Disclaimer: Hello! I do not own Digimon, you do not know how much I wish I did but I don't. The only thing I own is the idea to write this. This is shounen-ai, which means boyxboy love, if you do not like that type of thing, please leave now. I do not appreciate flames that are not necessary. This is my first fanfiction ever, let alone Digimon, so I hope you like it. (It is Jyoushiro/Koujyou, and perhaps some Taito/Yamachi later on...)This takes place right before the second season, or perhaps a bit after, or before, around that time.(The second season Digidestend' are not in it if that makes it easier to understand, but they are old enough) I fixed this story up a bit since I first wrote it to make it easier and better to read. Please R&R! -Sam Izumi 3

Everyone Has Secrets
Chapter 1- Nightmares

(Koushiro's POV)

Koushiro cringed in his sleep, another nightmare. The same nightmare that he had been having almost every night for about a week now. He continued to try to tell himself it was all a dream, but it seemed so real, it was hard to believe it wasn't.

'No! Please, don't kill him! I need him., no please I'll do anything. I love him, please!' he shivered at the sound of his own, crying voice in his mind. The more he thought about it the more he regretted not telling him in the first place.

He never realized how strong his feelings were for his best friend until he started having these nightmares. He had seemed to fallen in love with him, the oldest Digidestend', the crest of reliability, the kid who thinks he is allergic to everything. He didn't even know how this happened. Sure he had been becoming closer and closer to him as time went on, but he still was unsure of why he felt this way towards his blue haired friend.

'Mu ha ha ha! It is too late little boy! You little friend can't hear you now, isn't this so much fun?' The Digimon stared down at the red haired boy and laughed, he couldn't help but find the pain amusing.

In a way, he wished he hadn't fallen for his friend for a few reasons. Of course the reason that his feelings would never be returned, and also the reason of him being different from the rest of his friends. The more he thought about it the more he hated himself for it, but then every time the older boy smiled at him, he wanted to be with him more than anything.

'Do you really think that crying over him will bring him back to life? Humans are really stupid. I'm sure your little friend would have only laughed at your love for him. You know, I could send you to where he is right now, then I wouldn't have to deal with you at all. You know what? That is exactly what I will do! Mu ha ha ha!' Koushiro opened his eyes and sat up quickly, the blood rushing through him, making him dizzy. He looked around to make sure no one heard him cry in his sleep. Everyone seemed to be sound asleep but after he glanced at everyone his eyes wandered back to his friend who he had just witnessed being killed horribly in his nightmare. Jyou Kido had been resting so peaceful, it made Koushiro hurt inside, knowing he could never have him.

Two weeks before Koushiro figured he had some sort of chance, he couldn't even remember what happened right, but what he had heard made his heart skip a beat. He and Jyou had gone on a walk to pass time while waiting for the others to figure out how they were planning to take down the new evil in the digital world. They were by the schools and were talking about the Taichi, Yamato and Sora love triangle.


"I am not sure how that will work out though, I mean Yamato is way to gay for Sora, I mean he has more mood swings than she does!" Jyou said laughing, turning to Koushiro.

"So I am not the only one who has noticed this? It looks like Yamato is better of with Taichi than Sora with how things are going. I mean they could be in one of those love-hate relationships at this moment and we would never know. Sora could be a cover up!" the computer genius stated nodding at the possibility.

"I would love to see Sora's expression on walking in on those two kissing. So, Koushiro, you have never mentioned anything about yourself. Do you like anyone?" Jyou asked curiously.

Koushiro tried to avoid the other boy's gaze as he tried to answer this question. "Well, I, um, I'm not really in love with them, well I don't want to be, it's not like it would ever work out anyways. I mean, no I don't like anyone..." he stuttered, turning a deep red. Jyou just smiled.

"So Koushiro is in love with someone, and he doesn't want to be. This is interesting... Do I know them?"

"Er, you could say that." he mumbled still blushing furiously. He looked up at Jyou and it was quiet for a moment, and he thought Jyou was going to kiss him from how he was staring at him. He quickly turned away and shook the thought out of his head. "Come on, I think we should head back to the others, they must have thought of something by now."

"Ya, your right. Hey do you think Takeru and Hikari have hooked up yet?" the blue haired boy asked bringing up a new topic to talk about as they began to walk back.

Right before they entered Taichi's house Jyou turned to the smaller boy and asked him curiously. "So when are you going to tell me about this girl you claim to like?"

"How about when you think of a secret worthy enough to tell me to find out?" Koushiro answered slyly.

"Alright, when I think of something."

-----(Flashback End)-----

Koushiro sighed at the sleeping boy and lay back down, looking up at Jyou's living room ceiling where all of his friends were sleeping. He knew that Jyou would think of something to tell him sooner or later, but he wasn't too sure if he would ever be able to tell his friend what he felt about him. He would just have to wait and see. He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep again, but before he did he swore he heard someone that sounded like Jyou calling his name. Koushiro quickly glanced back at the sleeping boy and decided he was hearing things, and drifted back off to sleep.

(Jyou's POV)

Jyou was lying in bed, only half asleep. He had been woken up by Koushiro moving around, and he had been up himself about an hour before. He had invited all the Digidestend' over to stay overnight (with the exception with Mimi who stays in America and just meets up with everyone else in the digital world) because they all had to get up early in order to think of a better plan to figure out who was kidnaping all the digimon and turning them against each other. They were planning to go the night before but there had been a thunderstorm and didn't want to risk getting trapped in the digital world in fear of having no way out if trouble occurred.

The blue haired boy couldn't help but think about who he thought of as his best friend, sure all of the Digidestend' were his best friends but Koushiro was closer to him than all the rest. He couldn't stop thinking about who the redhead could possibly be in love with. Two weeks before he had been talking with Koushiro, and he had got it out of him that he was in love with someone, but didn't want to be. At first he had automatically assumed Mimi, and decided he didn't want to like her because of a long-distant relationship. Then of course he realized that Koushiro loved his pineapple computer and would probably love to have more chances to be on it.

'Maybe he doesn't like a girl, it is a long shot, but maybe that is why this is a big secret for him. I mean the way he was blushing when I brought it up. And I know for a fact that there is no absolute way that we could love me. I mean why would anyone like me? If I continue to even think of the possibility, it will just hurt me more when he tells me who it really is.' he thought to himself as he began to drift off to sleep. 'You don't know how much I really want to lie beside you right now, take away all your troubles, but most of all, tell you how much I love you.'

"Goodnight my Koushiro-kun..." he whispered in barely a whisper, not wanting to find out that someone was actually awake and have a chance of hearing him say these words.

Chapter End.
To Be Continued...

A/N: Yay! Look, look! I have FINALLY re-vamped this chapter! This chapter is still very short but I plan to have this more than three chapters like last time. It has been, almost, an entire year(10 more days) bit I have finally done it! I think this is much better than the original, but let me here what you think. I even changed the title, but who knows if I will keep it. This is my first fanfiction I have ever written and also my first one that I have re-vamped. Please tell me what you think! (Please do not read anymore until I finish doing those chapters, otherwise I think it will make no sense...) Thanks! -Sam Izumi 3