, will you?" She didn't know what she was saying; all she knew was that she didn't want him in her house anymore.

Maximus took a predatory step towards her. "Excuse me? Ordering me about in some high-and-mighty fashion-"

"I didn't mean to – I can see you're not happy about me being-"

"Do not interrupt me," he hissed dangerously, laying the bottle on the tabletop.

Maximus seemed incredibly angry, but at that moment something inside Rosie snapped. How dare he come in here and insult her like this, terrify her like this? He had no right to. "Do not patronise me!" she shrieked, not entirely sure why she had reacted the way she just had. "I'm not going to – to take any rubbish from you!" she bellowed though she could feel her hands shaking and her legs turning to jelly. "Just because I'm not from some racist pureblood hierarchy does not give me any less right to be in love with your son!"

"Insolent bitch," he shouted and lunged for her.

"Get off me!" she cried, trying to break out of his firm grip. They struggled, Rosie desperately trying to get him off her. She wasn't aware of having her eyes open, of seeing anything, all she knew was that she needed to break free from him. What happened next, she didn't care too much about, she just had to get away.

Rosie ripped herself from his grasp, but Maximus once again lunged and knocked her to the floor. Rosie screamed, but Maximus was soon grappling her to the floor. Oh, good God, Rosie mentally screamed. What the hell is going to happen to me?

But then, someone echoed the words that she had just thought, "What the hell-" she heard a small female voice saying, "What the – get off her!" There was a flash of light and Maximus hurtled back off Rosie, smashing into the kitchen table. "GET UP!" the voice screamed, and Rosie saw that Alina was standing in her doorway, wand in her hand, looking horrified at the situation she had found her friend in.

"Who do you think you are?" Maximus bellowed.

Oh God, thank the Lord that you were coming round Alina!

"Someone a lot more intelligent than you," bellowed Alina. "I certainly wouldn't still be here when an Auror had their wand pointed in my face! Get out of the house!" Maximus paled dramatically and rushed towards the door, however suddenly he wrenched Rosie from the floor and held her towards him. Rosie whimpered but Alina shouted, "Leave her, you bastard. Leave!"

"Insolent bitch!" he hissed before throwing her back against the kitchen cabinets. She smacked her head as she fell and gave up on her consciousness. Rosie's world dimmed around her.

"Rosie?" called a voice. "Rosie?" She opened her eyes and blinked. Rosie was lying on her sofa in the front room, a blanket covering her and a mug of hot chocolate on the floor beside her. Alina's face was hovering above her own, looking down at her with the deepest of concern in her eyes.

"He went – I'm sorry," she added, "I let him go. I could've stopped him but – you seemed more important." Rosie half-smiled. "I thought that you must have known him, though."


Alina tapped her flat nose knowingly, referring to her Auror training. "He was in your kitchen – you let him in. Besides, he looks like Severus. He's his father, isn't he?"

Rosie sobbed and Alina looked somewhat tense. "You're bloody well right, as usual!" Rosie wailed. "His name's Maximus Snape. Severus told me not to find him, he warned me that he was a nasty piece of work – but I didn't listen, I wanted him to have a family."

"I'm sorry, Rosie, I don't really know what you're talking about!" Alina confessed lightly.

"I just," she sat up slightly and the world spun ever so slightly, she steadied herself and continued. "Oh my God," Rosie moaned and closed her eyes. She felt Alina grab hold of her arms and shoulders to steady her and she sank back onto the pillows.

"You okay?" Alina asked.

"Fine," Rosie said dismissively. She sighed and said slowly, "Severus said that he hadn't spoken to his father in a while, so I thought that it would be – I don't know," Rosie blushed, feeling immensely stupid. "I thought that I could build a bridge between them." Rosie laughed bitterly. "What a complete fucking fool I've been." Alina seemed shocked, and knew that Rosie was deeply traumatised. It wasn't in her nature to be self-deprecating and downcast unless something had really gone badly astray.

"Don't blame yourself. Severus should have damn well told you what he was like!"

"He did!" wailed Rosie. "For God's sake, Alina, don't blame him." And she seemed genuinely angry. "Don't you dare blame him – this was my doing." Her head began to pound furiously and she put a hand for her forehead in an attempt to numb the pain.

"Do you want him to be here?" asked Alina.


"Your darling Severus, of course," sneered Alina.

Rosie's head snapped up to look angrily at Alina. "What was that all about, eh?"

"Nothing," replied Alina quietly, looking as though she was fighting with herself about whether to speak her mind. Suddenly she spoke again. " It's – I'm just concerned for you, Rosie!" cried Alina, gesticulating with her hands. "Ever since you've been with him, there's been nothing but trouble!"

"Don't talk bollocks! You know that's not true! He's given me the most happiness I've had in years!"

"Stop fooling yourself, Rosie! Your perfect boyfriend was a murder – he killed lots and lots of people! Does that mean nothing? And then, wonderful boyfriend's father tries to – I don't know what he was about to do to you, when I came in!"

"Nothing, Alina, he was just trying to kill me!" cried Rosie with a kind of hysterical sarcasm, sitting up rigidly in her seat and glaring at Alina. "And may I remind you that it was you who encouraged me to go back – you acted like there was nothing wrong with him being a Death Eater!"

"Well, I wouldn't have personally dated-"

"Oh, but it's fine for me? What a great friend you are!" screamed Rosie, crying again.

