Okie dokie, so I got done a tad bit faster then I thought with this chapter. I would like to thank the two who provided me with some feedback. Thank you, I really do appreciate it. Now I will bid ya'll a adieu because I am sleep deprived. It is currently just after midnight. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5: It's a Date

Inu Yasha remained silent during the ride home, lost in thought as the others chatted amongst themselves about today's event with Kikyo in town and saving Kagome and Ayame from some creepers. They had stopped and chatted with the girls for a while before they dismissed themselves to find their relatives. Koga had bravely asked for their numbers, claiming that he wanted to make sure they got to where they needed to be safely. Ayame was hesitant, but Kagome had smiled at him and accepted his phone to put in her number.

The whole time Inu Yasha's heart had thundered in his chest. Her eyes, her smile, the way her giggle sent his heart soaring… it couldn't be his Kagome, could it? If it was her, was he so different she couldn't recognize him? She didn't even bat an eye at him. Inu Yasha was hurt, even felt a little betrayed but he wasn't certain it was her.

Sango looked over her shoulder and frowned, slowing down her board until her and Inu Yasha were side by side.

"You ok?" she said, putting an arm on his shoulder as they cruised down the slight slope before they made it to the hill they had to venture up back to their beach house.

Inu Yasha nodded, "I'm fine." He could tell she didn't believe him. Sango however didn't push it as they began to ascend the hill. Not even halfway up, they decided to just walk up. The slope was too steep for them to ride comfortably. Their legs burned.

Miroku sighed, catching Ginta's attention. The twin with a full head of hair raised a brow at him, silently asking him to tell him what was the matter. Miroku bit his lip, wondering if he should voice his concern. He mentally shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to get it off his chest. He walked closer to the boy and talked in a low voice so the others wouldn't here. Hakkaku and Koga were up ahead, checking out Koga's phone and occasionally snickering at the Vine videos they were watching. Sango an Inu Yasha were probably a good twenty feet behind them.

"Do you think Sango likes Inu Yasha? Or he her?" Miroku looked at Ginta with pleading eyes.

Ginta was surprised, his eyes widened a little, "No. What gave you that idea?" he placed his free hand into the back pocket of his RUDE woven Death Beach shorts for his neon green unit tool. He began to tighten his wheels a little. "They act more like siblings. Inu Yasha and Sango are pretty close, but I don't peg them to be into each other like that."

Miroku sighed again, "I know… but it's like everyone knows I like her except her and I don't know what to do. When something happens to her, she goes to him first. That's how it seems to me at least."

Ginta shook his head, "Nah, bro… Sango comes to the rest of us equally I think. I know she's getting some guitar lessons from Hakkaku. She comes to our house twice a week."


"Yup. And if I remember correctly, Koga and Sango help each other out with homework over Skype. He's not good in science, but she's not good in math so they help tutor one another. Doesn't she always go skating with you after school?"

The black haired boy blushed, "Yea. I see your point. Maybe I'm over thinking things but…" he looked back, "On an emotional scale, it's like her and Inu Yasha are on the same level. They seem to always know when the other is down or really happy or stressed. Things like that. I wanna be the one Sango comes to when she's sad. I want to share the moments when she's happy. I want to be the one that helps her relax when she's upset and stressed out. I'm kinda jealous of Inu Yasha. He gets to be there when she's most vulnerable."

Ginta rolled his eyes, but smiled kindly at his friend, "Miroku, if you're that worried, tell her how you feel and stop being such a damn pervert. She fucking hates it. I even think it makes her jealous so…"


"It could mean she likes you too. And like you, doesn't know how to talk to you about it. You're worried about ruining your friendship, right?" Miroku nodded, gnawing his bottom lip again. "I'm sure she's worried too."

With Koga and Hakkaku in the lead, they were oblivious of their friends. "Something tells me you're really digging that Kagome chick." Hakkaku said with a playful smile, "Love at first sight?" he teased.

Koga chuckled, "She was pretty, I'll admit. So was her friend… cousin?... what's her name."




Koga scratched his head, "No, not that either… but it sounds like it. Ayun… Aya… Ayame! That's her name! Yea… they're both cute but Kagome… wow."

Hakkaku laughed "If you say so buddy. Not my type really. They were cousins?"

