Under estimating the Fangirls.

Hey! I was sitting here doodling (Kai ofcorse! :P) and I came up with this little nifty idea for a fanfic, as my other story Stubborn Sharkfins was a 'Straight fanfic' .. i wanted to go back to my all time favourite, none other than Yaoi. Lol i had no idea WHY the hell It came out As Kai and Hilary...

Quite personally,I'd rather see Kai and Rei going at it ANY DAY than Hilary with him.

So here, The plot line is alot looser than SS but still, I gotta write sum Yaoi!

So if you no likey Hot guys getting on their groove...theres the exit points at the back button Lol.

Disclaimer: If i owned Beyblade, do you really think I'd be dragging my ass outta bed on weekends at 8:30 just to watch it?

Right onto chappie one then Heh....

Chapter One - The way things are.

The Blade Breakers were lounging around their overly high polished en-suite hotel room. It had been sweltering hot, so all of them had just flung themselfs into the large lounge at the first place they landed. Tyson who had flung himself on the couch, was suprised seconds after as a sharp boot connected to his butt, and in a matter of seconds he was looking up at Kai from the floor, who had comfortably sprawled himself onto the couch.

''Hey Kai! Fucking Dobe, I was sitting there!'' Tyson looked up with angry features.

''So you were'' Kai muttered, not really interested.

Tyson just sat there looking up at him and waited. ''Well.....?!?!''

''Well what?''

''Aren't you gonna move?!'' Tyson knew he was being very brave, speaking like this to Kai, he knew that if Kai pocessed a gun, he would sure be burried.

''Well I thought you suited the floor better.'' Kai kept his eyes closed as he moved a pillow he was uncomfortably lying on, and threw it somewhere behind him. It sucessfully hit Max in the back of his head.

In Unision, Max And Tyson turned round spitefully and muttered 'Asshole' under their breaths. When they heard eachother, they shared a michevious grin and chuckled to themselfs.

''I may have my eyes closed, but that doesn't make me death, you know.''

Max and Tyson just looked at eachother and smiled happily.

About ten minutes after their little couch fight, Kenny came through the door, his laptop neatly tucked under his arm. ''Hey guys'' is all he muttered before flinging himself down onto one of the kitchen stools and waved his shirt a bit, indicating that he too, was also hot.

''Hey Kenny, where's Rei? I thought he said he would help you carry up the rest of the luggage?'' Tyson said, peering at the door to check if the raven haired boy wasnt entering.

''Oh he is! he's just a light weight thats all, I mean, I only asked him to carry the rest of the luggage when I grabbbed my laptop!'' Everyone else sweatdropped when hearing this as Kenny obliviously scratched the back of his head.

''Kenny, you DO realise that there was about 6 suitcases left to bring up!'' Kai muttered, slightly bewildered at the situation.

''Not to mention the flight of stairs!! Kenny are you trying to murder him!!''

''What! he said something about trying to prove himself infront of---!''



''...Ugh, that'd be Rei, wouldn't it?'' Kenny questioned, poking his head around the door frame.

A pitiful whine came after.

''Aye, it would be'' Kai said, shaking his head then walking out the door and down the stairs. The others quickly followed and soon found themselfs down the now-clothed littered flight of stairs. Rei, who could not be seen, due to the suitcases now piled into him, was grumbling to himself as he tried to unscramble himself, resulting to a leg randomly stuck up into the air, and an arm wiggling madly.

Kai sighed at the sight, he inwardly grinned though, Rei could be so predictable at times. Grabbing the mad hand he pulled a disoreintated Rei back to his feet. Rei looked at Kai for a moment and felt his heart skip a beat. It hadn't been the first time for the neko-gin to have done that recently. Everytime the two-toned haired blader was to be in sight of him, he would find himself staring, as if in fasination. He shook it off everytime though, calling it nerves of doing anything stupid around the Team Captain.

He knew it was a lie though; he would be blind not to.

He was brought back from his thoughts when he heard the rest of them laughing. He was suprised when he even saw Kai with a small trace of a smirk. ''Ugh, what's so funny guys?'' Rei asked, he really hadn't been paying attention.

''It appears that you have found a new style of hat Rei Kon...'' Kai smirked, Rei was just about as confused as he had been from the beginning.

...Your boxers.'' Rei felt his cheeks reddening instantly as he now reconised that he had indeed have a pair of boxers balancing loosly on his head. He looked down at his feet to hide the blush which had crept onto his cheeks, when the boxers fell off and hit the floor. Rei reddened even more when he found out that they were his favourite pair. They were black, which shined as though made out of silk, and in the left hand corner of the leg, it had a small white tiger, sitting in a box looking upwards in a cute manner.

Tyson looks down and his eyes widened, unable to hold all the pent up laughter, He and Max burst out laughing as they watched Rei snatch them up quickly and pocket them.