Alina sighed, "I didn't mean that," she muttered softly. "You know I didn't. I think that you and Severus make a wonderful couple, I really do. I just don't like seeing you hurt – at all. He hurt you – Maximus, I mean. Look, do you even know why Severus left the Death Eaters yet?"

"Yes, I do," said Rosie, feeling incredibly miserable.


"And it's got nothing to do with you," Rosie snapped. "I'm not going to tell you."

"I can tell from that answer that you don't know why you're still with him-"

"Because I'm in love with him, Alina." Alina stopped dead. "I've never ever felt this way about someone before."

Alina looked stunned. "He means that much?"

"And more," Rosie nodded, putting her face in her hands and closing her eyes. Her headache was becoming unbearable. "It wasn't his fault. I don't know whether he even knows that Maximus was coming. I sent him a letter, but it might not have got there yet." She felt the pain in her head again and leant back onto the pillows that Alina had provided.

"How do I contact Severus?" Alina stood up.

"Use the Floo. He's at Hogwarts, Potions Office."

"I'll get him," mumbled Alina, moving towards the flames. "You try and rest. I've done some temporary warding – no one will be able to get in that you don't want in."

"Thanks," said Rosie as she drifted off to sleep again.

Severus stepped through the grate, followed a few minutes later by Alina, who had agreed to talk to Minerva about the situation whilst Severus tended to Rosie. Severus himself felt sick to the stomach. Rosie had been attacked whilst he had been away and he had not been able to help her. What a useless cretin he felt. His hands shook ever so slightly as he supported himself as he made his way out of the fireplace.

Rosie was on the sofa opposite the fire, apparently fast asleep. Severus regarded her for a few moments before he swept over to the other side of the room and sat next to her on the cushions. He looked down at her peaceful face and swept some hair back off it. Severus held back a gasp as he looked at the large bruise on the side of her face. It reminded him so much of the kind of marks that Maximus had inflicted on Edith. How he loathed to see Rosie in such a state. How he loathed the person who had done this to her.

Rosie stirred in her sleep and blinked, looking blearily up at him. Her mouth curved into a soft, gracious smile, which he found hard to return.

"You're here," she said quietly, her hand going and resting on his knee gently.

"I'm here," he affirmed. "What in God's name happened?"

At that moment Alina walked through the fireplace, looking at the couple on the sofa. She tried her best not to look too harshly on Severus, but it was clear that the horror at what had happened to Rosie meant that she was still slightly angry with Severus.

"Would you like a tea?" she asked Severus.

"Yes, thank you, I'll stay here," he said and Alina swept into the kitchen.

"What happened?" he asked again, more sternly this time.

"Oh, Severus," she said, stretching. "I don't want to talk about this now." She really didn't want to mention that Severus' father had attacked her; she knew that Severus would not be impressed with either of them.

"Well I do," he said. "What happened? Do not brush this off," he added almost dangerously.

"Nothing happened that I can't tell you when I've rested – when I've got rid of this damn headache."

"Headache? Since when have you had that?" he asked, sounding more and more like a disciplinarian teacher than her passionate, insecure lover.

"Will you stop being so serious, I'm fine."

"Rosie, will you please be sensible. Alina told me what happened," Rosie's stomach lurched. "I want to know who did this to you, but that can wait," Rosie silently sighed with relief. Thank God Alina had the intelligence to withhold that little gem of information. "Were you hit around the head?"

"Yes," said Rosie. "But I-"

Severus stood up. "I think that we should go to St Mungo's."

"St Mungo's?" cried Rosie, sitting up sharply and wincing. "Why on Earth do I need to go there?"

"You might have concussion – I am not taking that risk with you. I want to see that you are all right."

"Will you stop acting like an overbearing parent for one second? I am fine! Read my lips: I. Am. Fine!"

"Read my fucking lips: You will be fine when the Healer's say that you are," replied Severus, using an uncharacteristic expletive and folding his arms, looking decidedly dark.

"Don't be so bloody patronising!" Rosie stood up and winced again. She hadn't realised how bruised she was. Looking down she saw the marks on her arms where Maximus had held on to her.

"For God's sake, Rosie! Stop being so foolish! I'm not being overbearing; I merely want the Healer's to check whether you are completely well or not! You might feel perfectly all right at the moment, but I want to make sure that you are!"

"I don't feel fine, Severus!" shouted Rosie. "I feel bloody awful, but I'm not about to discuss that with you, Alina or any under-qualified Healer! Do you hear me?"

"This is not topic for debate!" he shrieked. "I will not see you risk your health because of – what, exactly?"


"Rosie, I think that Severus is right," said Alina. She had just appeared in the doorway. "You really should get yourself checked out, if only just to make sure."

Severus gave Rosie a smug look, which infuriated Rosie no end. "Fine!" she cried dramatically. "Fine! We will go to the Healer's who will tell me to stop wasting their time! That is absolutely fine by me." Rosie made to walk stubbornly from the room but fell sideways as the pain in her head gave a large stab, which obscured her vision.

"I'm glad to hear that, Rosie," Severus muttered silkily into her ear as he caught her, "because it seems that your body is, indeed, totally fine, as well as your infinitely varied vocabulary." Alina walked out into the hall to wait for them, apparently trying to miss the argument between the pair of them.

"I don't know why you are behaving like this," intoned Severus as they made their way to St Mungo's, "but it is achieving nothing."

Oh, if only you knew, Severus, Rosie silently moaned.

A/N : I enjoyed writing the chapter, but I'm always concerned as to how such plot lines are going to be received. Please, feel free to let me know!