"Something like that…" they finally reached the house. Koga flipped through the notes on his phone and found the pass code for the gate. He dialed the numbers and pressed pound. A loud buzz was heard and the two opened the gate door, waiting for the others to catch up. They noticed two of the three cars the graduates drove were gone. They were probably out for the night.

Once everyone was in the front courtyard, they proceeded to walk pass the main house from the side and entered the main courtyard. Koga propped his board against the brick wall and walked over to the Jacuzzi. Ginta turned a dial where Koga had set his board and the Jacuzzi bubbled to life. Koga removed his black tank top with a Deadpool logo on it and stepped in, sitting on the lip with his phone in his hands.

Did you make it back ok? He typed. A few seconds later, he got a response.

Sure did. Thanks again 4 saving us! U r my hero.

I had back up :)

Yea… but I only noticed u ;)

"Who ya texting?" Inu Yasha said as he dipped in, having removed his red muscle tee shirt. The others joined in, Sango to the left of Inu Yasha sitting on the lip of the Jacuzzi. Miroku was to her left, absent-mindedly resting his head against her leg as he soaked. Sango didn't seem to mind. Ginta sat to the right on Inu Yasha. Hakkaku was about to join in, but decided against it.

"I'm gonna get the grill going. Hot dogs for tonight sound good?" he asked, opening the door to their guesthouse.

"If you make it bacon wrapped, fuck yea!" Miroku cheered. Sango voted for the same.

"All right. I'll be out in a sec guys. Don't start the orgy without me."

The others laughed. Koga shook his head at their ridiculousness. "I was texting Kagome, just to see if her and Ayame were ok." He re-read her last message, unsure of how to respond. "They're fine."

Sango spoke up, "It's a good thing we found them. The fat one looked really sleazy, and desperate. How old were they?"

Inu Yasha propped his arms up on the rim, "Probably about Fluffy's age."

Koga's attention drifted back to his phone. His fingers twitched. Whatcha doin tomorrow?

It took a while before Kagome responded, Probably workin on our tans again. Y?

Wanna hang out with me and my friends?

Sure! She replied almost immediately. Meet at the pier bout noon?

It's a date.

Koga put his phone away and smiled happily. "So… who's up for hanging out with the girls tomorrow?" he said nonchalantly.

Inu Yasha gulped. He was both excited but worried. Right away he knew Koga liked the girl, and her body language read that she liked him too even though they just met. There was no way she was his Kagome. She promised she wouldn't forget him. He never forgot her. He just hadn't been able to find her, and with no clue as to where to start… all he could do was continue to wait for her.

Sango could sense Inu Yasha's worry. She felt bad for him.

"I'm down." Ginta said, "They seemed pretty chill." Miroku nodded in agreement, moving away from Sango slightly before she noticed their contact. Little did he know, she had enjoyed it since he wasn't being perverted. She wished he stayed there, at least a little longer.

Hakkaku came back out with a tray, buns and condiments. He lit the gas grill and proceeded to prepare the hotdogs to his friends' preferences.

"So… how many do you all want?"

The next morning after breakfast, the six headed back toward the beach. Koga was the most eager. He had woken up extra early to beat his roommate Inu Yasha and the other three since Sango occupied the master bedroom by herself (which all the boys thought was appropriate since she was female and needed more privacy). He tried to dress as well as he could with the clothes he brought. He even made time to iron out his brown dickies. He hoped his black tank top with little skulls on them wasn't too cheesy. Maybe he should have worn one of the plain ones. Was his ponytail up to high? He probably shouldn't have worn his headband… though his bangs were bothering him when he rode.

Inu Yasha rode beside him, decked out in his red swim trunks and a red jersey. His hair bellowed behind him as they made their way down the hill. He mentally coached himself about talking to Kagome, maybe get her alone and just ask her if she had any idea of who he was. He wasn't able to sleep at all last night, and when he did, all he could dream about was her. At one point, her dream self had been angry and yelled at him for now trying hard enough to find her. How could he when he hadn't a clue of her whereabouts?

"I see it!" Miroku shouted, referring to the pier. Their faces lit up when they noticed it had rides. "Holy crap, how did we not see this yesterday? It's huge!"

