Chapter Three
It had been five months since their dance; and three months since he'd cradled her in his arms as she sobbed. Logan continued to keep a silent, distant eye on the young woman, never stepping on her toes, but always close enough to reassure him self that she was ok. The Wolverine wasn't a sentimental man, but Logan was protective of those he cared about.
A spray of mist hit him in the face and he growled, glaring warningly at the children splashing around in the pool, daring them to get him wet again. The youngest, a seven-year-old boy with blonde hair and freckles, shrank back in a guilty apology. His violet eyes were wide with childlike innocence. Logan stared him down for a moment before looking away, a movement nearby catching his attention.
Clad in her usual attire of jeans, t-shirt, and Oprah gloves, Rogue strolled through the gate, two glasses of ice water in her hands. She mutely handed him one, then plopped down on the lounge chair beside his. Behind her dark sunglasses, her green orbs scanned the water listlessly.
Logan leaned back against the hot plastic, gulping down his water. The chipped ice soothed his dry, itchy throat. Finished, he set his glass on the cement and grumbled a sigh. Ten more minutes of this and he was going to snap.
"You volunteered," Rogue languidly reminded him, her attention never leaving the children who had begun a game of Marco-Polo.
Logan grunted a response. He had "agreed" to be a lifeguard for the afternoon because his alternative was to be Den Mother to a group of older children going on a wilderness horseback riding trip. That was definitely a more suitable job for Storm and Scott, or Miss Nature and Mister Patience. Though, Professor Xavier had been somewhat disappointed in Logan's adamant rejection. He had hoped that Logan would've used his skills to teach the children some outdoor training. 'Tough shit. I ain't goin',' had been Wolverine's stance. In punishment, Logan was thrown to the wolves. Or, in more pleasant terms, he was placed in charge of the pre-teens' swimming lessons.
To hell with that. Logan wasn't getting in that pool; and the little rascals seemed just as content for him to stay exactly where he was: on dry land.
Rogue offered him her still half-full glass. Logan waved it off, so Rogue simply set it down next to his empty one between their chairs. Seconds ticked by into minutes. The sun baked their skin, giving Rogue's pale cheeks roses and Logan's already tan skin a healthy glow. Together, quietly, they watched the children play.
End Chapter Three
NOTES TO REVIEWERS (If any of you are still around after a year)
Wapps921: You're always such a wonderful beacon of support!
Crazy4horses: Thank you so much. I didn't think I was going to continue it either!
Bodiless Pirate Fiend: Of course I'm not going to tell you! Why would I do that? Haha! Thank you for the review.
Sue the lunatic: You're review was so sweet. Thank you so much for the encouragement and compliments.
Purpleant: Yeah, I don't really see Logan as the forceful type. Besides, he's squeamish about feelings, so why would he drag them out? Know what I mean?
VisionGurl: I've met your demands! Finally!
Aquarius Angel: Spying, eh? Excellent! I never thought about it that way, but I suppose that's the effect I was aiming. Thanks for the review!
SawyerKateCrazy: Thank you so much. Sorry it's been over a year.
SparklingDiva: How can you not love him? He's a Greek God!
Orli: Surprise! It's not a twoshot either! I'm actually writing more!
Tigerfanfry: Updates are never a bad thing…even if they're over a year due?
LadyoftheMists: Still sticking around? Haha. Sorry for the long wait. Anyway, thank you so much for the sweet review.