Do You Remember Me

Oh kay people. I don't own Inuyasha or any of the Inuyasha characters. This is also my first fanfic so don't be evil to me or I will sick my army of Cat Demons on you. . Oh kay now on with the story.

Chapter 1

My Best Buddy

"Mom, can you take me to the Park?" I asked my mother.

"Sure, Kagome," I walked with my mom over to our white van and climbed in. It wasn't easy seeing how I'm only five and everything is much larger than me. We drove down the street and down a couple of blocks until we reached the park. My mom parked the car and helped me out. "Now, Kagome, I'm gonna sit right here on this bench while you play, so if you need me I'll be right here." " Alright mom, I know ,I know. What do you think I am five? Oh wait, I am. Never mind." My mom chuckled at my small child mind. I ran off to the swingset and jumped on a swing. I swung my feet back and forth but I wasn't getting anywhere. I started to get frustrated. I started to move my feet faster but soon tired myself out. My mother was reading a book and wasn't paying too much attention to me. I was about to get off when i felt someone push me. I tried to turn around and see who was pushing me. Whoever it was was small because their hands weren't that big.

"Whoever is pushing me can you please stand somewhere in front of me so I can see who you are." I asked politely. A small boy appeared in front of my and I stop myself from swinging. The boy had silver hair and the most beautiful golden eyes I had ever seen. I hopped down from the swing and stood a foot in front of the boy. He looked only to be about five or six years old.

"Um, thank you for pushing me on the swings. What's your name and how old are you?"

I asked the boy.

"Um I'm Inuyasha and I'm six. Who are you and why are you making a big fuss about someone pushing you on the swings?" He asked kind of being a little rude.

"Well, I'm Kagome and I'm five. I'm not making a big fuss I'm simply thanking you for helping me swing. It's just that you may be six but when you pushed me on the swings, you did it with a lot of strength." Inuyasha just looked at me like I was stupid or something. Than I saw his cute dog ears on his head. I giggled with delight.

"What's so funny!" He asked trying to act tough. He than saw that I was looking at his dog ears.

"Oh wait, you're looking at my hideous misfortune. " When he said this he put on an act to look tough, but in his eyes I could see that it hurt him inside.

"Hideous misfortune? They are not hideous. They are so cute. Can I PLEASE touch them?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"I-I guess you can if you really want to" He replied. I walked closer to him and I started to scratch and rub his ears. As I was doing this he started to purr slightly, not like a cat but more like a soft growl. I stopped and he looked kind of disappointed, but he got over that.

"They are so soft and fuzzy."

"You mean you like them?" He asked with surprise.

"Of course I do. Um, Inuyasha?" I asked.


"Will you um be my friend? I don't have any." I asked hoping that he would say 'yes'

"You mean you're not afraid of me? Even though I'm a worthless half-demon? Or says my brother."

"No, I'm not afraid of you. And you are not worthless no matter what anybody says. I have only known you for a couple of minutes and I know that you put on a tough boy act but you really are sweet and I know this because you pushed me on the swings. So don't think that because you are little doesn't mean you are weak and have to act strong. My mom says act your age and be yourself. So I guess that means be nice and sweet now and act tough later or something like that. " I replied and felt that I had said something smart for once.

"Uh huh. Right. I think that you confused me, but I think that what you are saying is that you want me to be nice and that when I get older I can put on an act?" He asked.

"Yeah exactly." I replied. "so, will you be my friend?"

"Sure why not."

"Alright! Now lets go do something." Me and Inuyasha than headed over to the jungle gym and started to climb about and you know have fun like five and six-years olds are suposed to do. Inuyasha and I played with each other all day. We played tag, Hide-And-Seek, and other things. Than at about sundown, my mother and Inuyasha's brother walked over to us.

"Okay Kagome, time to go- Oh? and who is this hansome little boy?" My mother asked. Inuyasha blused a little when she said this.

"This is Inuyasha and he is my new friend. " I replied.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you Inuyasha, now Kagome we have to go."

"Okay mom, but can I come back tomorrow?"

"Sure Honey."

"Okay, bye Inuyasha see you tomorrow!" I said before I walked to my mom to the car. Than Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru walked over to him.

"Inuyasha, who was that human?" He demanded.

"My new friend. Got a problem with that?"

"No, not really. She suits you. Ya know you are half of a weak and worthless human and she is a full weak and worthless human." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up or I'll tell mom."

"When is a child always a child? Now, lets go. You know that I hate having to pick you up. " So Inuyasha and Sesshomaru went home. While I went home as well.

Oh kay. First chapter finished. So I will put up the next chapter if I get at least ONE review. So please review.