They all slowed down to a stop and picked up their boards. Koga looked down at his phone and scrolled through the messages he and Kagome had sent to each other all night and that morning.

"She said to meet her by the Ferris Wheel."

Inu Yasha pursed his lips. He really hoped he wrong about this girl, this imposter Kagome. As he and his friends approached the giant Ferris Wheel in the middle of the pier, he gasped when he saw her, dressed in a blue strapless summer dress with a brown belt and sandals. Her hair framed her face with soft obsidian curls. A giant white flower barrette was pinned to the left side of her head, drawing attention to her large milk chocolate colored eyes that sparkled in merriment. She smiled softly, her lip-gloss catching the rays of the sun. He noticed a white pendent hanging from neck. His heart quickened. However it wasn't what he thought it was. Disappointment set in as he noticed it was a flower. He looked down at his wrist, the yin portion of the necklace he once gave to his dream girl rested on the bracelet Sango had converted it to for him.

Ayame greeted them, playing with the hem of her white skirt. She was wearing a bright red halter-top. "Hi guys! Glad you could make it." Her smile lingered on Ginta. Hakkaku noticed this and mentally cheered his brother. He was probably the only one in their group who hadn't been kissed, with the exception of Inu Yasha (or so he thought) and heaven be damned if he let his brother miss a golden opportunity. No harm in a summer fling, right?

"Never hurts to make new friends. The more the merrier, especially at the beach." Sango said. "We totally missed checking this place out yesterday by the way."

Miroku nodded in agreement, "Probably because we tried to escape from Kiky-ho. Hopefully we don't run into her." He noticed Kagome's and Ayame's expressions. "The school whore, to put it simply. Has an obsession with our good pal here." He patted Inu Yasha's back a little to hard.

Kagome shrugged with a smile, picking up her beach bag that had been sitting by her feet, "That sucks. I know the feeling though, except he wasn't a playboy or anything… he's a sweet guy, but a little weird."

Ayame laughed, shouldering her backpack, "You're talking about Hojo, aren't you? Oh my gosh, every time Kagome would seem like she was getting sick, he'd bring her some herbal remedies like some witch doctor and follow her around school like a love sick puppy. 'Kagome, this is the root of the blah blah plant, it's good for bloating when in a tea and if you grind it up, it's good for hives.'" Ayame said in a low voice, trying to sound like a boy. She shook her head, "Sweet guy, just really weird."

The eight of them made line to get their ride passes. They shared jokes and got to know one another a little more. Ayame was very animated, a contrast to Ginta's more shier nature. Kagome was rather calm and collected, preferring to listen to the others rather then talk about herself.

"So where are you guys from?" Ayame asked as they finally purchased their wristbands that granted them unlimited access to the rides. "Kagome and I are from Sacramento. It's nice to come down and enjoy fun in the sun in 'SoCal', as you natives call it." She said in a teasing voice as she emphasized SoCal by making quotation signs with her fingers.

"A place called Alta Loma. At least, most of us. Your royal highnesses Koga and Inu Yasha live in a much better city. Rancho Cucamonga. We all went to the same middle school and have been friends ever since." Hakkaku said.

"I've been there before." Kagome replied, "Nice and peaceful. Anyway, who's riding with who?" They were in line for a roller coaster. She had her attention on Koga.

"I'll be Sango's partner!" Miroku beamed, putting his arm around her shoulder. She blushed a little.

"Fine, but on one condition." She shrugged his arm off her shoulders. "Touch me inappropriately and not only will I break your hand, I'll throw you off the pier." Everyone laughed as Miroku pouted.

"I'll go with Inu Yasha." Hakkaku said, surprising Ginta. Inu Yasha mentally cursed.

"Then I'll go with Kagome." Koga said, putting his arm around her shoulder. She smiled and leaned in a little closer.

"Then who'll I go with?" Ginta asked meekly. Ayame clutched his arm, "Huh?"

"I can be your partner." She looked at Miroku and Sango, "I just realized you guys are almost matching. That's cute."

Sango blush deepened. It was completely on accident. Miroku wore black swim trunks with a dark purple wife beater. He wore his favorite black with purple pinstripe converse. Sango was wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top with dark purple shorts and pink hearts. She was in her pink converse.

