Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to the extremely talented J.K. Rowling. I own nothing more than the plot.

Author's Note: I would like to apologize in advance if at any point in this story the characters are out-of-character as perceived in the Harry Potter series.

Chapter 1:

"Mum, I'll be fine, really," Ginny said, as she passed through the border dividing the wizarding world from the muggle world.

"I know, I'm just so proud of you!" said Mrs. Weasley happily. "Your sixth year - and a Prefect! That makes everyone except Fred and George!"

"Thanks, mum," Fred said sarcastically.

"It's not like we wanted to be Prefects! They are all goody-goodies anyway," George said brushing the comment off.

Mrs. Weasley gave George a look that said 'that's not funny.'

"Thanks, mum," said Ginny as a light red blush crept up her neck. "I'll see you over Christmas break." Ginny looked at Fred and George, "You guys, too." She gave her mother, father, Fred, and George each one last hug, and boarded the Hogwarts Express with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were known as the 'Dream Team' by most Slytherins. All three of them met on the train ride to Hogwarts at the beginning of their first year at the school, which seemed so long ago. Over the years, their friendship grew and they had become inseparable. Now, in their seventh year, they were closer than ever.

One thing remained the same, though. Ginny was still the fourth wheel in that relationship and felt that she wouldn't fit in with their tight knit group that was bursting with love and friendship. In that sense, she felt like a loner, as though she wasn't accepted not only by them, but by all Hogwarts students.

Ginny had changed though. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well. Although she still felt like the outcast of the Dream Team's group, she was no longer the shy and timid little girl she once was. She used to keep herself isolated and apart from most of the other kids at Hogwarts. She felt like she didn't fit in.

All that changed over the summer when she encountered a certain blond haired Slytherin.

She thought back to the day in Diagon Alley when she was buying used books at Flourish and Blotts. She had given her mother the books she needed and went down the street to the second hand robe shop. As she was walking out of the book store and into the robe shop, the young man that she had come to loathe over the past years for ridiculing her and her family, stopped her and started spitting insults in her face. It was the typical Malfoy behavior that she knew all too well. She surprised him with her quickness and the insults that she hurled at him, leaving Draco Malfoy stunned as she walked into the used robe shop, a smirk plastered on her face. A smirk that could even challenge that of Draco Malfoy's.

At sixteen going on seventeen, and in her sixth year, Ginny had seemed to have grown a back bone. She was no longer afraid of other people and no longer scared to express her views and opinions. She had become a very independent young lady that summer day, and she had no thoughts of changing back to how she used to be. She loved the way she spoke her mind and didn't care what anyone else thought. She had become quite a talker and stood up for her family with her quick comebacks and passion for what she speaks about.

One thing was for sure: she was no longer the little girl she once was. She was not Ginny, the youngest Weasley; she was Ginny- an individual with thoughts all her own. She would do whatever she felt right, taking responsibility over her own actions, and therefore, able to face consequences and criticism. She was simply Ginny: no strings attached.

"Come on, this compartment is empty," Hermione said, breaking into Ginny's thoughts, causing her to snap back to reality. Hermione entered and sat down by the window, settling her cat, Crookshanks, on her lap. She scratched him behind his ears, and he let out a low purr of delight.

"You know, I never liked that cat," Ron said as he entered and sat down across from Hermione.

"Yes, we know," Harry said as he walked in after Ron and sat down next to him.

Crookshanks opened his eyes slowly, turning toward Ron, as if he knew and could feel Ron's hatred toward him. Crookshanks' green eyes glared at Ron, making him feel a bit uneasy and turned away.

Ginny walked in after Harry a moment later and sat down next to Hermione, looking at Crookshanks.

"I was just saying..." Ron trailed off, avoiding the weird feeling he got when Crookshanks looked at him.

"Thanks for reminding us," Hermione said sarcastically. Hermione was the smart bushy haired Gryffindor girl with an aura about her that caused you to either like or despise her.

"Well, Pig," Harry said, pointing to Ron's over ecstatic owl, "is annoying, but we don't say anything about it."

"Extremely annoying," Hermione corrected him, something she did often.

"I agree," Ginny said, feeling that she should add something to the conversation, instead of just listening.

"I find him annoying, too, but I deal with it," Ron said.

"So you should 'deal' with Crookshanks, too!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron rubbed his temples and said, "Fine, fine, fine."

"Thank - " Hermione began to say, but was cut off by the compartment door swinging open, revealing Draco Malfoy and his two side kicks, Vincent Crabbe and Greggory Goyle.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron asked, the infamous Weasley temper kicking in.

"Temper, temper, Weasley," Malfoy said, giving his trademark smirk.

Ron turned a light shade of red from his slowly rising anger and fury. Ron hated Draco Malfoy, but then again, everyone did. Everyone, that is, from Gryffindor.

"I can't believe you all thought that you could actually kill the Dark Lord! You lot are weak and extremely stupid," Malfoy said with his usual sneer. "No better than a bunch of mudbloods!" as he said this, he looked at Hermione, who shot Draco death glares.

"Don't use that term around us again, or you'll be sorry. Besides, at least we're not 'stupid' enough to land ourselves in Azkaban, like some," Harry shot back at him, wiping the smirk right off Malfoy's face.

"Leave my father out of this, Potter," Draco spat, his face hardening.

"If I don't what are you going to do? Go crying to mommy?" Harry asked.

"At least I have a mother," Malfoy shot back.

Harry got up, and socked Draco in the face. Although Draco towered over Harry by a good few inches, Harry didn't let the height factor get in his way of giving Draco what he deserved. "Don't EVER talk about my mother like that!" Harry screamed.

Draco got up and took a step toward Harry. Ron and Hermione pulled out their wands and pointed it at him. Draco saw this, and instead of hitting Harry, he spat, "I'd watch your back if I were you." With that, he left the compartment, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Don't listen to him, Harry, they are a bunch of jerks. They had no right to say that about your mom!"

"Thanks, Mione." Everything fell silent after that.

Ginny looked out the window, to discover that the train began to move, as they neared Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The compartment door swung open and a woman's voice said, "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

Harry bought a heap of chocolate frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Ron and Hermione helped themselves to several of each.

"Ewww, I got another vomit flavored one! I hate those!" Ron exclaimed, spitting it out, to which Ginny made a face of disgust.

"I got strawberry," Hermione replied with a grin.

"You always get the good ones," Ron said with a hint of jealousy.

After a few moments, Ginny got up and said, "I'm going to go find some friends," and with that, left the compartment.

"Bye," Hermione, Ron, and Harry all said as she left the compartment, closing the door behind her.