Disclaimer: I don't own Chrno Crusade or any of its characters. If I did, I wouldn't be writing a fic about it. But I DO own Mia, Sister June, Sister Kristy, April, May, Reverend Maxwell, Arachnia, Tracie, Mary and the Deadly Mafia, and Claries and maybe many others to come that I don't know of as of yet. Anyways, read and enjoy.

Chrno Crusade: The End Is Just The Beginning


Guardian Angel of Innocence

Chapter One: So Many Questions, So Little Answers

The sounds of feet running in a hurry could be heard, splashing joining in every once in a while. The sound of panting could also be heard. It was clear that the owners of the noises were in quite a hurry.

Two shadowed figures could be seen in the darkness. These figures were running and came to a halt when they arrived at the door. The figure hesitantly put a hand over the knob.

"You do realize that once we enter, there will be no turning back," a boy's voice said, coming from the second figure.

A sigh could be heard coming from the first figure, a girl's voice saying, "I'm aware of that, but I promised to see this to the end." The figure turned the knob, bright light illuminating the whole scene...

"Rosette Maryanne Christopher!" a woman's voice cried.

The said girl quickly sat up straight, her eyes wide. She mentally groaned when she saw she had fallen asleep in class again. Sister Kristy was sure to have a fit.

"This is the fourth time you have fallen asleep! Keep this up and-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I know," Rosette said, tossing her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. She smiled when the bell had rung and quickly left the class before her teacher could continue scolding her. Rosette carried her books in her arms, wondering about her dream. She had gotten further in it than last time, but all it did was open the door to more questions rather than answering them. She stopped in her thoughts once she had reached her dorm. She opened the door then closed it behind her, glad that she was the only one in there at the moment.

Rosette went over to the mirror and frowned. She was incredibly short for someone who was sixteen by her standards. True, she had grown a few inches taller over the summer, but not enough to notice any real difference. She sighed and placed her hand over her necklace, which seemed to be an old fashioned clock. Her brother, before he had died, had always said she should get rid of it, but she refused to do so. For some reason, she felt attached to it.

Rosette shook her head and changed into her long white gown. She lied down on her bed then covered herself, taking her necklace off and placing it beside her. She yawned and closed her eyes, soon drifting to sleep...

The two shadow figures entered the room, it also being void of light. Slithering could be heard as well as small squeaks from rats, occasional glowing red eyes being seen.

"Eeewww, this place is disgusting," the girl's voice said.

There was a short pause before the boy's voice said, "I agree."

Laughter than rang out through the room...

Rosette woke up sleepily; looking out the window to see the sun had risen. She groaned and kicked off the covers. Afterwards, she got out of bed and got dressed, putting on her school uniform.

Her uniform was compromised of a buttoned up white t-shirt, navy blue mini skirt, black dress shoes, and ankle socks.

Rosette put her necklace back around her neck then brushed her hair, pulling some of it back into a semi ponytail and tying it back with a navy blue bow. She smiled and picked up her books, heading to class after she had finished getting ready. She took her seat once she had arrived in class and began speaking with her friends.

"Have any of you guys seen the new guy yet?" her red head friend, Claries, asked.

"No. But I hear he's sooo cute!" the brown head, April, squealed.

"I heard he's a demon," the blonde head, May, whispered.

Rosette raised an eyebrow. A demon? But this is a religious boarding school. Why would they let a demon in?

The teacher, Sister June, entered the classroom, everyone taking his or her seats. "Class, as some of you have heard..." She paused, watching the students that had been still talking. They quickly became silent and she continued. "We have a new student."

A boy entered the classroom, seeming to be no older than Rosette and her classmates. His gaze was upon the floor, his long wild violet hair cascading down his shoulders and turning into a long braid that ended at his knees being tied off with a red hair tie. He wore a red coat that seemed too big for him as well as a white buttoned up t-shirt, red baggy shorts, black pants underneath his shorts, black boots, and a magenta sweatband that was wrapped around his forehead.

Rosette watched the boy with her questioning blue eyes, wondering why he wasn't wearing his school uniform or if he even had one. Her eyes widened when his red eyes met hers, his eyes widening as well. Despite the chattering that began to go on once more, it seemed as though time had stopped and silence had taken control of the room to the two.

He looks so familiar, but I just can't tell why, Rosette thought.

