Lord Inutaisho paced about his steady restlessly, something was wrong and he knew it.

"MILORD!" Gasped a servant, trying to catch his own breath. "THE QUEEN..SHE'S BEEN MURDERED!"

'No..' he thought as he raced past his servant to be greeted by the smell of human blood...that smelled of his love. He raced as fast as he could to the gardens she loved so. "My love.."He gasped as he saw the scene before him.

The queen was sprawled out on the ground, laying next to a couple of pink sakura trees...drenching them with her blood. The dirt underneath her began to become mud as the blood and dirt mingled together. Lord Inutaisho knelt down before his former wife/mate and held her hand as if trying to warm it back to life.

50 years has passed



"WHUD YOU DO THAT FOR?!?!"A muffled scream rang out as his face was still permanently stuck into the ground by a spell.

"Don't scare me like that ever again Inu."A girl replied her back turned and arms crossed. "I thought you were some demon"

A stiff dog demon rose from the ground, he walked next to the girl."Oh cummon..I was just having fun.."

"Hmph!"The girl acted as if she was mad. But deep inside she was laughing at his reaction.

A hurt look crossed the dog demons face with her reply, but then he smelt the happy feeling emitting off of her and he tackled the girl playfully. "Don't play games with me Kagome!"

Kagome then erupted into a fit of giggles as she softly hit the ground "Serves you right, Inuyasha!"

After awhile, Inuyasha and Kagome set off again on the dirt road to the next village. Then, out of nowhere an orange/red fuzz ball came catapulting towards Kagome. Kagome caught the thing with a little 'Oof'.

"Gomen, okaa-san if I hurt you." A muffled reply came out of now what was a baby kit.

"No worries, Shippo. You didn't hurt me."

With a 'Feh' Inuyasha stalked off to Kaede's hut without casting a backward glance at the kit and his surrogate mother.

With gales of giggles Kagome and Shippo walked after Inuyasha.

At the hut

"But my pretty-"


"Feh. What's going on here..."

"THE SO CALLED SACRED MONK HERE IS NOTHING BUT A HENTAI!!!" a girl dressed as a demon exterminator came into view, a giant boomerang slung about her back.

"Sango, calm down.." Kagome said, placing her small hand onto Sango's shoulder. Sango was breathing heavily after she hit Miroku on the head with her hiraikutso.

A bruised and battered monk now came outside, a hand on the back of his head. "I didn't mean anything! Just a slip of the hand is all!"

Inuyasha doubled over in laughter as Sango once more beat him in the head with her hiraikutso. "You gotta hand it to him, he knows how to muss things up.."

"Hey, I'm going to get some firewood to cook the ramen..Who wants to come?" Kagome asked, straightening her skirt.

"I'll go..I don't want to be accidentally hit." Inuyasha replied, walking out of the door, tears in his eyes from all the laughter.


After awhile of walking the couple came to a stop at a clear lake. Kagome sighed at the beauty while Inuyasha 'Feh'd. "I'm tired. Let's stop here for awhile ok?" Kagome asked absentmindedly running her fingers through her hair.

"Whatever. Lets get back in time for Ramen ok?"

"Fine!" Kagome replied plopping onto the shore. "Inuyasha? Do you have a brother..?"

"Yes..Why?" answered Inuyasha suspiciously, wondering why she asked that.

"Because I think he just arrived" With that Kagome turned around and pointed to a tall white clad figure behind Inuyasha.

End of chapter one

Heh. Ended it with a cliffie XDD the reviewers are gonna kill me XDD looks at the angry reviewers that are mobbed and have torches and pitchforks OO;; R&R PLEASE runs