Miyu: The Vampire Hunter Chapter One: Unknown Origins

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Princess Miyu, but hey, neither do you. (While you're at it, read my other stories New Vampire Miyu: To Change The Future and Return To Me.) The poem I made up.

They dwell in the shadows of the night

Feasting off of human blood

These damned beings are taking over

Only the sun keeps them at bay

But they are evolving

Now they live among us

Picking out their prey by day

Draining them by nightfall

There are only a few humans that will risk anything to slay them

These Vampire Hunters, shunned by society,

Stop at nothing when hunting them down

Nothing . . . . . . . .

"It's happened again?"

"Again! This is the fourth time this week! What the hell is wrong with this city? By the time the police figure out what's going on we'll all be dead!"

"Don't say that!"

"He's right. And do you know what's coming up in three days? Friday the thirteenth, and there's supposed to be a full moon out that night. I heard the vampires always come out when there's a full moon."

"That's bull-shit! Only werewolves in horror stories come out when there's a full moon. Vampires come out at any time at night. I say we go inside and lock the doors at sun down. They never go out when the sun is up and as long as we don't invite them in to our homes, we'll be alright."

"Someone has been watching too much Salem's Lot."

"You shut the hell up! It's either that or hire a team of Vampire Hunters, and we don't want what happened in Nagasaki to happen to us."

"What happened in Nagasaki?"

"Some Vampire Hunters staked a four year old girl 'cause they thought she was a vampire. I heard they were run out of the city by a mob of people carrying shotguns."

"What is this world coming to?"

Miyu sat at a table nearby listening to the endless chatter of the high school boys. She had heard of the little girl that had been staked. In fact, she had been the one who found the body in an alleyway. She had also been the one that had taken it to the police station. Luckily, she had been the only Vampire Hunter that hadn't been run out of Nagasaki. No one ever suspected her as a Vampire Hunter, probably because she didn't look like a gang member.

But she was a Vampire Hunter even though she didn't look it.

Her brunette hair, tied with a red ribbon, was pulled to the side of her head in a neat bun with a long tail of hair that ended just above her waist. She wore a pair of dark blue jeans, torn at the knees, and a black tank top with one strap to hold it on. A vampire she had slayed a couple of weeks back had cut the other strap. It was a chilly October afternoon so she wore a long black sweater coat.

She had come to Kyoto to investigate a vast amount of murders in the area and to see if a vampire was involved. Most likely it was a vampire, but sometimes it was just foul play by some psychotic serial killer.

All the victims had disappeared at night. All of the victims claimed they had met a man or a woman that they were going out with. And all of the victims were beautiful and full of energy. All of the victims accept for one.

The latest victim had disappeared during the day. She had been a freshman student attending the Kyoto Junior High School. The school had called her parents to inform them that their daughter, Bianca, had not shown up at school that day and, in fact, she had been cutting classes lately. Some students reported that they had seen her with a young red head boy, possibly an upper classman at another school. Her parents immediately called the police to report her missing. That evening a farmer, harvesting his crops, found her body, drained of blood, lying face down in a ditch.

The autopsy showed two holes in the side of her neck, fang marks, and a black lipstick kiss on her cheek. The vampire had loved her but not as much as her blood. The autopsy also showed that she had been two months pregnant. She must have known him for quite awhile before he killed her, which was unnatural for a vampire because most of the time they chose their victims and killed them in the same week that they were chosen.

There was another peculiar thing that occurred after her death. In fact, it was after her funeral. When the grave keepers lifted her coffin down in to the grave it was unnaturally light. They decided to open the coffin and when they did they found that Bianca's body was missing. The police concluded that it was foul play, grave robbers, who wanted the body for their own reasons, but Miyu thought differently.

It was possible that the red head vampire had gone back to claim the body, but why? What would a vampire do with a corpse it had already drained?

There were so many questions, most of them only a vampire would answer and she didn't want to go that far for the answers.