It's her. But it can't be! It's impossible! the boy thought.

The two hardly even registered June telling the class that the boy was named Chrno nor the fact that she had told the boy to take his seat.

"Ahem, Mr. Chrno, I'm sure you and Miss Rosette can stare at each other after class," Sister June said.

Chrno blushed out of embarrassment and smiled apologetically, taking his seat near the windows, three rows and five desks away from Rosette.

Rosette also blushed and looked away, pretending to take notes as Sister June began to lecture about the causes of World War I. She sighed and turned her attention to Chrno, seeing him gazing out the window. Chrno... That name sounds so familiar. She ripped out a piece of paper from her binder and quickly wrote something on it then folded it and began passing it.

Chrno looked at the folded paper plainly when it had reached him. He was about to pass it on when he saw whom it was from. He looked up to see Rosette smiling. Chrno gave her a questioning look then opened the note up.

Hey. Welcome to Albie High. I'm Rosette in case you weren't paying attention. Talk to you after class?

Chrno looked towards Rosette before he wrote her back, passing the folded paper back.

Rosette smiled happily once she had gotten it. Her smile disappeared instantly as a frown took its place.

Thank you for the welcome. I'm Chrno. No, I will not speak to you after class. I have no intention of becoming friends with you or any of your human friends.

Rosette looked towards Chrno and gave him something between a glare and a questioning look before writing back.

Oh? And why is that, Sir Demon? You have something against humans? Is that why you're here now? Because this school is the only one that can ward off your powers? Or is it because you're planning on attacking this school in the future?

Chrno frowned when he had gotten the note back and wrote down his reply.

I have nothing against humans and, no, that is not why I am here. And I have no intention of attacking this school at all. Why I am here really is of no importance. Perhaps if you paid attention more in class, you would know the significance of my past. Unless, that is, they stopped telling the legend all so long ago that no one, but those who had witnessed the battle and are still living remember it. I believe that would only be me, but I'd rather not bring up such painful memories. Now, please, let me be. The sight of you only agonizes me.

Rosette blinked a few times and looked over at Chrno again. He's so puzzling. Everything seems to bring up a new question the more I speak with him. And, yet, he's so mysterious. What happened in his past to make him feel so much pain? And just how old is he really? She quickly replied.

You know, your writing is soooooooooooo tiny. I have to squint to even read what you're saying. Why does the very sight of me bring up your painful memories? Why won't you speak of them? What happened to make it so agonizing? And, no, I never heard a legend with the mention of your name, not even in my mythology class was there mention of a demon called Chrno.

Chrno read the note and sweatdropped from her first comment. His expression then changed to one of sorrow and seriousness as he wrote her back.

Uhhh... Heh. Is this better? You... Look so much like a very good friend of mine. It's too painful to speak of and I'd rather leave it at that. Can we just leave at that, please?

Rosette read the note and frowned when she saw he still hadn't answered her questions about his past. She sighed and shook her head. Better I get him to talk in person. She was about to write him back when June caught sight of the note and immediately read it much to Rosette's dismay.

June raised an eyebrow then threw the note away. "Miss Rosette, I would like to speak with you after class."
"But-" Rosette protested.

"No buts, young lady," June said firmly.

Rosette growled and stood up. "Why am I being punished?! What about Chrno?! He was the one writing me back!"

"Rosette, sit down," June said sternly.

"Not until I know why he's so special!" Rosette cried. Truthfully, she was used to getting in trouble and actually would rather Chrno didn't, but she wanted answers and if no one else would give them to her, she would force it out of them.

"Rosette Maryanne Christopher! Sit or I will send you to the headmistress!" June commanded.

"I won't sit until I have been answered!" Rosette cried.

June was about to warn her one more time when Chrno's voice broke in.

"It's okay, Sister," Chrno said quietly, his gaze meeting Rosette's before looking away. "She is right and as such, I deserve to be punished as well."

June fell silent and closed her eyes, letting out a breath to calm herself. She opened her blue eyes and nodded. "Very well. I will see you both after class." She walked up in front of the class, her red violet hair bouncing in motion with her. She picked up the history book and slightly moved her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She then began reading from the text once more as Chrno took his seat.

Rosette sat down as well and gave Chrno yet another questioning gaze. It seemed the boy was just full of surprises and she had a feeling she wasn't even on the cherry on top of the ice cream.

