A/n: Hey everybody, welcome to the very last chapter. It is way shorter than one might expect, but I read it over and over, and there is truly nothing I feel I should add. Short, but I'm happy with it. Thank you truly, deeply, with every fibre of my being to each and every one of my reviewers. You guys all mean so much to me, and your reviews have been so helpful and supportive. I can't name each and every one of you, but I would like to particularly give an extra wave and hug of appreciation to williz, KelsE, Smithy, moony's number 1, Jedi Knight Bus, MontyPythonFan, Red Belle Cash, and lateBloomer04 for being my most faithful reviewers. You guys absolutely rock.

So it's taken me forever to finally finish this story, and overall (minus many typos and the occasional plot hole, lol) I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you guys liked reading it. :)


Chapter 18

By the next day, Elisabeth had full mobility back in her body and Will was completely reassured by Valerie and Max that she would be just fine. Everyone took turns explaining the story about when Westley had been mostly dead, which turned about to be pretty well everything Buttercup had left out when she'd told Will her history with Westley.

When many other stories had been exchanged, Elisabeth and Will then told their story to Max and Valerie, with Elisabeth adding in her experiences aboard the cursed ship that Will had not added in his "history review" to Buttercup.

Around lunchtime, Will, Elisabeth, Buttercup, Inigo and Westley bid goodbye to Valerie and Max, promising to stay in touch and thanking them hundreds of times over for everything they had done. Westley managed to procure a horse and wagon, so traveling went far faster this time. They were careful who they talked to, however, and were even more careful to leave town quite unnoticed by all, knowing they were likely wanted for the murder of the King.

When they reached a small fishing village by the ocean, Inigo bid his farewells, as this was town where he was to meet back up with his crew on the ship Revenge. More thank-yous were heavily exchanged, along with very staunch promises of writing letters often.

Finally, the remaining four reached the grown-over dock outside the Fire Swamp, and were rather surprised to see the Black Pearl was already there waiting for them. Jack swaggered his way down the ramp off the ship and grinned widely at them.

"I see all went well." He said.

Will smirked. "More or less. You're early."

Jack cocked his head. "I'm early if you're going by our pre-arranged date. But I arrive precisely when I mean to, eh, so really, I'm not early, but quite on time." He raised an eyebrow. "Savvy?"

Will chuckled. "Savvy."

Jack flashed the four another gleaming grin before strutting back up the ramp onto the Pearl.

Will hopped from the wagon and helped Elisabeth down after him. Westley and Buttercup dismounted next so they could also say their goodbyes.

"Thank you for everything." Will said quietly to Westley as Elisabeth and Buttercup hugged and shared a rather emotional goodbye, considering they'd hardly spent anytime together. "I could never have rescued her without your help."

"I would have not expected anything less from a man as noble as you, sir." Westley inclined his head respectfully. "And besides. I can't take all the credit. Inigo and Max, and of course Buttercup helped too. There's no way I could have done it without their help."

Will smiled. "True."

"I feel completely redundant saying this again today," Westley began. "But, write often. Keep in touch."

"You also."

Will and Westley shook hands firmly before patting each other on the back in a brotherly hug.

Westley said goodbye to Elisabeth as Will bid farewell to Buttercup.

All goodbyes out of the way, Will and Elisabeth joined Jack on the deck of the Pearl and waved to their friends on Florin's shore. They kept waving until the wagon was obscured by trees, and then the pair headed to the cabin that was Will's.


"Well, that was quite eventful, don't you think?" Westley commented as he steered the horses down the trail in the direction of his and Buttercup's home.

"Oh, quite." Buttercup nodded and slipped her arm around Westley's. "I liked meeting them, but let's not do anything of that sort for a long time, alright?"

"Oh no, definitely not." Westley agreed. "At least, not until my chest is better."

Buttercup laughed and snuggled closer to her husband as the wagon rumbled along the dirt path and the sun sank lower towards the horizon. When Buttercup leaned over to kiss Westley, she had no way of knowing that Elisabeth was doing the very same thing, miles away.


Will and Elisabeth pulled out of the kiss.

"I knew you would come for me." Elisabeth whispered.

"You did?"

Elisabeth hesitated ever so slightly, thinking of the first while that she'd been locked in the tower, completely miserable and without hope. Maybe someday she would tell Will about that, but not now. "Yes." She said.

Will smiled. "I'm glad."

They shared another kiss.



"The moment we get back to Port Royal and make sure my father hasn't died from stress," said Elisabeth with an amused half-smile. "We should get married."

"Right away, Miss Swann." Will tried to sound serious and failed.

Elisabeth giggled and couldn't resist saying, "How many more times must I ask you to call me Elisabeth?"

Will bit back a laugh and solemnly replied, "At least once more, Miss Swann. As always."



A/n: Well, there you have it. The conclusion of Saradon's Revenge. What did you guys think? Leave me a review, you know how much I love them by now. ;)

BTW, before anyone asks! I MIGHT someday do a sequel. I do have a few random ideas tossing about in my head. HOWEVER, it will NOT come for a VERY long time. I just started college yesterday - which is already crazy - and am trying very hard to totally wrap up all my ongoing stories on FF before taking a break. So let me know in your review if you want me to get a hold of you when and if I do a sequel. Also, when I am done my break, I will going through my stories and editing them up a bit. So for those of you who read stories more than once, watch for that.

I think that was all I needed to say. So, until someday soon: Farewell, and THANK YOU again and again.