By: cherryblossoms01
Chapter 10: Memories
A/N:KONNICHIWA!!!!!!!!! IVE MISSED YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW LONG THIS HAS BEEN DONE n I mean seriously. Its been done for at LEAST 18 months now. At LEAST so y am I JUST putting it up? Ask my good friend luisa that was supposed to put it up but didn't, kept my disk 4 more than 6 months. Etc etc. I moved blah blah couldn't frind the chapter blah BUT ITS HERE! ITS FINALLY HERE! I'm up to chapter 10! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! etc. Etc. I don't have that much to write except its finally here! Not that theres anything special going on but just that I'm up to the # 10 means a lot to me. Well to the story!
"Sakura…Sakura…Sakura Kinomoto!"
you like to share with us what you were so deeply in thought about
Kinomoto?" Sakura's Math teacher stood in front of Sakura with
her arms crossed and her foot impatiently tapping. The class openly
laughing at the red faced, auburn haired student.
"No ma'am"
she tentatively replied, her head bent low letting her short hair
shield her face from humiliation.
you had better start paying better attention in class."
nodded and listened to the clicking of Ms. Matsui's heels as they
clicked back to the front of the room. She let out a sigh of relief.
She'd done it again! For the past week now all Sakura had been
doing was thinking of Syaoran and of the closeness she had felt in
his room that stormy day. Sakura has sworn that she had felt
something. It was almost as if she had broken down an invisible
barrier in front of him. But as soon as she had hugged him, Syaoran
had grown stiff and closed up. Maybe she had taken it too far. But
whatever the case Sakura was determined to open up that bond between
them that she had been aware of before.
can you read the example of question number three please?"
Oh yes, factor x² - 64. x² - 64 (x + 8) …"
Gosh it had been a long day filled of quizzes, tests and worst of all…Math. That four letter word that Sakura hated so. It would be great to unwind in baton practice and she definitely needed more of the practice. She bent down to begin her stretches. The last few days had been just a daze to her. Wake up in the morning, eat, get ready for school then hope and pray that while she was leaving she'd bump into Syaoran. Of course she was never that lucky. And then having Syaoran sit next to her in every class, that was torture! He'd come in, sit down and stare straight out the board with out moving an inch or even acknowledging that Sakura was there! His very presence could make her squirm.
Letting out a sigh she jumped up and joined the rest of the team waving to the other girls as she walked by. Here she didn't have to worry about Syaoran or making a fool of herself. Here she was actually welcomed. Someone pressed the play button and Sakura let the sound wash over her as the music picked up its tempo. Here she could relax and forget about all the troubles in the day. She threw her baton into the air, did a back flip and landed into a split a second before reaching over her head meeting her hand with the wand. She smiled in triumph and shot up, again sending the baton sky high and twirled six times before catching it yet again. Minutes later she ended the routine with her arms in the air and a jubilant smile.
"See you tomorrow Sakura!"
"Ja ne Meiko!"
had been great that day and Sakura felt better than she had in weeks.
"You want a ride Sakura?" asked a bubbly petite redhead.
Sakura flashed her an apologetic smile. "Sorry no thanks. I think I'm gonna walk it."
" 'Kay, see ya!"
Sakura waved to her friend and continued on her way back home. Starring up at the bright blue sky and white pillow soft clouds, she decided that it was such a beautiful day that she should take the long way home and walk through the park. Sakura sat on her favorite bench directly under the apple tree. She sat back and sighed. Haru—spring. Her favorite season, it was finally here. Haru—the season of new beginnings. Sakura leaned her head on the back of the bench, starring up at the now bare apple tree that would soon be blossoming with its sweet, juicy, plentiful, fruit. Her eyes began to flutter slowly they closed and she feel into a light sleep.
"Sakura! Sakura!"
"Hmm? Syaoran?" smiling Sakura opened her eyes expecting to find a pair of amber starring back at her. Instead she was surprised to find two wide eyed sapphire gems looking down with clear annoyance.
"I've been looking for you everywhere Sakura! Didn't you hear you cell phone ringing?" Tomoyo glared at her with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping with impatience.
