Feeling Fond
By Tione

Warnings: Slash (snarry – snape/harry)

So you're here to ask about Harry Potter? Well, go away; I really don't want to talk about him.

Not gone? All right.

He's a trouble-making, arrogant brat with a bad superiority complex. I should know, I was his potions professor. He's insufferable.

You don't think I'm telling the truth?

Fine then, maybe the truth will get you out of here faster.

He makes me feel. Anger, happiness, sadness… but mostly annoyance. But the point is, he makes me feel emotions, something I was perfectly incapable of until I met him.

It started in his fifth year, after Christmas Break. It was during the occlumency lessons I was forced to give him. I was annoyed – surprise surprise – at his lack of effort but prepared to break into his mind again anyway. It was easy – no fight whatsoever.

The instant I'd broken through, a memory washed over me, one that I instantly recognized. It was in my potions class.

I was sitting at my desk, grading papers (read: failing students), unaware Potter was staring at me. God, he's so hot, I heard Harry think. Snape's still a git, though…

As soon as he was back on his feet, I had tackled him and snogged him very thoroughly.

So that's what happened. Is your bloody curiosity satisfied?

The brat's gone and blown himself up, then? Good. One less thorn in my side.

Of course I'm not crying, you moronic imbecile! It's raining, can't you tell?

Odd… Short… Very weird. [hides]