Rosette let out a dreaded sigh as the class finally ended and went up to her teacher, Chrno standing beside her. She placed her hands behind her head. "Well?"

Chrno looked towards Rosette and smiled sadly then shook his head, looking away. This caused Rosette to become even more puzzled about the boy.

"Rosette, I honestly did not wish to speak of this and in front of Chrno, too," June said, giving Rosette a disapproving look. "You will regret your actions after you hear what I am about to say."

Chrno sat down on a desktop and watched the two silently.

June began pacing back and forth. "Rosette, about eighty-four years ago, there was a great battle between the Sinners, their leader Aion, and the Magdalene Order. The whole history in itself is quite long, but there were two people within the Order that helped us in victory to save the world from certain destruction. The battles which had occurred and ultimately lead to that night all our fates would be decided were brutal, many dying and getting hurt in the process of making it that far. That night, the two heroes whom we knew could put an end to this bloody war between demons and humankind went in for the final the battle against Aion.

"For the past few months, Aion had been collecting the Apostles. We knew not why, but we had found out to our horror what he intended when we had found out what it was. We were too late to stop him, but we still held onto hope of defeating him.

"Aion had used the Apostles' astral energy to gain more power. He became quite a formidable and deadly foe. Not that he wasn't before, but he was far more destructive now.

"The two we knew who could and did defeat Aion and save the world was Chrno and a girl who looked very similar to you. The reverend, head mistress, and the rest of us thought it to be a coincidence. But it is far too likely to be a coincidence. She looked exactly like you. Acted just like you. You were even the same age as her when her brother had gone missing and joined this school. Rosette, that girl that had gone in to fight by Chrno's side was a girl that was exactly like you with the same name, attitude, age, and looks as you.

"Chrno hasn't paid a visit to this school in quite a while ever since... That incident. It is one we all wish to forget, but with you constantly questioning him over it, we will never be able to do so. You are to no longer bother Chrno with your questions about a past that should have been forgotten. Am I clear?"

Rosette looked away and didn't respond.

"Am I clear?!" June demanded, becoming irritated with the teenager's stubborn attitude.

Rosette glared at the Sister, but stayed silent.

June sighed in exasperation. "Rosette, promise me you will no longer speak of this."

"I will not promise something I cannot keep," Rosette said then left the classroom before Sister June could say another word.

June sighed deeply and sat down at her desk, sinking deeply in her chair from exhaustion. She smiled apologetically at Chrno. "I am deeply sorry, but she is very willful and stubborn."

Chrno smiled weakly. "It's fine." He stood up and placed his hands in his pockets as he left the classroom.

Rosette growled in frustration and kicked her trunk. She was within her room and extremely frustrated. June hadn't exactly answered all her questions and only rose even more and she was growing intensely annoyed with it all since no one would give her a straight answer. She wondered many things now such as why the girl was a complete copy of herself, what had happened to the girl, why she looked like that girl, what had happened in the battle with Aion, why Aion wanted to use the Astral Line through the Apostles to gain power, and so much more.

Rosette sighed in irritation and lied flat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was bad enough her dreams were plaguing her with questions. Ever since she had met Chrno, she had only gotten even more questions. And after what the teacher had said, she was even more questionable. She absolutely hated it! Her questions were gathering into a pile while her answers only seemed to be like two pieces of paper lying down on a dusty desk. She yawned and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep...

"I see you have arrived. I have been waiting for this for quite a long time," a voice said.

The two shadowed figures were revealed from the illuminating light. One was a girl that looked exactly like Rosette and was holding out her gun, pointed at the owner of the voice. The other was a boy that looked exactly like Chrno. The owner of the voice stepped forward, the shadows no longer hiding him as well.

The owner of the voice happened to be a demon with long white hair and violet eyes. He wore a white suit and had wings coming out from his back. He grinned as Chrno growled and stood protectively in front of the girl.

All three of them were speaking, but no words seemed to come out as though the scene was a show and someone had muted the television. After exchanging words for some time, the Chrno and Rosette look-alikes began attacking the white head man...

"Grrrrr! Rosette! Wake up, you lazy bum!" a girl's voice cried out.

Rosette groaned and rolled over onto her side. "Ten more minutes."

"Rosette! Get up or I'll throttle you!" the girl cried.

