Dear readers,

I would like to apologize sincerely. As of now, it doesn't seem that this story is going to be updated in the near future at all, for several reasons.

This story was a joint project of SeventhDaughter and Tramontana Keeper. However, because of all sorts of real-life issues, the two of us don't see each other nearly as much, and SeventhDaughter has no time to devote to writing fanfiction.

To those of you who have read any of my other stories, you may have noticed that my other YGO massive WIP got updated recently. I do not like leaving stories hanging, and I reread that one and decided that I had invested too much effort into it to give up, and would give it another shot. Recently I have been rereading Misconception, in an attempt to work up the motivation to continue.

I'm not sure it's going to work.

I think that my 'writing voice' has changed a lot since the last time I updated this story, and many things about the writing bother me a lot. This is purely a personal issue. I now express ideas differently, and many things about this story I find myself cringing at, which makes me rather sad. Obviously I did something 'right' with this story, as so many people have seemed to enjoy it immensely, and I very much enjoyed writing it. The problem is, I'm not sure that I'm capable of continuing where I left off, and even if I were to continue, the 'voice' would probably sound so different as to be unrecognizable.

So as of now, it appears that this fic won't be updated in the near future. I'm really sorry about that – I know it's a sort of cruddy thing to do. Maybe someday I'll find myself finishing it up.

For now, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

Tramontana Keeper