insert usual disclaimer. lets see here..I'll tell you what happened and you'll understand this chapter better.
Trunks had went back to his time, after he meet everyone, Goku had cae back two days after we had our talk.
8 months had passed and it is now summer brake. Me and Vegeta had our fights during that 8 month time period, but that just made us closer in a way, I'm glad we have our fights
chapter twenty eight
Come on Devon! I called as we raced to my house, it is now summer vacation and we planned on going swimming. Juno, me and Devon are going to the beach at 4, and its 3:00 right now.
I'm coming! Why do you run so damn fast? she said, huffing as we stopped at my front door. I smiled, opening the door.
I don't know I said, we walked up stairs. Devon set her overnight bag down by the end of my bed and looked around my room.
she said, nodding her head approvingly. I rolled my eyes and walked into my closet and came out with my suit, I held it up for her. Oh my god! that is sooooo cute! It was a navy blue bikini that only covered the spots'. The top had triangles and it tied around the back and the neck. The bottom, well lets just say there was more skin that fabric...
Whats yours look like? I asked, setting mine on my bed. She dug through her bag and pulled out a bikini also, it was space dyed, if you don't know what that is, its where a whole lot of blue and one line of white are put into strips. And it had a silver hang ten logo on the left side on the top. It was self straps hook closure. and the bottom had a silver hang ten logo at the center back. It was a scoop bikini with full back (butt) covered. Mine was also full back covered.
Like it? she asked, looking at it herself.
Where did you get that? I asked, pointing at it, she smiled at me.
I got it when I went to America for Christmas! she said, smiling innocently. I stuck my tounge out at her and turned around.
I'm gonna go in the bathroom to get into it, tell me when your done so I don't walk in on you I said, grabbing my suit and walking in the bathroom. I slipped it on and smiled. I'm so cute!
I'm done! Devon said, I walked out and studied her.
That looks perfect on you I said, smiling at her. She smiled at me.
What about you? she asked, motioning her hands toward me. That thing is made for you! It fits perfectly man!
I said, eying her.
Well it does! she said, crossing her her arms.
Anyway..did you bring some shorts to put on? I asked, taking my shorts out of my dresser. She blinked and shook her head. I pulled out all my shorts. I picked out my sandblasted (faded on the legs) denim shorts. They were pretty short to. She picked out a navy blue and white drawstring shorts. We put them on and grabbed some beach towels and walked downstairs.
So...were waiting for..who? she asked, sitting on the couch with me.
Uh...Vegeta and Juno...remember? I asked, lightly slapping her arm. She scratched her head and then nodded smiling. I rolled my eyes and turned on the T.V.
I heard, I turned to look over the couch, Goku stood there with a odd look on his face.
I asked, raising an eyebrow.
What are you...wearing? he asked, not moving, I just raised that eyebrow a little higher.
Goku...its called a bathing suit I said slowly, turning around to look at the t.v. Devon glanced at me. I shrugged.
Well...uh can you like put something over it, because I don't really want Gohan seeing that much...of a girl before he's 15 Goku said, putting a hand behind his head. I rolled my eyes once again and got up and walked up the stairs, Devon following me.
All right...lets put on a tank top I said, walking in my closet, Devon following me. I flicked on the light. Find one She found a Eden camisole, it had all over mini floral print, with the eyelet trim at rounding V neck. The main color was light blue. She slipped it on over her bikini top. I found a elastic strap tank top, it was light blue, cotton. I slipped mine on just as the door the door was being knocked on. We looked at each other and ran downstairs. We grabbed our towel and opened the door to find Juno in his dark green swimming shorts and a towel hanging over his shoulder. He smiled.
Why aren't you two in swimsuits? he asked, still smiling. I rolled me many times am I going to do that?
We had to put something over father didn't want us running around in bathing suit in the house I said, shrugging. Well, lets go! I said, we got into Juno's car, he had just turned sixteen in January. He took off and we were at the beach in minutes, Me and Devon jumped out of the car and ran down the beach with Juno following us. We finally found a good spot and set our beach towels down side by side, we sat down looked at the ocean.
Aren't you two going swimming? he asked, setting his towel down on Devon's beach towel.
Not yet I said for the both of us, he shrugged and made a bee-line for the ocean. Oh boy... I sighed.
So, where's Vegeta? Devon asked, looking around. I shrugged looking around also.
There he is! I said, pointing at the scowling sayian, stepping over many people making his way over to us in black swim shorts and a towel over his shoulder. When he arrived, Devon stared.
What are you looking at?! He growled, sitting down next to me. And why do you have to wear stuff thats so...reveling?
Oh this? I asked pointing down at my outfit. Heh thats nothing! I said smiling devishly. Wait till you see my bathing suit
Ya right! Devon said giggling. I smiled and turned back to look at the sparkling ocean, Then water was dumped over me, I gasped and turned around and there was Juno giving me the piece sigh and holding a neon orange bucket in the other hand.
Why you! I scrambled up and ran after him, he ran pretty fast in the sand, He stopped handed a kid the bucket.
Thanks man! He said and ran again just as I caught up with him.
COME BACK HERE YOU DIRTY BI- But I remembered we were on the beach and stopped. Vegeta chuckled., Devon stared.
Juno said as he ran into the water, I stopped at the waters edge, ran back to the towels and took of what clothing I had, reveling my bathing suit, Vegeta happened to be taking a drink of water from the cooler that Juno brought, It left his mouth in a spray.
What the hell are you wearing!?! he demanded. I just threw the clothes at him.
Not now Vegeta, I have some revenge to do! I said, pulling my hair back into a pony tail and I ran into the water, I chased Juno around until he couldn't run any longer and I tackled him and we both went underwater.
Where'd they go? Vegeta said, getting up and looking at the spot where we went under.
I don' know Devon said shrugging. I popped up holding the back of Juno's neck and dragged him to shore, set him on the towel next to Devon and sat down myself.
You dirty rat! You thought you could last longer than me! Ya right... I said, not even out of breath, while he took in deep breaths.
would you mind not wearing...your undergarments to the beach! Vegeta said, whispering undergarments. I looked at him.
Vegeta,. this is a bathing suit I said,rolling my eyes. He crossed his arms and humphed.
It doesn't look like it to me he grumbled. I smiled.
That's what it is I said, laying back on towel, using my arms as a pillow. Vegeta stared down at me and smiled. Don't even think about it! Vegeta had recently found out I was ticklish. He started to reach for my stomach. I quickly moved away and covered my stomach with my arms. The belt' around his waist twitched. I smiled and cooly walked over to him.
A/N, ok, lets see, how did you like it? Tell me what you think should happen because I haven't the faintest! So please help me out here!
oh ya...sorry for the slight cliffhanger! Help me find m,ore ideas! I ran out of them!