A/N: For the people who have already read my story I just combined the chapters 1-4 for the first chapter and 5-8 for the second chapter and then 9-12 for the third chapter. ( very big chapter length wise) So if you are reading this for the first time pay no attention to the above and keep on reading! Much love!


Love, Lies, and Rock 'N' Roll

Chapter 1

Macala was getting ready for bed and thinking about her "big day" as her mom would put it.

Her big day was her first day at Degrassi Community School.

Macala (to herself): Oh goody! I got to move again! First it was moving from Texas to California, leaving all her family behind. Now it's to Canada from California leaving all her friends behind.

Macala's mom poked her head into Macala's room from the hallway.

Macala's mom: It's 11 o'clock, you better get to bed because you don't want to be tired your first day of school.

Macala put on her fakest smile.

Macala: Ok mom. Good night.

Mom: Do you want me to tuck you in?

Macala: Mom! I am 16 years old and in the 11th grade I think I am too old for that ok?

Mom: you are never too old for anything. But ok, night sweetie!

Macala: Good night mom.

Macala's mom was about to leave but she remembered something then walked back in.

Mom: I have to go to work early tomorrow so I won't see you until after school is that ok?

Macala: That's fine.

Mom: OK, good luck tomorrow!

Macala nodded and reached over to turn out her light.

Macala (to herself): I'll need it.

When Macala woke up the next morning she was in a good mood for once! She wanted to look extra special so she took a long shower and changed her outfit five times.

She finally decided on her favorite Paul Frank T-shirt, boot cut jeans, and a pair of black converse.

She poured her self-a bowl of Captain Crunch, ate it. Then she packed her self a lunch. Grabbed her backpack and walked the few blocks from her house to Degrassi.

It only took her ten minutes to get there. As she stood in front of the school she got extremely nervous and had to push herself to go in. She had to go to the office to pick up her class schedule and her locker number.

She walked into the main office to find a blonde woman surround by papers and files. She was franticly looking in and around the clutter.

Macala cleared her throat. The woman looked up.

Woman: oh hello there may I help you.

Macala: Yes, my name is Macala Cruz and I am starting the 11th grade today.

Woman: O yes, yes, I have your file right here.

The woman pulled out some papers and handed them to Macala.

Woman: Her is your locker number and combo, your classes, I also gave you a map of the school just in case you get lost. It's only the second week of school so you shouldn't be that far behind.

Macala: Thank you.

Woman: Your welcome.

So Macala was set to start her adventure at Degrassi. First she set out to find her locker. She found and had just opened it when it slammed shut. She thought it was some prank and was about to yell when she looked up to see a tall curly haired boy rubbing his head.

Macala: Are you ok?!

Craig: yea, I think so, don't worry my hair cushioned it. A little bit.

Macala: Sorry about that.

Craig: it's ok. I am just not used to that locker being open. My locker is just right over there (points to three lockers over) and I just wasn't paying attention... I guess.

Macala was hypnotized by his enchanting smile and his dark mysterious eyes that she really didn't what he said until he repeated the question.

Craig: Hello? What's your name?

Macala: sorry.. I must have spaced... umm. Macala... yea my name is Macala.

Craig laughed. Macala laughed nervously.

Macala: what's y..

The bell cut her off

Craig: Sorry got to run. Cya later.

Craig ran off but before he turned the corner he turned around and said my name is Craig.

She reopened her locker and rushed to put her stuff in it and hurried to her homeroom. By the time she got there the final bell rang and she was late.

Macala (to her self): Your first day of school and your late. Just say you got lost.. Yea you got lost.

With her new found confidence she walked through the door, and was greeted by a bald man.

Mr. Simpson: Well, hello. You must be Macala.

Macala nodded.

Mr. Simpson: You're late.

Macala: I got lost sorry.

Mr. Simpson: That's ok just don't let it happen again. Welcome to the best homeroom at Degrassi. (The class laughs) I am Mr. Simpson and I see that I also have you for Media Immersion next period, lucky you. Lets so who we can sit you next to. (Looks around the room) ok Macala I want you to sit down next to Ashley Kerwin. Ashley raise your hand.

