A.N. Just randomly thought of this.

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As he dashed through his forest with Kagome in his arms, Inuyasha thought over their most recent battle.


"Inuyasha! The jewel shards are in its forehead! There are five of them!" Kagome yelled to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha didn't make any acknowledgement that he had heard her, but did change his attack strategy to hacking viciously at the... giant ogre-demon-thing's head.

The ogre roared in pain and anger and somehow dodged Sango's Hiraikotsu and the Tetsusaiga at the same time. The ogre went after Kagome, managing to slice through her side before Inuyasha or Kagome herself could do anything.


Inuyasha hacked through the demon's back, sending its dark blood everywhere. Not that Inuyasha cared; he was too worried about Kagome to worry much about blood stains.

"Kagome, Kagome!" Inuyasha cried, shaking her bloody body.

"I-Inuyasha?" Kagome asked cracking open her eyes. "Itai, that hurts."

Inuyasha immediately stopped shaking Kagome. "Bouzu!" he barked, "Help Kagome!"

Miroku nodded, wanting to help, since he didn't do much in the battle. "Kagome-sama, where do you keep your bandages?"

"There's a first aid kit in my backpack. It has a little red cross on it."

Miroku retrieved the box and sent Shippo off for water with a small bucket. Sango hovered nervously over Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Sango, you're going to have to help Kagome-sama take her shirt off."

"WHAT!!" Inuyasha yelled. "You ain't comin' anywhere near Kagome if she's not wearing her clothes."

Miroku sighed. "Inuyasha, it is necessary if I am to bandage Kagome-sama's wounds. You do want me to bandage her wounds, right?"

Inuyasha grumbled for a moment, but nodded. "Fine, but if you do anything even remotely perverted I'll chop off your hands before castrating you," Inuyasha threatened.

Inuyasha set Kagome on the ground and turned away, so Sango could undress her, then, with the help of Miroku, bandage her up.

They waited for Shippo to return with the water before doing anything, then quickly bandaged Kagome's wound.

Later, after Kagome's side had been bandaged Miroku suggested they take her to Keade's hut.

"There may have been poison on the demon's claws. I am no master healer; I would not be able to tell," Miroku explained.

Inuyasha agreed silently. Noticing that Kagome had been silent for quite some time, he looked towards her. She was either passed out or asleep on the ground where they had left her.

"Let's go, Bouzu," Inuyasha said, picking Kagome up and carrying her bridal style.

:End Flashback:

And that led up to where Inuyasha was at the moment.

Inuyasha felt Kagome stir in his arms. She groaned as she felt the wound in her side throb with stinging pain.

Inuyasha made a decision at that moment that would change his long life. One that he would regret in the future.

"Guys, go on ahead, I need to talk to Kagome. I'll meet you at Keade's hut."

Sango and Miroku nodded while Shippo slept on in Sango's arms.

Inuyasha ran in one direction while Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara went in another.

"Inuyasha? Where are we going?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha chose to ignore the question and soon landed in the clearing where the Bone-Eater's well was.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha, with Kagome still in his arms, walked over to the side of the well and sat on it with Kagome in his lap.


"Go home," Inuyasha said, interrupting Kagome. "I never want to see your face here again."

Inuyasha pushed Kagome off of his lap and stood up.

"I never want to see you again! Go home to Hobo and those tests and never come back!" Inuyasha yelled.

Kagome stood, ignoring the pain from her side. "But Inuyasha-"

"I said GO HOME!"


Inuyasha pushed Kagome into the well before turning away.

As Kagome floated through time she never saw the tears Inuyasha began shed the moment he turned away from the well. Nor did she notice the Shikon no Tama glowing brightly in his hand until it was too late.

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A.N. YAY! Angst! It's not that sad actually. I'm proud of this, even if I do think it sucks! I may not be able to update this or Dreams of Power: Fukai Mori anytime soon because school just started and my Algebra teacher is evil. We just went back to school today and she already gave us homework. And I got homework in Language Arts. And I have to get all my school supplies, including stuff for Band glares at French Horn.And I have to work on the sequel to Fukai Mori or else my friend will kill me. She already wants to kill me because I got Orlando Bloom's autograph and picture. Shudders Erin is scary.