Miyu stood up from the table and walked out of the café. She didn't want the manager to get suspicious of her because she was sitting in his café doing nothing.

She walked down the half empty sidewalk towards downtown. It was normally busy at this time of day, when everyone was getting off from work, but today was different. Everything was different.

There were beings out there that only existed in horror stories such as the classic Dracula. But now, these beings existed in real life and they were hunting down real people and draining them dry of their blood. These undead beings, they had destroyed her life, and now she was one of the people who hunted and destroy theirs.

The sun was setting in the sky. Night would soon come and her night job would soon begin. Night was their world and night was a Vampire Hunter's vampire killing ground.

She pulled out a pair of black sunglasses from inside her sweater coat pocket. She always wore her sunglasses at night for some strange reason. Probably because it made her more mysterious and vampires only picked victims that interested them. She seemed interesting to them, until they figured out what she was and then the battle would begin.

She was waiting for the light to turn green so she could cross the intersection when she heard a scream from a nearby alleyway.

She ran down the sidewalk towards the alleyway. When she entered the alleyway she found a young woman, around the age of twenty-one lying face down on the pavement. Standing over her was a tall black-cloaked figure, the hood of his cloak pulled over his face.

"Vampire!" Miyu shouted. She reached inside her sweater coat and pulled out a wooden stake that she kept tied to her back.

The vampire didn't bolt like the others normally did. He stood there almost as if he were interested in what she was about to do.

Miyu stood still but braced herself just in case the vampire decided to come at her. They stood that way until Miyu heard in the distance police sirens coming their way that was when the vampire decided to bolt.

He ran to the end of the alleyway and in one gracefully movement, jumped the ten-foot fence that stood in his way. Miyu ran after him and quickly climbed the fence and landed on the other side.

He stood there waiting for her. He was obviously leading her on but she ran after him keeping that fact in her mind. He ran, always stopping every so often to make sure she was right behind him.

What was he up too? Was he planning something? He came to an abrupt stop in front of the closed gates of Kyoto Park. She stopped a couple of yards away from him. He waited for a moment then jumped up on the tall brick wall, just like he had jumped the fence the ally, and disappeared.

Miyu wasn't sure if she should go after him or not. This vampire obviously knew whom he was dealing with, but he also knew what he was doing. It was as if he had planned it all ahead of time. But when Miyu found a vampire she always went after it no matter what, but she also knew, unlike the other Vampire Hunters, when to call it a day. If the vampire wanted her that badly then he would show up again.

'I'm not going to play your game, not today,' she thought as she turned around and walked away.

When her back was turned the vampire jumped up on the wall and watched her intently. Then he picked up a broken piece of the wall that lay next to him and threw it.

Miyu whirled around as the brick piece whizzed by her head and crashed against a nearby trashcan, leaving a large dent in it. She looked up at him and glared. What did this vampire want? He obviously wanted her attention, and he got it.

She didn't want to go running in to his trap, but she also didn't want him following her everywhere. She picked up a piece of the broken sidewalk and hurled it up at him.

He held up his hand, covered with a black leather glove, and caught the piece of concrete. He closed his hand around it and crushed it, letting the dust slip between his fingers.

Miyu watched him, and he watched her. They could have stood there for hour without moving when he disappeared in to thin air.

Miyu ran to the gate and looked in. He was nowhere on the other side of the wall. She scanned what she could see of the park. Nothing. He had completely vanished.

But he would be back Miyu knew that for sure. When or where, she didn't know. All she knew was that he would be back.

And she was right.

To Be Continued. . . . . .

BlueDragonGirl#1: First chapter, third story, and BlueDragonGirl#2 is still stuck thinking up ideas for her first story.

BDG#2: Ok that is just mean! Out of both of us, you are the evil BlueDragonGirl. And were not even related!

BDG#1: I'd do an evil laugh but I choked the last time I did.

BDG#2: Ha ha! That was funny.

BDG#1: (Smacks her across the back of her head) Ha ha! Knocking you out is even funnier. Ok everyone! It's time to R&R.