A/N: Just incase you want to know this is based kinda on an assignment that my English teacher made us do everyday. So if it seems a bit odd and disconnected, that's why. And if it ever stops in the middle of a sentence, it's because I'm timing my writing like it was in class.

Disclaimer: I don't own Newsies (tear) and if I did... I wouldn't sue anyone, so please don't sue me.

The Little Black Book

Journal Entry 1

Assigned Topic- Free write about self

My name is Miguel Tak Meyers. But I guess you really don't care about that, because everyone knows me as 'Mush'. I used to think that it was because my skin looks like oatmeal. But apparently I was wrong, because the guys have told me that it was because I was so good at talking to the girls. Which I guess is really ironic since I'm gay, yes you heard me right. I'm gay. Or I guess I can say that I'm a straight as a circle. In fact I'm in love with my straight best friend Louis Ballet or Kid Blink, depending on which school you go to.

Blink is really nice, and hot, and straight :'( Well, I guess that's okay because at least he's my best friend right? I mean he always has his arm around me... but he also doesn't know I'm gay. But that's okay. Blink has dirty blonde hair, a brilliant blue-green eye, a kinda dirty brown eye-patch, a nice butt... Wait, I'm supposed to be writing about myself. So here it goes again...


Wow... fifteen minutes never seemed to long before... So, I guess I'll explain myself. I'm 5'11" I weigh 180 lbs. (I think). IO have curly brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I guess that I could be considered attractive because I'm kinda muscular. I have a six-pack and I'm kinda well built. But I'm also in love, which really sucks ass ya know?

Wowie! Less then four minutes left. I guess I'm lucky I'm not religious or else I'll be stuck in Hell for not being straight. Does that mean God's a homophobe? No, God loves all of us... maybe he's a she...

YES! Only two minutes left. I wonder what Blink's writing about in his journal...

YAY! . Mrs. Green just said that the time is up! But we still have 45 minutes! OH NO!

A/N: Wowie, that was fun to write, and just incase ya wanna know it's in Italics because it's supposed to represent Mush's hand writing.

Mush!Muse: Man, I'm a loser.

Blink!Muse: No, your not. You're my loser. ::starts snogging Mush!Muse::

Well, I guess that's all for right now. If anyone would like to try writing any of the other newsies journals, that might be fun. So just e-mail me and let me know. Well, please review and let me know if you like it or not.