
insert usual disclaimer. Alright, I couldn't figure out how to use the thing after the modified' it, so I just decided to repost everything...and make it much more easier...

Water. Thats all I could feel around me. My instict was to go up, out of the water. But which way was up? Which way was down? I didnt know for sure, but I just went up, above my head up. Air. My brain recited over and over. I know! I told my brain, I knew I needed air, thats what I was doing. If I didnt get up in time, at least I died trying. Then wosh my head was out of the cold water and taking in deep raspy breaths of air. I swam to shore and wearyly pulled myself up on land and landed there with a thud and didnt move for awhile. Just breeeath. I told myself. Dont worry about where you are, just breath. I closed my eyes, breathing in deep breaths, trying to statisfy my aching lungs. Then plop. Something landed on my back. I gasped, then caofed and jumped in surprise. I looked around me, there were frogs, frogs everywhere. But the strange thing was, they didnt look like frogs I had ever seen. Then I finially looked around me, disreadrding the frogs for a moment. I noticed the trees limbs were all choped off except for the top. Where am I? I said, looking around, once agian. Ribit, ribit' One of the forgotton frogs croaked, I looked at it blankly, then my eyes got wide, and I let out a sqeual. Ack! Get away from me! Cant a girl at least recopperait alone?! I howled at them, they all croaked like they were laughing at me. Frogs! Laughing at me! You dont see that everyday! I got up and quickly ran to one of the pieces of land that was jutting up from the ground. I climbed up on one and sat there, when I turned around, the frogs were gone. Were'd they go? I asked in suprise. Why are you caring about them? When you should be wondering were you are? I asked myself agrily. Who knows. I answered myself. I rolled my eyes.
Hope I dont get into that habit
Why me? I heard someone say. I quickly jumped behind the place I was sitting on and peeked around the corner. There was a girl, that had her head down, she had blue hair and this black spandex thing on with this funny looked mustard-orange and black thing over it. Waaaaaait a second here! That outfit looks famlier! I think, I think to hard sometimes because my head was starting to hurt. The the girl through her head back and yelled. Why me?! Kami just take me!I cant take it anymore!A beutiful, and talented, girl like me shouldnt be forgotton like this! Oh. My. God. It cant be! That can not be Bulma Briefs! She doesnt even exist! Am I going dulushional? I'm to young for that! But wait, havent I always wanted to come to the dbz world? Then why dont I just take advantage? Bulma yelled and ran for the water, dunked her head in and drank. Thats when I saw my refelction in the water. I almost screamed outloud. I no longer had my red hair and green eyes. I now had this blonde hair that was just past my shoulders, and these blue eyes. Even my outfit was different! I now had a gi on that was like Gokus only the out side gi was blue, and the inside of it was orange. and I had golden tipped boots, like Vegetas, and these white gloves. My hair was put back with a head band, a blue head band. Just take me I heard Bulma say, then I put my attention back on her. Then the frogs came out from, well, where ever they came out of and they surrounded her. Then plop one was on her face. I muffled a laugh. She gasped in the frog. Then the frog slide off her face. Her eyes were wide. I laughed. Her head swivled around to see me, but I guess she couldnt see me. Who are you? Are you... Vegeta? she asked shakily.
No, But it looks like you have quite a collection there I said, smiling. She looked around her.
What? This isnt my collection! She said, obviosly not afraid of menow that she knew I wasnt Vegeta.
Ok, whatever, they did the same to me, so dont feel alone I said walking over to her.
Whats your name? My name is B--
Bulma, your name is Bulma Briefs I said for her.
What?! How do you know that? This is Namek! I didnt know people on Namek knew about me!She said, suprised I think.
Namek? This is Namek? I asked. Oh no! I dont want to be here! This is the worst place to be! But then agian, this is a dream, I hope.
Waaaaaait a sec. here! You didnt know you were on Namek? she asked getting up.
No, but I knew I wasnt on Earth I said, moving my hand around me. She looked around.
Oh, well I guess you know now she said, just standing there for a second. then she looked up. You never told me your name!
Uh, I, My, um, My name is well, Its well, uh, Mackenzie! Ya thats it I said, fidigiting, and smiling.
Nice to meet you she said shaking my hand. I nodded.
I said smiling. And by the way, I know were Goku and them are
What? You know Goku? Bulma asked, her mouth open.
Of course! He just uh.....doesnt know me I explianed.
Wha......? I dont get that, you know him, but he doesnt know you She said giving me the eye.
Weeeeeell, its kinda complicated I said looking at the clouded sky.
I like things that are complicated, espiecally things I dont even as half way get it she said smiling. While your talking, you can also walk us in the direction of Goku and them
Um, ok I said as I started walking.
well, get on with it she urged
Well, I know him, um, because I have seen him on t.v I said looking around.
T.v? Goku was never on T.V before, well at least I dont think so Bulma said stopping, and looking at me, I stopped at looked back.
Ok ok, so its not that complicated, but it is a explanation I said turning back around. Anyway, we need to keep moving, or we'll never make it in time
Ok, but you can talk and walk, right? she asked as her feet started moving again.
Ya, I suppose I said eying her as she caught up with me.
So, then talk, if your that talented, and dont run into anything while your at it she said, smiling.
I wont! I snapped at her, then said in a more quiet voice. I wont be able to tell you anyway
What? Why? Dont you trust me? Bulma asked, giving me puppy dog eyes, I just stared her in the eye, with firmness I said.
It is not for you to know I said, and looked at her a bit more before turning back to the wide space in front of me. and besides, how could I trip? There's nothing to trip on! I made a face at my thoughts. Bulma looked at me with her eye brows up, and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out, and she closed her mouth again and turned back in front of her.