The eight finally boarded the coaster. They had spent most of the day there at the pier. They also alternated partners, however Inu Yasha still hadn't gotten a chance to ride with Kagome until the last ride, which was the Ferris Wheel. While in line, Kagome seemed nervous.

"You ok?" he asked, waiting for the operator to get their seat ready. She shook her head.

"I'm not good with heights. Can we do something else?" There was no way he could say no as she stared into his eyes, a pleading look on them.

He nodded, "Sure. I'll text the others right now." He pulled out his phone and messaged his friends. "What do you want to do then?" They exited the line and roamed around the pier. Kagome shrugged. "Want to share a funnel cake then?" She smiled and nodded.

They found a bench to sit on and picked at their ends of the cake. Inu Yasha watched her from the corner of her eye, wondering what he should do.

"Inu Yasha?"

His heart quickened. "Y-yea?"

"I hope this doesn't sound weird but…" he gulped, wondering is she was the girl he was thinking about and she was finally remembering him, "Does… does Koga have a girlfriend?" Inu Yasha felt his heart sink.

He cleared his throat, "Ahem… uh, no. He doesn't. Not anymore at least. They broke up a month ago, something about them being better off as friends. Why?"

Kagome blushed and fidgeted in her seat, playing with the hem of her dress, "Oh… ya know… he's really sweet and cool and I kinda like him, is all." Inu Yasha inhaled sharply, choking on powder sugar, "Are you ok!? Inu Yasha, hold on, I'll get you some water!"

"I'm… fine…" he wheezed, his coughing fit coming to an end. By this time, the others were coming. Koga rushed to him, dropped his board and began beating his back.

"Holy shit, why are you choking!?"

Inu Yasha was hit with such force, the funnel cake fell out of his hands. Had it not been for Sango's quick reflexes, it would have dropped to the floor. "Koga!" he winced, "Stop!"

"Too hard?"


Koga smiled, "Then don't scare me like that." He turned back to Kagome, "I didn't know you were scared of heights."

Kagome blushed, "I'm alright if it's on a coaster. I like the speed and I can close my eyes. However a Ferris Wheel is slow and I've seen way too many movies of them falling apart." Everyone but Inu Yasha chuckled.

The sun was beginning to set and the eight decided to walk on the sand for a while. The sounds of the waves crashing and the chattering of people and the caw of the seagulls were relaxing. The sky was highlighted in beautiful pink, orange and purple hues.

"You girls should come over to the house some time before we leave. Have a bonfire and roast some marshmallows together." Hakkaku suggested and he played with the wheels of his board. They lit up.

"That sounds fun." Ayame said. "We'll think about it and ask my mom. We told her what you did for us yesterday and she was very grateful."

They all stopped and watched the sun dip below the horizon. Kagome shyly reached for Koga's hand. He felt her fingers brush against his and without a second thought, he held her hand in his. Inu Yasha noticed this and sighed dejectedly. She really did have a thing for Koga and he missed his window of opportunity to ask if she had a clue about who he was. She already mentioned she knew their area. All signs were pointing to her being his Kagome, yet he couldn't help but still be in denial about it. How could she forget him and like Koga more the second time around? No, it just couldn't her. Could it?

"We should get going." Inu Yasha said with a small pout, turning his away from the lovebirds. A pang of jealousy shot through him. "Same time tomorrow?"

Kagome pulled her hand away, "We should make it a water day."

"That sounds fun." Miroku said, leading everyone back to the boardwalk. "Let's meet under this lifeguard tower."

"Ok." Kagome and Ayame said in unison. As soon as they reached the pavement by the parking lot, a car honked at them. The girls looked up and noticed Ayame's mother.

"Weird, how'd she know we'd come here?" Kagome said in confusion.

"Time to go it seems." Ayame shrugged, "Bye guys. See you tomorrow." The six waved them a good and didn't move until the car pulled away. They all jumped back on their skateboard and began the trek back home.

Hakkaku, Ginta , Sango and Miroku were content. Koga was ecstatic and Inu Yasha felt the opposite as he began to sulk. No one noticed though. He felt his heart breaking.

This was probably the worse trip ever.

So this is much shorter then I expected but that's alright. Would you kindly let me know what you think thus far?