"What? Oh I guess I fell asleep. I didn't hear it…"
Tomoyo tugged at her friends' uniform sleeve, cutting her off in mid-sentence. "Never mind that. I have something incredible to show you!" Before Sakura could even ask a question much less a sound of protest, Tomoyo dragged her towards the Kinomoto residence blabbering on about how much Sakura is going to just LOVE her surprise, how much work she put into and of course how much Sakura would owe her big time.
Sakura stared at the surprise laid out in front of her. When she didn't say anything Tomoyo said it for her.
"Isn't it wonderful!?"
Sakura just stared.
"I know, you're speechless. You don't have to say a thing."
"Well it would be nice if you said one word after all the hard work I put into it."
"Well its…beautiful Tomoyo. But… what's it for?" Sakura ogled at the kimono. Even in its simplicity it was still beautiful. On the Uwamae top flap on the bottom on kimono-always left side was a pattern of two rows of large white and pink checkers that followed up to the left sleeve. The rest of the kimono was pure white except for the large pink and yellow flowers that covered the rest of the fabric with small green leaves. In the center was the Obi sash which was pink, the Obijime center belt that was yellow and the Obiage top belt which was the exact color emerald as Sakura's eyes.
Tomoyo's eyes filled with amusement. "Its for you Sakura! You know, the Cherry Blossoms festival. I told you I would make a kimono."
"And I told you I wasn't going" she replied turning around to leave her room.
Brushing past her Tomoyo blocked the way in front of the door with her arms stretched out and a determined look upon her face. "And you promised me you would."
Sakura groaned and flung herself on her bed sending stuffed animals scattering about.
Her friend begged, "Come on Sakura." Her face softened. "Can't you do this? For me? I already made the kimono and everything! After all the thought, love and preparation. You're just going to make me go alone?" Her eyes glistened over with tears. "Maybe it's not good enough for you, is that it!" Tomoyo threw herself against a wall, gushing in disturbing sobs.
Quickly Sakura ran to her side attempting to subside her. "No! No Tomoyo that's not it." She soothed while rubbing her back. "You know that I've always loved your designs. If it means that much for you then…" She took a deep breath…then I'll go to the festival."
Sniffling sounds could be heard emitting from Tomoyo. She asked, "Do you really mean it?" without turning around.
Sakura strained a smile. Lord give her strength, "Yeah I really mean it."
"Good!" Tomoyo clapped her hands facing Sakura. Any residue of sadness and tears, gone without a trace. "Maybe we should try it on you just to make sure it fits. I'm pretty sure it does since I know your exact measurements and all."
Sakura stood in skepticism. What just happened here? Tomoyo continued babbling on while stood still trying to process how in less than five seconds flat a person could go from bawling their eyes out to a smiling, happy, cheery soul as if nothing had happened. Can you say multiple personalities?
"I used cotton instead of silk since I know it's probably gonna be pretty hot that day. But I did use silk for the Obi. That's ok with you right?" she spun around, her face flushed, her eyes glittered, the way it always did when she talked about fashion. "Sakura?" she waved her hands in front of Kinomoto's face who had no reaction. "Konnichiwaaa hellooooo."
Dammit. Syaoran was counting down the days until they returned to China. He just couldn't sit not knowing anything that was going on with the clan without him. His mother insisted that everything was all right and continuously told him not to worry himself, but he couldn't even trust his mother's judgement right now.
Ever since they had come to Japan, Yelan had been acting well, she hadn't been acting in her normal Yelan self. Back in China you would always see Yelan in a formal classic Chinese dress (particularly in dark gloomy shades), and a tight bun without a hair out of place. She was strong and stern; never revealing any of her emotions. Syaoran was used to that Yelan. He liked that Yelan. One thing he knew for sure was that the Yelan that he was talking to right now was not his mother.
"Nadeshiko and I were talking and we think that maybe over the weekend both of our families could spend a day in the park together. Maybe have a picnic? I heard that there is a fair sometime around then too. Maybe we could invite Tomoyo and Sakura too? What do you think Eriol?"