Ashley raises her hand and Macala sits down at the computer next to Ashley and then introduces her self.

Macala: Hi my name is Macala

Ashley: Hi nice to meet you this is Paige, Hazel, and Ellie. (She says while pointing to each girl)

The girls wave.

Paige: So Macala where are you from.

Macala: Well I am originally from Texas but we moved to California a few years back then I just moved here a couple weeks ago.

Hazel: Wow that must have been hard.

Macala: Yea it kind of is but its ok.

Ellie: Well welcome to Degrassi

Mr. Simpson: Girls quiet please, morning announcements.

A girl's face appears on the computer screen in front of Macala, the girl talks about what is for lunch and when basketball tryouts were. But Macala wasn't paying attention all she could think about were Craig's eyes and his smile.

The bell rang and half the class got up to leave but the other half started to type away at the key board in front of them. Ashley helped Macala get started on her MI project.

After MI Ashley had P.E and then History and Macala had English then P.E so they decided to meet up at lunch.

When the bell finally rang for lunch Macala couldn't wait to go to her locker to get her lunch and also to see if Craig was at his locker.

Macala half ran half walked to her locker. When she turned the corner her heart skipped a beat because there leaning up against her locker was Craig.

He looked up from the camera in his hands and smiled. He started walking towards her.

Craig: Hey Macala!

Macala: Hey Craig.

Craig: Do you want to eat lunch together?

Macala: Sorry I am eating lunch with girls I meet during Media Immersion today sorry. But do you want to walk together?

Craig: Sure

Macala: Wait I just have to grab my lunch.

Macala grabbed her lunch and started walking with Craig.

Macala: So,What grade are you in?

Craig: 11th, you?

Macala: Same

Craig: What's your next class?

Macala: Science, yours?

Craig: Same, well her is the caf. See you in science?

Macala: Yea c ya.

Macala saw Ashley waving at her with a very mad look on her face so she hurried over to the table.

Macala: What's wrong Ashley?

Ashley: Nothing I just don't think you should hang out with him. (Points to Craig)

Macala: wh..Why not?

Paige: Because he is a two timing loser freak that's why.

Hazel: Paige?

Paige: Well it's true.

Hazel: I guess your right.

Ashley: Yea she's right, (talking to Macala now) He cheated on me with this slut named Manny and then got her pregnant.

Macala's mouth dropped.

Macala: Does she still go here?

Hazel: No after her parents found out she was pregnant they sent her to live with her aunt in the states.

Paige: No one has heard from her since last year.

Macala took a bite out of her sandwich, she watched Craig talk to his group of friends. She thought how could a guy like him do that to Ashley he seems so nice. Craig looked over and saw Macala looking at him he smiled his enchanting smile. Macala blushed. Craig waved at her. Macala wanted to wave back but she couldn't because the girls were watching her like a hawk. So she just smiled.

Marco was watching Craig look at Macala.

Marco: Looks like Craig's moving on!

Craig: Shut up Marco! I just met her today.

Marco: She's cute.

Craig: yea but look who she is sitting with.

Spinner: Uh- oh that's not good. Ashley filling her head with hatred of Craig.

Marco: What do you know about her?

Craig: Well I know her name is Macala. She is in 11th and has Science with us next period.

Jimmy: That's enough "girl talk". When should we have the auditions for the second singer in the band?

Craig: well we can have them at the garage on Saturday.

Jimmy: That sounds good. Any objections?

Marco: It has to be before 5. Because Dylan and I have a date Saturday night.

Jimmy: Ok how about 12 – 3?

Craig: Sounds good.

Spinner: yea

Jimmy: Ok I will make the flyers in MI next period if Mr. Simpson will let me.

Craig noticed Macala get up and leave she looked kind of upset so he went to go see what was wrong.

Craig: Hey guys I am ... going to go get a drink of water.

Marco and Jimmy saw who he was going after. But dumb Spinner didn't.

Spinner: Guys why is he going out there the water fountain is right behind us.

Jimmy shook his head and Marco threw a fry at his head.

Spinner (with a confused look on his face): What?!