Rosette growled and glared daggers at the one who had woken her up. It was none other than her best friend, Mia. She frowned and threw her pillow at her best friend's face. She then smirked. "I see you've returned from your exorcise." Rosette got out of bed and straightened her clothes.

Mia blinked her red eyes as the pillow fell from her face. She then frowned and crossed her arms. It was then that Rosette noticed her best friend's choice of new wardrobe.

Mia's long ebony hair was tied up in a high ponytail, it being held by a red bow. She wore a black sweater, white button up t-shirt, red mini skirt, knee high white socks, and black dress shoes.

Rosette raised an eyebrow. "Got tired of the school uniform?"

Mia sighed, seeming to be quite bored. "Yes! Do you know how irritating it feels to wear dark colors all the time?!"

"It's not totally dark," Rosette interrupted. One of the reasons she and Mia were best friends was because they could relate to one another and had almost the exact personality. They would be mistaken for sisters if it weren't for their appearances.

Mia's long black hair that reached her knees greatly contrasted to Rosette's long blonde hair that only reached her waist. Mia also was a good foot taller than Rosette.

There was also the fact that, though their personalities were almost the same, they also had many differences. Mia usually had her nose stuck in a poetry book or romance novel, Rosette normally read stories of adventures or didn't read at all. Mia was into mystery movies; Rosette was into action movies. Rosette was normally always cheerful and determined; Mia, though her personality was quite cheerful, she wasn't always exactly like Rosette as she couldn't keep up her cheerful disposition or keep her determination up for long; when those time arose, Mia was normally alone and writing poetry that explained her feelings and why she was in that certain mood. Writing poetry had always soothed Mia and seemed to get her emotions off her chest.

"That's beyond the point!" Mia protested.

Rosette frowned. "You had a bad exorcise, didn't you?"

Mia sighed and looked down at the ground. "Yes." She sat down. "The demon got away, but... It took the Apostle with him."

Rosette's eyes widened as she thought back to what Sister June had said.


"For the past few months, Aion had been collecting the Apostles. We knew not why, but we had found out to our horror what he intended when we had found out what it was. We were too late to stop him, but we still held onto hope of defeating him.

"Aion had used the Apostles' astral energy to gain more power. He became quite a formidable and deadly foe. Not that he wasn't before, but he was far more destructive now."

End Flashback

"Were you able to find out who the demon worked for or the reason why he was taking the Apostle?" Rosette asked, fear, concern, and something equal to excitement beginning to fill her body. She would finally have an adventure just like she always dreamed of. She would travel the world, fight evil, be the heroine, meet a cute guy that would be the hero to help her fight off evil, it would be exactly in like in those movies and books she always watched and read.

Mia sighed deeply and shook her head. "No. I did not."

Rosette frowned again and shook her head. "Well, it can't be helped for now." She then grinned a bit evilly. "Want to go see the new guy? I'm sure we can find him easily. He looks like the type to hang out in libraries and read all the time." Her expression turned to a sadden one, her memories going back to her brother.


Rosette walked into the room, the fireplace glowing brightly from its flames. She grinned a bit evilly and quietly snuck up behind her brother, Joshua, whom had been caught up in one of his books. She loomed behind him and was about to place her hands over his eyes when his voice stopped her.

"Hey, Sis," Joshua said, not looking at her, his full attention on the book.

Rosette growled and kicked a nearby teddy bear out of frustration. She sat down in front of her little brother, watching him curiously. "What are you reading?"

"Romeo and Juliet," Joshua replied.

Rosette made a disgusted expression. "I can't believe you're into that lovey-dovey stuff. It's all stupid if you ask me."

"Which I'm not going to," Joshua said, lowering his book and smiling. "You don't appreciate true literature."
Rosette gave him a look, but fell silent as she turned her attention to the flames...

End Flashback

"Sure," Mia said, smiling slightly, her voice breaking Rosette out of her thoughts.

Rosette smiled and grabbed Mia's hand. "Then let's go!" She ran off towards whatever direction she believed Chrno to be in.

So, what did you think? This is my first Chrno Crusade fic and I've never seen the anime nor read the manga so all this is either being made up as I go or coming off what I found and heard about it. sighs I really need to go out and buy the manga so I can get more background into the story. It'll help greatly in the next chapters to come. Anyways, please review and tell me what you think. Thanks in advance.