Syaoran just stared at his imposter of as mother and the babbling bafoon next to her. What was going on here? Picnics? Fairs?! What was this, the Asian version of the Brady Bunch? He studied his mother who was busy with her new painting on the easel in front of her, pausing between strokes to chat to the rambunctious Eriol. She had changed so much within the few weeks that they had been here.
She wore her long hair out and loose. Letting it flow at her sides, reaching all the way to the middle of her back. Instead of the stiff formal dress, it was replaced by jeans and a simple white T-shirt. But the most surprising change to Syaoran was that she smiled more. She seemed…happier. Syaoran couldn't remember the last time he saw his mother smile or laugh so much. It made Yelan look so much younger, smoothing away the worry lines that had appeared unnoticed over time.
"What do you think Syaoran?" asked Yelan snapping Syaoran out of his thoughts."
"About what?"
"About this weekend and our plans with the Kinomoto's of course." Yelan gave him a look of puzzlement.
"I think…I think I need some air." He rose and hastily left the living room outside in the relief of the garden.
As soon as he had left Yelan placed down her paintbrush and leaned over to Eriol. "He's finally gone."
"You'd like the report on our little scheme earlier this week I presume?" replied Eriol with a glint in his cerulean eyes."
"Yes. How did our little plan work?" Yelan asked with obvious interest.
"Perfect. And you'd be surprised by the ending result."
"Ahh." Syaoran heaved out a sigh when he stepped into the warm spring air. It had just started to get dark with the sun setting for the day and the sky was filled with the colors of red, orange, pink and gold. It was as if the sky was a canvas and the sun its paintbrush. Moving his feet he started on a slow steady pace, walking out the garden past one of the older maple trees. Right near the spot when Sakura had "accidentally" fell on top of him. Syaoran stopped in his tracks as the memories of that day just a few weeks ago ran past his mind…
The sight, her in that cute little yellow dress, her cheeks flushed pink, the color of her bright lovely emerald eyes….Her smell….Oh she had smelled so good. So sweet. Like green apples and flowers. And her touch…her skin felt so soft and tender. It felt so warm against him threw that fragile thin material of dress she was wearing. Her taste…if only he had inched closer. Just an inch to those rosy tempting lips…
Oh god no.
What was happening to him? How could he remember such small insignificant details as her clothing and her smell? How could he remember anything at all? That Kinomoto…she was like a parasite. Eating away at his thoughts and making a nice little snug home for herself in whatever was left that could be called Syaoran's brain.
He needed to get out of this place. But first, a walk.
Stepping out of the garden he looked at the white and tan house that stood identical to his. The Kinomoto residence. Glancing up he spotted pink curtains that no doubt belonged to Kinomoto herself. The room was directly across from his. Directly across… directly…a memory flashed in his head. Back to the first time he laid eyes on that window and saw the beautiful figure that shone across him…
A warm dark night. The moon shinning ever so brightly above. And her, sitting there, at her window. Where she was vulnerable, where all her secrets could be seen. Her eyes were closed shut when the breeze blew brushing her auburn tresses from her face. And all Syaoran could think of was what an angel she resembled.
No! No, he had to keep moving. He had come out here for an escape, the last thing he wanted to do was think of that thing Kinomoto. Turning on his heels Syaoran walked down the block without another glance back. Around twenty minutes later after a long continuous train of thoughts on what sort of alien creature had taken over his mother (although Eriol seemed to be at the top of the list), Syaoran came to a halt to take in his surroundings. He hadn't been paying attention to where he was going and it was getting pretty late, he'd head back now so that Yelan wouldn't worry. Even though Syaoran was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
Glancing around Syaoran tried to gather where exactly he was. A quick look to his right and he spotted the red and white sign of an ice cream parlor. The very same ice cream parlor Kinomoto dragged him to on the first day of her showing him around the neighborhood (even though as I recall he went willingly). Yes, that definitely was the place, and just a few yards away was the spot where Kinomoto had fell…
Syaoran looked at an ice cream covered Sakura. At first it came out as only a chuckle but soon Syaoran was on his knees, clutching his stomach, laughing hysterically. A smile spread on Sakura's face and she couldn't help but start laughing too. After a few minutes Sakura stopped and stared at Syaoran. A few moments later Syaoran calmed down a bit and wiped the water from his eyes.
