Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma 1/2, heck, I don't even want to take credit for this story.

The Bellow Boy

"Finally, I've gotten back to the Tendo Dojo again," Ryouga smiled wearily as opened the gate. "The only problem... IS THAT I WANTED TO GO HOME!!" He bellowed.

"Whoa, how'd you find your way back here so fast, P-Chan? Took a cab?" Ranma popped his head out of the guestroom window.

"Actually, I took t- s-shut up!" Ryouga yelled.

"What're you gonna do if I don't? Come up here and beat me up? Ha! All I hafta do is stand in a corner and you'll never find me!" Ranma taunted.

"Die Ranma!" Ryouga shouted and charged the door, he turned the knob and was annoyed to find that the door was locked. He banged on the door while screaming, "Saotome! Why won't anyone open the door for me?!" he didn't dare bust it open, last time he did that Nabiki charged him for the repairs, he didn't have that much money and didn't want to be sued.

"Probably because I'm the only one here!" Ranma laughed.

"How is that possible?! With all the girls you're leading on I thought you'd sneak at least one in! That's it! You've got some girl in your room and that's why you don't want me to get in!1 You cad, Saotome, if you keep leading poor Akane on like this I'll steal your slippers!!" Ryouga bellowed.

"You stupid so- huh? Why the heck would ya steal my slippers idiot?" Ranma asked.

"Without your slippers you'll get all kinds of nasty cuts from walking bare foot everywhere, which will lead to infections since you only have one pair of slippers!! Mwuahaha!!" Ryouga laughed at his genius.

"You son of a boar, did you stumble into a crack house or somethin' on your way here?" Ranma asked incredulously.

"Two, but that has nothing to do with this!! Come down here and open the door for me, please? I've got something to show you!" Ryouga yelled.

"No way, just show it to me from there!" Ranma replied.

"Argh, you're just afraid to accept your eventual death at my hands!" Ryouga raged.

"You shut up, you!" Ranma shook a fist menacingly.

"Who says that...? Really," the Lost Boy muttered.


Ryouga tried the door again, and was delighted to find that it wasn't locked after all. "Oh, I turned it the wrong way..." He charged into the house screaming obscenities.

"And he was never seen again..." Ranma said solemnly.


Ten minutes later, Ranma looked up from his manga as he heard Ryouga finally get up the steps, still screaming obscenities.

"#$%!!" a squeal was then heard.

Ranma snickered.


Five minutes pass


"He must've jumped in the tub or somethin'," Ranma mumbled and went back to his manga.



"&%$!! &$%!!" Ryouga cursed.

"The sad thing is, he actually ran in here a few times..." Ranma shook his head.

And so Ryouga searched. He searched long into the afternoon, until the Tendo family finally came home and Akane lead him to Ranma and Genma's room since he was adamant about getting there. Unfortunately, by that time Ranma had moved downstairs to the family room.



Notes: Hmm, my attempts to use asterisk to indicate a scene change didn't work, oh well.

I'm so sorry you had to read something that was the result of my boredom. But strangely, not sorry enough to not have posted this story on the site, eh. But hey, this could have been a spamfic where the cast all speak like most people tend to. Like stumbling over words, occasionally stuttering something unintelligible out or screwing up something they were going to say by accident, surely that would have been worse than this was, for someone. Though I think it'd be funny to see Kuno or Nabiki speak like that, for some unexplainable reason. Well, I guess it's not unexplainable, I just think it'd be amusing. I'll stop now.