''Easy Tiger, Raaaawh'' Tyson purred and ran away as Rei followed in hot pursuit. Max watched with glee as he could hear Tyson's deathening squeals as he was tickled to death by Rei, who showed no signs of mercy.

''Hmm Kai, what are we gonna do with them?'' Max giggled as he started to pick up the fallen clothing.

''I was thinking the same thing'' Kai smirked, as he also started to retrieved the fallen suitcases.

''Food's up!'' Rei and Max yelled from the kitchen. They had decided to cook instead of ordering all the daily junk food. Max had set the table, and had put down tags of their names to show them where to be seated. Rei walked in and laid the water glasses and cutlery.

''Allllllright! where to start? I need foood!'' Tyson came speeding into the room, his eyes darted at the table and saw no food was laid yet. ''Huh? what gives?''

''Well we decided to put the food on the plates already, so it saves up washing up the extra dishes later.'' Rei chirped as he stuck his head around the kitchen door and watched as Kai walked into the room. ' I hope he enjoys it' He thought as he came in and directed them to their chairs.

''Ugh Rei, we have nametags to show us where to sit'' Tyson said thoughtfully. ''Well you know, it's polite to tuck the other person in'' Rei responded, still glancing at Kai now and then. He tucked Tyson and Kenny in then moved onto Kai,

''Rei, I can do it myself, I'm not a dumbass''

''I know, but I thought that I might aswell, seeming as Tyson and Kenny got one, I don't want my Team Captain to be left out now do I?'' Rei smirked when he heard Kai's ''Hn'' for the reply. He shoved Kai down into his seat then pushed him in. ''Right! I'll be right back to serve the meals!'' Rei rushed out the room, and sighed. 'Wow, that was....weird. Kai had let him, when he thought it wouldnt be likely.

Rei and Max re-entered the room with two meals in their hands each. Max sat down Rei's and Kenny's meal. As Rei sat down Kai's and then Max's. Max sat down and waited for Rei to return He supressed a slight giggle as he saw Rei re-enter with Tysons meal.

Tyson looked at his companions food, it looked delicious!! Spaghetti and meatballs was his favourite!! he waited eagerly for Rei to place his plate down infront of him so that he could dig in.

Rei walked over and placed the plate down infront of Tyson, all the while a sly smirk played on his features. ''What the hell is THIS!?!?!?!''

''It's salad Tyson, I thought it would be nice if you'd eat healthily for a while''

''I dont WANT to eat healthily!! I want Spaghetti!!!''

''But its a nice salad!''

''It's bloody RABBIT FOOD, that's what it is!!''

''Now now Tyson, eat your salad, and then I'll make sure you get some of the nice dessert I've made.''

''This is CRIMINAL!!'' Tyson pouted and looked over at Rei... he didnt seem to be giving in that easily. ''It better be a nice dessert then'' Tyson pouted further.

''How does Chocolate cake sound?''

''Done!'' Tyson said happily belching as he looked down at his now empty plate.

''Wah!!!'' Rei snapped his eyes in Tysons direction to indeed saw an empty plate. ''You bloody pig'' Rei said astounded at Tysons eating manners.

''Rabbit, actually.'' Tyson grinned.

The sleeping arrangements were two rooms, both with two singular beds in them. That means they'd be rooming with one another. Kenny who had agreed to the couch sat down and opened up Dizzy, he started checking their Beyblades.

''Well then, I guess Kenny's sorted then''

''So who's going with who?'' Rei asked, he knew who he had secretly been wanting to share with. He took a quick glance at Kai, who was already walking into one of the rooms. He obviously wanted first pick of the beds, no matter who he was sharing with. Rei knew he would pick the one closest to the window.

''Hey Max, wanna room with me?'' Tyson asked suddenly. Rei quirked an eyebrow at Tysons sudden request.

''Why, Am I not good enough for you Tyson?'' Rei asked, Inwardly grinning.

''Its not that Rei, Its just that if I have to share with ol' sourpuss, then I wont be able to sleep, he hates me snoring.'' Tyson whined quietly. Making shifty glances at the door.

''So still, why not me?''

''Oh, well I guess that your the one he can put up with most, you dont seem to tick him off as much as me and Maxie do!'' Rei's heart skipped a beat again. 'Really? Kai likes me best? WOOO! wait, what am I saying? thats cool, I mean, no biggie' He couldnt keep the wide grin off his face though.

''Okay, well off to bed then you two.'' Rei said, turning around and walking to the room Kai had entered.

Rei was too busy thinking about what was just said, that he walked into the room without knocking first. He was taken back when he saw Kai's clothes that he was previously wearing, scattered on his bed. But no Kai.