"What?" he said between mouthfuls of air. "Hahaha what are you staring at?"
"Its just that. I've never seen you laugh before."
Snapping back to reality Syaoran hurriedly continued on his way home without looking back. By the time he reached home it was already nightfall. Not a light could be seen in the Li residence. They must be all asleep. Should he go threw the front or sneak threw the garden to the living room? Garden he decided. Gingerly Syaoran entered the garden, cringing at the squeak from the white picket fences hinges. Hopping over various flowerpots and avoiding delicate flower beds (if even one of his mothers flowers were trampled I'd be his head for sure), he made it to the living room entrance. Now only to get upstairs. Syaoran made his way up the staircase when he suddenly stopped. Was he hearing voices?
All senses on full alert, Syaoran descended the steps keeping his footing light. He entered the blackened hallway, the whispers were coming from the kitchen. If it was burglars he could handle them easily, as long as they didn't have any weapons. Stopping he pressed his ear to the door. The whispers grew clearer.
"What if the plan does not work?" the first voice said.
"It will. Don't worry so much…" answered the second.
"Yes, but what if he finds out? He would never forgive us and would surely go straight back to China."
"Just leave everything to me. Syaoran may be smart but he'll never get what were up to. I'll make sure of it."
Wait a second. He knew those voices. Pushing open the door and flicking on the kitchen light revealed Syaoran mother and Hiragizawa sitting at the table looking like two little kids who were just caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
"Syaoran" said Yelan in her normal tone, though Syaoran could see the alarm and panic in his mother's face. "I thought that you were already asleep."
"No. I actually just came in" her son replied as he casually looked between the two culprits. "What are you two doing up?"
"We were just discussing about how nice both Sakura and Tomoyo are and how lucky were are to have the Kinomoto's as our neighbors. Right Yelan?"
Yelan had regained her composure and agreed with adding that not everyone would be so inviting with a new person that they met.
"Well I think I'll be heading to bed now. There is school in the morning after all Syaoran. Oyasumi Goodnight" Eriol finished by giving a wink at Syaoran before disappearing threw the kitchen door.
"I think I will be going to sleep also. Do not stay up so late Syaoran." And she left following Eriol in pursuit.
It was obvious something was going on here, something that had to do with Syaoran. But what could Eriol and Yelan possibly have up their backs to try and attempt Syaoran from returning to China? Syaoran narrowed his eyes as he looked back at the empty spots that were seconds ago occupied. Yes, something was going on. And he pledged that he would find out exactly what it was.
Back in his room Syaoran paced back and forth, back and forth until he was almost certain that he had worn a path in the floor. His shadow played against the white rays of moonlight. What were his mother and Hiragizawa up to and what did it have to do with Syaoran? Why was it that they didn't want him to return to China so badly? He had left this blasted house to clear his head but all it seemed to do was get his mind even more in a jumble. Especially about Sakura.
Syaoran threw his weight on top of his bed not minding that the sheet nearly fell off in the process. He flipped over onto his stomach to lean his chin on his crossed fingers. The bangs from his uncontrollable chestnut locks fell in a swoop over his right eye before he brushed it away impatiently.
The whole night had been filled with reminiscences of days he had spent with Sakura. Both good and bad. In fact now when he looked back at them, none of those moments seemed bad at all. In all of them, even if he showed a look of anger, deep down inside he always felt a type of…comfort, whenever she was near. Whether it was her smile, when she said hi or even just as insignificant as the way she looked at him with her big, gigantic, beautiful emerald eyes, she always made Li feel needed and somehow, special.
Li glanced up only to find himself starring into deep silver eyes. The eyes belonged to the wolf and her baby cub. The drawing that he loved so dearly…
"Did you do this?" she whispered, her emerald eyes sparkling in wonder, in awe.
