
A/N: Why must I write stories, do you ask? Why must I have like 18 million going on at the same time, and none of them get updated because INSTEAD I flood your precious with one shots and even more stories? Yea... I'm sorry. But that doesn't get you out of reviewing.

Chapter 1: Fall

"How did we get here?" I scream at her. We're in another dingy apartment that we'll have to leave in three days because we're fucking broke. Always broke. Broke and broken, they are definitely kindred spirits. Broke and broken fit together like peanut butter and jelly. Broke and broken is what we always are.

"Because we're both fucking useless members of society, Craig. We're the ones they kicked to the curb. We're the ones that no one cares about. Think about it, if you didn't care for me, and I for you, who would give two shits what we did? No one, Craig. Not a damn soul."

"I could find someone," I say rather optimistically.

"Yea, because there are millions of girls who want to be with a grungy pothead penniless musician with no motivation whose only assets are an old guitar and the shadows of good looks. Face it, Craig, you walk out of here, and what happens then? Nothing. You die. Do you want to die? Fuck, Craig, you haven't even lived."

"You're sounding very philisophical this morning, Ellie," I retort. I hate her.

"I'm on the rag," she says as she stumbles into bathroom. I groan audibly. "At least I didn't get knocked up like that last clown you dated." I laugh silently to myself. Bring on the Manny card, Nash. Doesn't that make you feel so superior? "I just thought of something," she says poking her head out of the bathroom door. "Even that slut left you. I can't believe I got stuck with you."

This is me, Craig Manning. I used to be the underdog. People used to want me to win. One day, I changed everyone's fucking mind. Then I became the one they loved to hate. Now, I'm right back where I started. I'm the kid you pick last in gym class. You're stuck with me.

"Don't you have class or something to go to?" I manage after I light my first joint of the day. It is, of course, a cliche that I am the stoner. Of course. I'm the one with the goofy hair. What else could I amount to?

"I got a job. I'm going to be stripping from now on. You have to deal with me until four when my shift starts."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Ellie."

"You think I'm kidding?" she questioned as she emerged from the bathroom zipping up knee-length boots. Under those, she wore fishnets and a skirt that could have doubled for a headband. She wasn't wearing a shirt yet, only her bra.

"Funky," I commented while taking a hit. "Want some?" I offered.

"Sure," she said. She climbed on top of me, facing me, and took a hit. She rolled her head back in laughter. "Don't you want me, baby?"

My hand slid up her inner thigh. "You're not wearing underwear," I said in a singsong voice. She giggled. I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, and started walking towards the bedroom. She giggled some more, kicking her legs a little for effect. I flung her on the bed and slipped my boxers off. As I pushed inside of her, quicker with every thrust, I realized something. "Didn't you say it was that time of the month?"

"Oopsie," she said playfully. I pulled out and shook my head in disgust.

"That's so... wrong."

"I'm gonna take a shower," she said and skipped to the bathroom.

I sighed loudly. "Wait up."

.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. C.E .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.

I flipped through the channels aimlessly. Cable was the one thing I was never able to give up. I always needed to feel connected to the world, even if I watched Spongebob more than I watched CNN. "Why are you wearing that?" Ellie said as she walked out of the bedroom again.

I glanced at my outfit. It was my wrinkled post office uniform with a huge 'Craig' sewn into the breast pocket. "I work there now, shit for brains. I told you, like, a week ago. Didn't you pay attention? Here's a better question- why are you wearing that?" Ellie was still wearing the same skirt, hose, and boots she had been wearing. The only addition was a plain white wife beater over her bra. "You look like a hooker."

"I told you, I work there now. I told you this morning."

"Work where?" I asked.

"Crazy Horse. I went last night with a few of the girls. When I asked if they were hiring, the manager told me to come back tonight."

"Ellie, you're not going to be a stripper," I said.

"Craig, sweetie, we need the money. I'm not going to say no to money."

It's true. We do need the money. "Whatever," I said, hitting a few buttons on the remote.

"I'm going to leave then," she said, picking up her keys off the 'dining room table.' The table, in fact, was simply a card table set up in the area that our landlord had said was a dining room. "Before I forget," she said, standing between me and the TV. I attempted to look around her, but she kept cutting me off. I gave up; my attention fully placed on her. "We're going to need to go to Joey's soon, the Taurus keeps breaking down."

"We just got it, like, two years ago."

"Who cares? Let Joey fix it. We'll trade up."

"I just hate taking advantage of Joey like that. He's been nothing but awesome to me since I moved in with him six years ago. I mean, even now, I'm no one, doing nothing, working at the fucking post office, and he practically gives us a car everytime you're fed up with one. If you need a new car that badly, don't step all over Joey to get it."

"Well, the cash will be flowing in soon enough, sweetie," she said placing a salty kiss on my lips. I licked them, and she walked towards the door. "Oh, one more thing," she said without turning around. "What do we think about having sex with other people? Totally out of the question?"

I looked to see if she was serious, but I couldn't see her expression. "Erm, well, I guess, if you do it, try to get paid."

"Of course," she said laughing. "A girl has to have some standards."