'Omg, thankgod for that, if I had walked in on Kai with no top on then I would ju-' He was stopped mid-thought as he heard the bedroom's bathrooms' lock (that was a mouthful lol) slide open, the door was opened, and out stepped Kai, Still wet from his shower he had quickly taken. He was clad only in one of the hotels towels, which hung dangerously low on his slim waist, His chest gleamed as drooplets ran down it, leaving trails of water down his defined abs. His grey hair no longer spiked, but laying flat and framing his pale face. From the steam of the bathroom, it had tinted his cheeks a little pink, making him look adorable, Sexily adorable that is. Rei didn't know what it was, but Kai just had this sexy aura around him, it basically screamed 'Fuck me!' Rei went pink at the thought.

'Holy crud.... -who died and sent this angel to earth, to- to my room! oh ... wow' was all that Rei could think. He just stood in the door way, taking in everything about this sight before him.

''You got a permit to stare like that?'' Kai questioned, walking over to the mirror and drying his hair with the other towel he was holding. Rei started. Not finding anything intelligent to say, he just walked down onto his bed, which was furthest from the window. 'Ha! I knew he likes the window' He happily thought.

He took a chance and quickly glanced back at Kai, He was still infront of the mirror drying his hair, His back arched slightly as he had flung his hair forward and started toweling it again. Rei had a nice view from here, he could see Kai's back, it was fasinating really. The way it slightly shook from side to side as Kai rubbed his hair with his towel. The way you could just slightly see his spine, and last, the way his little black tuft of hair that was growing was rolling around the top of his neck.

Rei just wanted to grab it. He mused himself for ages just thinking what it would be like to sit there for hours on end, with Kai's little ponytail in the grasp of his hand.

Standing up again, Kai turned to his suitcase, he pulled out his black P'Js and headed for the bathroom. Closing the door behind him.

'Hmmm, lush' was all Rei thought before clambering into bed, happily thinking of the one who just made his belly do dances. ''Okay okay, I admit, I may just a little teeny weeny bit like Kai....Just a little though.'' Rei rolled over in his bed just as Kai came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. 'Darn' Rei thought.

Kai clambered into his own bed before sitting up and staring directly at Rei.

Rei, who had been watching him once again, was startled.

Kai carried on looking at him for a while, before a small smirk graced his lips. Rei gulped.



'What's he going to ask me? Is he going to admit his undying love to me? oh what am I kidding, stop hallucinating Kon!'

Kai just stared at him for a while longer, taking in what he was seeing.

''Do you always like sleeping in your day clothes?''

''What?'' Rei hadnt been expecting that. He was puzzled, he looked down. ''Oh shit! Fuck, I forgot to change!'' He leapt out of bed and jumped to the side of his suitcase, he dug out his red silk chinese Pj's and then rushed to the bathroom, still shouting a string of cursed words as he fleed.

Kai just waited.

In a matter of seconds, he was back out again now dressed in the silk. ''Whoops, it slipped my mind.''

''Have a slippery mind then do you?'' Rei blushed at this. 'Oh great, he thinks im an idiot now, nice impression Rei, it was Kai's fault anyway! if it wasnt for him being so goddamned sexy!'

''Excuse me?'' Kai sat up onto his elbows and looked over at Rei.

Rei's eyes grew in horror, did he just say that last bit out loud? Shit!

''Ugh, I said nothing.''

''No no, I swear you just said-''

''GOODNIGHT KAI!'' Rei quickly flipped off the light switch and snuggled down into his quilt. 'That was too close.. what did Kai hear?' pushing the thoughts aside, he heard Kai move and then it was silent. 'Phew, he's going to sleep' Rei thought, then he decided that he was sleepy now too.

''Oh and Rei? I apologize'' Kai's voice called out over the silent room.

'Gah! that startled me!' Rei thought.

''Ugh...for what Kai?''

''You know... for being so goddamned sexy'' Kai smirked into the dark, and then finally shut his eyes to sleep.

Rei just sat there, stunned, Kai had heard.

'Oh no! He heard!! he heard!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah!' He was gonna mock him for the rest of his life now.

He could feel it.

So now Kai was sleeping soundfully, Rei was left to panick over his slight problem, oh well, atleast he had all night.

There! the 1st chapter complete! I know this chapter didnt have much to do with the main summary of this story! but I needed to build up their characters 1st! dont worry! things will start to happen in the next chapter!

wow, I never thought that i'd be here writing another fanfic while my other beloved one is going! is proud of the other lol... sorry, but Rei/Kai fluff is the best! lol.. oh btw, I am using the spelling Rei for this one, just simply because I prefer it that way. lol Oh and to anyone who is reading Stubborn Sharkfins, and is keeping with it, then dont worry, I havent abandoned it, I just simply needed to refresh my Yaoi meter, it was running low! okies! enough rambling!

So until next time! Ciao! -Taz-