Summary : Ten year old Miroku left his best friend behind when he left for England with only the promise that they will meet again. Twelve years later, he comes home to start a new life. What happens when the past comes back to haunt him? [Miroku/Sango]


My Friend, My Love

Chapter 1 : (Prologue) Back In The Days


It would be nice if we could put away and throw out
everything except what really mattered, but
reality is just cruel.

In such times,
I see you laughing
whenever I close my eyes.

Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.

People are all sad, so
they go and forget, but--

For that which I should love,
For that which gives me love, I will do what I can.

Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got hurt, didn't we?

Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.

Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got there in the end.

(Lyrics to Dearest)


Miroku took a deep breath. He felt a sharp ache in his ribs as he inhaled. He had just ran the fastest race of his life. A race against time. At last, he finally reached where he wanted to be.

"Hey Fatso!" A large boy called from behind. "Didn't I tell you not to never come back here again? What the hell are you doing in my alley?"

"Leave me alone, Furi." Miroku whispered. Furi was right. Miroku did not belong in this place. This dark alley, where the poor and hungry lingered about. Miroku was lucky enough to have rich parents who kept him away from places like this and .... people like them. At least, that was what he had thought in his ten years of life before he met her. She was different from anyone he had ever known. She was kind and tough. Smart and wild. He had to see her one last time before it was too late. Time is ticking away.

"What if I don't want to, you little punk?" Furi knocked Miroku's head to the side. "What are you going to do about it?" He asked in a high whining voice.

Miroku stared hard at the ground. He would had never been in this situation if he hadn't disobey his parents and ran away to find her. He could have been safe at home in his mansion and away from the dark parts of the world. But he had no regrets finding her. She had taught him too much. Miroku quickly kick his feet forward, hitting the vital area he was aiming for. "Take that!" Miroku said with glee in his voice before a fist flew at his face.

Furi cracked his knuckles as Miroku flew into the dirt. "You're going to pay for that, twerp. You rich brats all need to be taught a lesson."

Furi took another aim at Miroku when he felt a strong tug on his arm.

"Don't mess with my friend!" Sango growled, punching him directly in the nose. "You better leave him alone Furi."

The boy felt the blood on his face and glare at her. "I thought you were one of us Sango. Maybe I ought to ...." Furi's voice trailed off when he remembered who he was up against.

"What?" Sango asked with a smirk. "You want to play some more?" She taunted, raising her fist in the air.

Furi spat into the ground and muttered to himself. "Fine, consider this your lucky day Fatso." He pointed at Miroku and left.

Miroku fingers formed a fist. "My name is Miroku Hoshi!" He yelled after the boy. How dare Furi refer to him as Fatso! Even if he eats lot, his mom had always told him it made him all the more special.

Sango whirled around quickly and grab Miroku's cubby cheeks in her hands, forcing him to face her. "Miroku, are you alright? I told you before. Never come here! This alley is dangerous! Now look, you're bleeding!" As she wiped off the blood on his face with her sleeve, Sango remember this is exactly how they had met. Miroku got lost a couple of years ago when his family first moved to her town. Furi found him in the alley and almost beat him to unconsciousness when Sango stepped in. From then on, the two had formed a secret friendship.

"I wanted to see you Sango." Miroku said with a tremble in his voice. "I had to tell you something."

"What?" Sango asked, looking around for people. "I have to leave soon, Miroku. Aunt Nara will surely come looking for me soon." Sango said as she rolled her eyes. As soon as she needs someone to clean and cook for her.

"Sango, I .... I am leaving here. My parents are sending me to England for boarding school." Miroku reached into his pocket to make sure that her present was still there.

"Miroku ...." Sango whispered in the softest voice he had ever heard her use. "I'll never see you again..." She mumbled.

"No, we will meet again. We will. I promise." Miroku grabbed her hand and tied the gold chain around her wrist. "I have to go now. Goodbye Sango-chan, promise me that you won't forget me no matter what."

"I promise." Sango answered, bitting her lower lips. "You are the only friend I ever had, Miroku. I will wait for you."

Miroku nodded and walked away, and Sango left a second behind. He was heading back to his world of treasures and love while she walked slowly back to her aunt's apartment. Only once did she look back. It was right after he had turned away to stop staring after her.

And just like that, the two friends were separated. Meanwhile, their life goes on and their memories begin to fade with time. Twelve years passes quietly .... as everything began to change. Is Miroku's promise strong enough to bind them together again? Will they still remember the past?


Author's Note :

Hey guys, this is my newest Miroku/Sango fanfic. I'm hopping that I could finish this one eventually. If you had read my earlier works, you would know that I have a problem finishing things, lol. Maybe ..... just maybe. I finished MTTP, right? So .... you know the drill : Leave a review and tell me what you think, o.k.? hehe. - It's proven : Reviews = Inspiration. Just ask any fanfiction writer.


Disclaimer : Can't forget this, now can we? hehe. Once again, I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters in it. The lyrics to "Dearest" was from the [seraphlight(dot)net]. I only own this fanfic and its plot. -