Topic 6: Rumors (15 minutes)

Rumors, what kind of a stupid gay topic is this, I mean sure rumors exist...but um... yeah, that's about all I can say about them. Let's see what's some good gossip. I'm gay...and I'm dating Blink. Although the rumors would want you to believe that Hillary Clinton's alien lover came, took over my body and is forcing me to be gay, just as Blink is possessed by an evil monkey that's making him act the same way...

Okay, maybe that isn't a real rumor, but it would be cool if it was, right?

Let's see, another rumor. Um... Mrs. Green is in the Mafia is secretly a fifty-two year old man that wears a magic bow to make him look like a woman... Or at least that's what Jack told me... So I don't know if it's true or not... It probably is, I mean he wouldn't lie to me, besides that one day when he said I was straight... And that one time when he said that he loved me... and that one time when he said that he would never betray us for the popular kids... and when he said that his name was Jack Kelly... and when he said that he made out with Marilyn Monroe in a past life... I mean come on, even I know it was Marilyn Manson... and when he was said he was actually Michael Jackson... and that time when he copied off my homework... Well, and all the rest of the time whenever he tells me anything at all...

Let's see, more rumors, eh? We still have time? Well, I heard a rumor that Spot's gonna kick mine and Blink's asses because he hates gays... and that Jack is in love with Itey... and that Itey tried to eat a whole block of monkey dung once, but it wouldn't fit in his nose... And that this one time in band camp, Sarah Jacobs... Opps, times up!

A/N: I really liked that chapter, it was perhaps the most fun I've had since I wrote my "horror" story in Creative Writing about a vitamin... Let's just say this, I will never be able to eat another Flintstones vitamin in this or any other life. I'm really sorry, but I have no time to do shout-outs so I'll do twice as many next time. I'm also very sorry for the whole lack of updates, my computer was completely down, so I had to wait until it was fixed...