Summary:: Sibling love is said to be one of the strongest bonds. Supposedly nothing can ever break it. Not time or fights or even death. Revenge is said to be best served cold. Tessla is about to try out both of these ideals. And one of the Spirit Detectives is about to suffer dearly for past crimes.
Warning:: Slight Hiei/Kurama pairing. Don't like don't read- Thank you!!! Also this is a revenge fic...meaning bloody if you do not like bloody fics please turn back now. This is a dark fic and I do not want to hear about how I traumatized some poor child.
A Month.
Thirty days.
For some it is enough time for healing. Whether the wounds be physical or emotional.
While for others it is enough time for vengeance and anger to burrow deeply into one's heart. Causing the heart to turn black and cold. Cold as stone.
For Yusuke a month was well spent rekindling his love to Keiko. It was also enough time to finally make peace with his mother.
For Kuwabara it was spent being with Yukina and to confess his undying love for her. It was also spent helping Shizuru through her depression after the dark tournament.
For Kurama it was well spent with his human mother. It was also time spent recovering from his mental and physical wounds that he had received from Karasu.
For Hiei it was spent realizing that he was not alone in the world and that there were people who cared about him. This thinking allowed him to open his heart to a love that he would never be possible.
But for Tessla a month was long enough for plans of revenge. It was long enough to make her heart black and cold. She had a month to dwell on 'him' and 'his death.' A month spent in weeping and planning. A month's worth of tears and blackness.
A month.
In a month's time flowers bloom and die.
Love blossoms and grows.
Life is lived and spent.
Thirty days.
Revenge is sought and planned.
Hearts cry and die.
Bonds are broken and never mended.
So how was it??? Please read and review. I also have a non-fanfic version on my fiction press penname. You know no demons and ect. Just good old revenge.