1720. . .
found it. When all of ye were lookin' through the treasure, I found
it." Captain Jack Sparrow commented with a great deal of pride
in his voice. The others gave him a dubious look and looked down at
the chalice sitting on the table.
"It's. . .pretty?"
Gibbs tried. Overdone was more like it. The golden cup was encrusted
with jewels, giving it a very gaudy look. It twinkled harshly under
the lights, slightly blinding Anamaria in her position. She got up,
moving beside Elizabeth.
"And it's goin' to make us a
fortune." Jack said, walking over to the cupboard and pulling
out a bottle of rum. Will picked it up, looking it over. As Jack came
back, he snatched it from his hands, putting it back on the table and
uncapping the rum, pouring it into the chalice.
to riches." The pirate captain took a drink and passed it to
Will. Will took it reluctantly.
"We're toasting with it."
He said incredulously. Jack nodded happily. With one glance at it,
Will shrugged, taking a drink and passing it on. The cup made it's
rounds, with Elizabeth, Anamaria, Gibbs, and Cotton all taking
drinks, before it found it's way back to Jack, who finished it off
with a flourish and set the chalice back on the table. There was a
few moments of silence.
"I feel. . .odd." Anamaria
said finally. The others looked at each other, nodding slightly. They
all had a feeling that something was different about
Will picked up the chalice. "What the hell
is. . ."
2003. . .
". . .this?"
He held up the plastic baggy from the refrigerator, a disgusted scowl
on his face. Jack looked up from the paper on the table, shrugging.
"It's all. . .green." He said finally.
moldy. That's what garbage cans are for." Jack said, turning the
page to the business section.
"I know it's moldy. Just
curious as to what it might once have been." Will lined up the
shot, flicking his wrist as the baggy flew across the kitchen and
landed inside the trash can. He lifted both arms in a triumphant
gesture and opened the refrigerator again.
"You just had
breakfast." Jack said, looking up.
"I'm still
hungry." The ex-pirate rolled his eyes.
"When are
you not?" Will shrugged, taking out a leftover container of
rice, opening it up and sniffing it. Satisfied that it was still
good, he shoved it in the microwave and pushed the reheat
"Good morning all." Elizabeth said cheerily,
strolling into the kitchen, wearing a stylish business suit and
carrying a sketch book with her. She gave Will a quick kiss before
going over to the coffee machine and pouring herself a cup. The bell
on the microwave went off, and Will pulled the box out, mixing it
around with the chopsticks. "Leftovers again, Will?" She
asked, smirking at him.
"Well, we all know he can't
cook." Jack said, getting up from the table. Will shot him a
dark look. "It's true, mate. Can't follow a recipe and every
time ye use the stove, the fire extinguisher comes into play
"This is great, coming from a con man."
Will shot back, sitting down at the table. Anamaria shuffled into the
kitchen, wrapped in an oversized robe.
Jack said, receiving only a grunt from her in response as she headed
for the coffee machine. "Aren't we a chipper one this mornin'?"
He replied sarcastically. His answer was the sound of flesh cracking
against flesh as his head turned to the side. "I don't think I
deserved that. . ."
"On the contrary, I think you
do." Elizabeth replied. He looked over at her. "Well, if it
wasn't for you stealing the chalice of the Greek Gods, we wouldn't be
stuck with immortality."
"I didn' know!" Jack
shouted, waving his arms. "It was bloody treasure. I'm a bloody
pirate! I took it! So sue me."
"That actually sounds
like a good id. . ."
"Shut up, William. That's it.
I'm goin' to work." He snarled, picking up his coat off the
chair and going into the hallway.
"Have fun swindling the
"SHUT UP, WILL!" He heard laughter
from the ex-pirate/blacksmith in the kitchen and rolled his eyes.
the kitchen, Will turned his wrist, looking at his watch. "I
better get going to. Don't want to be late for class." He got
up, dumping the take out container in the trash. "Have fun at
work, Liz, Ana." He said. Ana grumbled. "Of course Liz
would have fun. She gets to design clothes. I get to deal with
vomiting people and crying kids." The nurse disappeared from the
kitchen, still grumbling.
Will grabbed his bag off the floor
near the doorway, pulling on his coat. "I'll see you later. And
if Gibbs gets home from the night shift and wonders where his Chinese
food went, blame it on the next door garden gnomes. He seems to
believe that. I think we should be worried, but it's too good of an
Elizabeth gave him an amused smile. "Of
course. Have a good day."
"I always do."