Syaoran smiled and came to stand next to Sakura. "Actually my mother did. She's always had a talent in art. A few you saw in the dining room are from her own collection."
Sakura watched Syaoran look at his mother's work with value. With pride. "You must really admire her."
"I do. She's the only person I've got" he answered in a far off voice still starring at the wolfs.
Ever since that rainy afternoon Syaoran couldn't get what happened in his room out of his mind. After Sakura had hugged him, when Sakura had hugged him he had felt so…free and warm and… safe. They stood that way for a while. Sakura with her arms wrapped around him, her tears running down his face or were they a combination from them both? The cool water trickled down Syaoran's cheek falling to his bottom lip where he licked it diligently, having the salty liquid meet with the tip of his sensitive tongue.
Suddenly he had the strangest urge. Slowly Syaoran lifted his hand to wipe Sakura's tears away, who's head shot up in surprise. After seeing the warm comforting darkness of Sakura's eyes Syaoran could actually see the breath catch in her throat. He wanted to see her breath again, to give her that breath. Cupping her flushed cheek and placing his right at the small of her back pulling her towards him gazing into her parted emerald pools of wonder. Leaning in he took one last breath until…
"Hey Syaoran, Sakura's mom finally came…" Eriol and Tomoyo barged in on the now awkward scene between the two teenagers.
After a brief moment of silence Tomoyo grabbed Eriol's hand and shunned him out the room. "Umm, I'll be waiting downstairs Sakura" she said before giving her friend a secretive wink that Li happened to catch.
And right before closing the door though a muffled "Go Li!" and a "You're my hero" could be heard just seconds before what sounded like a giant slap and crying pup.
And that was the day. That was the day that kept Syaoran up at night, that was the day that kept him as far away from Kinomoto as possible, and that was the day that began a long series of never ending thoughts of an emerald beauty in his mind.
"Do you think that he heard us?" Eriol had sneaked into Yelan's rooms after making sure Syaoran had fallen asleep. The last thing he needed was another incident like in the kitchen. He still wasn't sure if Syaoran had overheard his conversation with Yelan, but he didn't want to take any more chances.
"I am not sure. It did not seem that way." Yelan sat at the edge of her bed already changed in her sleeping wear. Dark bags lay under her dark chocolate eyes, identical to her only son's. "I just want Syaoran to be happy Eriol. All this that we are doing is for him."
Eriol moved from his spot against the wall to sit next to his friends' mother. Just like with Syaoran, Yelan always tried to portray a mask of total confidence and control. And just like him, under all that toughness, she was really uncertain and sensitive. The truth was that Yelan really cared about her son. All she wanted was what was best for him.
"A boy his age does not need something as stressful as the weight of a clan on his shoulders" Yelan continued with a sigh.
"No he doesn't" agreed a weary eyed Eriol. Rising he took a few steps to the door and ceased. His long delicately crafted fingertips lightly resting on the doorknob. "And whether or not Syaoran likes it were going to make sure he doesn't go back to China."
A/N: Yes I am done! Finally! You really truly don't know how long ive been up to this chapter and how long ive said I would finish it. This is the longest chapter I've ever written! 8 pages! Yeah yeah I know its not that long, but still…. I don't know if you noticed but I tried to focus mainly on Syaoran and his feelings in this chapter since we normally are getting all of Sakura's intake. Syaoran has been almost like a man of mystery In the story, you never really know what hes thinking and what's really going on in his little mind. We think of him as strong, obedient, rude, you know the type. But today we got to see a little past that into the true Syaoran that is rarely seen. I hope this makes you think differently of him.
oh yes! What exactly were Eriol and Yelan talking about and what does it have to do with Syaoran? And what was the little scheme that they had planned and how exactly did it go well?
I thank u all that have sticked to me even when I was missing in action. I now understand the difficulties of juggling life its everyday problems n doing what u love 2! So thank u guys!! PLEASE REVIEW! N ill get the next chapter up as soon as I can! (however long that's gonna take lol) but dnt worry its already 1/3 or 1/4 done! 3 LoVe U!