(A/N: the first seventeen chapters of this fic will seem familiar-ish. They are the revamped chapter one.)

Caught Fighting

Ginny slumped against the wall. Why did she agree to wait for Hermione? Knowing the bushy haired Head girl like she did, Hermione was waiting to ask their new professor a question.

Couldn't she for once have normal friends? The kind that gushed about boys and did each other's hair?

Noooo instead she had Hermione Granger, (who was always trying to drag her off to get a new book,) Luna Lovegood, (who couldn't tell you what day it was without consulting the Flangeracs,) Colin Creevey, (who was forever going on about what a great complexion she had and if he could just play with her hair a bit and put her in this dress and...) and Dennis Creevey (who was always trying to turn her hair purple and hook her up with Pansy Parkinson).

Ginny resisted the urge to flinch as Draco Malfoy relaxed his body against the portion of wall beside her.

Great. First she was talked into taking this damn demonstration. Then Hermione abandons her to flirt with boys while trying to make Ron jealous. Now this. She decided to ignore Malfoy. She had already had two fights with him this year and really didn't intend to make it an odd three.

Malfoy had other plans.

He looked over at Ginny. It was a long calculating look that lingered a bit too long on her ass and breasts for her liking, but she kept her cool... with difficulty.

Malfoy returned his gaze to the front facing position and a slight smirk crept over his features. Ginny resisted the urge to break his nose. She didn't like that look one bit.

She noticed a shower of sparks and groaned inwardly. Couldn't he just leave her alone? She opened her mouth to reply when she noticed something.

There was a breeze on her middriff.

She looked down and squeaked.

She had been wearing jeans and a Weird Sisters tee shirt, but now she was dressed in an emerald green laceup bra and very risque skirt. Two crossed belts held up the sheets of dark blue fabric that made the front and back of her skirt. She was now wearing a pair of knee high black boots and a white headband with bunny ears attached, held back her hair. Around her neck was a play boy bunny collar and necktie.

The only thing that was the same was the dragon pendant that hung from her belly button.

Ginny looked over at Malfoy. As expected, he had a quiet smile on an otherwise innocent face.

Ginny returned her gaze to the front, eyes slitted. He wants to play like that. Fine.

Ginny aimed her wand at him and fired off a spell.

Draco's flawless face was suddenly dusted with freckles, blosoming from his nose to rush across his pale cheeks. His white blonde hair lenghtened until it reached just past his shoulders.

He was dressed like Sailor Moon. Knee high white socks off set the bright blue high top sneakers and darker blue pleated skirt. His shirt was white with a blue trimmed Sailor collar and Dark red tie.

He looked murderously at Ginny, who raised an eyebrow. "You look good in blue."

Five minutes later, both students had abandoned their wands for more traditional means of fighting when Snape found them.

"He started it." Ginny announced.

Snape sighed. "Detention. Tonight. My office."