True Love
Author's Note: I hope this story is better than the last one I wrote. I got this idea from listening to my favourite CD –Dido 'Life for Rent.' Haruka is a girl in this story. Michiru just thinks that she is a boy. It's just for the first three chapters or so. Just thought I'd let you know…
Disclaimers: Don't know characters or the song.
True Love
The new song 'White Flag' sung by Dido blared out of head phones that were on a twelve year old girl's ears who sat beside her mother in the waiting room in the hospital. Her father was having an operation involving his heart, her mother wouldn't tell her exactly what the matter was but she figured it must be something serious. The door to the waiting room opened, a blue haired doctor walked in, she looked very exhausted.
"Mrs. Kaioh." The girl that sat beside her mother didn't even see her come toward her mother, she was looking out the window and the music blaring in her ears were too loud for her to hear anything around her. She felt a tap on her arm, "Michiru."
She turned off her disc man and took off her head phones. "Your father is out of surgery and I'm going to go see him, okay?"
Her mother left the waiting room with the doctor. Michiru let out a sigh of relief. 'Now I can stop worrying.' She picked up a magazine from the table in front of her and started to read it instead of listening to her disc man.
"Dad, my arm is not broken." A young boy of maybe thirteen years old with short blonde hair entered the waiting room holding his left hand.
"I just want to make sure, alright." The boy rolled his eyes in annoyance.
The boy sat down on a chair while his father talked to one of the nurses. Michiru glanced over the top of her magazine and into very dark teal eyes, the boy smiled at her. Michiru quickly hid her face in her magazine as her face turned a light shaded of pink from being smiled at by a very cute boy.
"Come on Haru, we have to go down the hall to room 108." The boy got up off the chair and left with his father.
"How are you feeling dad?"
A man sat in bed reading a newspaper. He smiled at the sound of his daughter's voice. "Better now that you are here." He patted the spot beside him for her to sit down. Michiru sat down next to him and hugged him. It's been over a week since his operation and he is looking better with each passing day.
"I thought I'd give you a hug before I left for school."
"Come on Michiru, your going to be late." Her mother yelled from downstairs. Michiru rolled her eyes at the thought of school, her father smiled, "See you after school sweet heart." He kissed her on the forehead. Michiru smiled and jumped off the bed and ran down stairs to her waiting mother.
"Have a good day at school, sweetie."
A navy blue Pontiac Grand Prix pulled in front of Cross Roads public school. An aqua haired girl got out of the car,
"See yeah later mom."
She closed the door and turned to the school she hated so much. She headed inside to her locker, looking down at her lock she notices bubble gum wrapped around the lock so you couldn't get it open without touching someone else gum. She rolled her eyes as she headed off to her class. Opening the door to her seventh grade class room she walked in. Hardly anyone was there,
'Good, now one will trip me.' She headed back to her desk which sat by a window that was usually open during summer. She sat down and got her home work out from the previous week. The classroom started to fill as the bell rung for class to start. The teacher who was a shorter lady walked in the room with a student who had a cast on their arm. Michiru never noticed what was happening at the front of the class, she was looking out the window day dreaming about her new violin she got and how her dad was going to teacher her once he was better.
"Good morning class." The teacher put the books down that she was carrying.
"I'd like all of you to meet Haruka." All the students were staring at the new student as if it were a wild beast behind a cage.
"Would you like to introduce yourself Haruka?" The teacher smiled at her new pupil.
"My name is Haruka Tenoh, I transferred here from Anderson Memorial School and I was the top athlete in track and field."
"What happened to your arm?" One of the students yelled out.
"I broke it a week or so ago while riding my dirt bike."
The teacher was looking around the class room. "Now, where shall you sit?" Almost all the student's were yelling "over here."
"There's an empty sit by Michiru." The teacher pointed over to her, "Michiru."
Michiru looked up to the front of the room and into dark teal eyes. 'It's that boy from the hospital.'
"Michiru, will you put your hand up so Haruka can find you please." Michiru broke eye contact with the blonde haired boy and put her hand in the air. The boy walked back to the back and sat at the desk opposite of Michiru. She went back to looking out the window, 'Great, another person to make fun of me.'
In the cafeteria in the back corner sat Michiru who was eating a sandwich and reading a book. She always ate by herself at lunch and in the summer she usually sat under a willow tree that was in the yard. Sometimes it could get depressing to sit by yourself but you get used to it after a few years.
A group of kids walk by her. "Come on Haruka, I want to show you our gym."
Michiru looked up from her book and at the group of kids, in the middle stood a tall blonde haired boy, the same boy from the hospital. She couldn't stop staring at him; dark teal eyes met blue eyes.
'Is he smiling at me?' Michiru smiled back. One of the girls from the group noticed him smiling at something other than her, she turned to see what he was staring at, her nose went up in disgust.
"Let's go to the gym Haruka." The girl grabbed his hand and pulled him the opposite direction of Michiru. She sighed and went back to reading her book. 'I guess he wasn't smiling at me.'
"Alright class, I want you to finish this math problem on the board and the two sheets I gave you." The teacher dismissed her class.
All the students gathered their books and headed for their lockers, the only one that remained behind was Michiru. She knew if she went in the hall now, she would be pushed or tripped by someone so she waited for the halls to clear.
She gathered her books and papers in her arms and walked slowly but carefully to her locker. At the end of the hall stood Katsuko and her gang of friends –they are the meanest and most feared gang in the whole school. Michiru quickened her pace; she headed for the exit of the school instead of her locker. The footsteps behind her got quicker and louder; she turned her head to see how close they were to her. Michiru heart beat faster as she took off running down the hall.
"Stop right there!" yelled one of the gang members.
Michiru ran as fast as she could but they caught up to her, Katsuko slammed her into the lockers, she let out a painful scream as one of the locks rammed into her back. The paper Michiru carried fell to the ground,
"You know you shouldn't be smiling at my future boyfriend Kaioh." Katsuko spat in her face.
'Your future boyfriend,' Michiru thought as Katsuko continued to yell at her. The grip around Michiru arms were getting tighter and tighter, Michiru could have cry from the pain but she didn't want Katsuko to see her weaker than she already was.
"I'll never smile at your future boyfriend again Katsuko, I promise." She let go of Michiru's arm making her fall to her knees. Katsuko and her gang left feeling that they had frightened her enough. Michiru took a deep breath and sat there staring at the wall.
Whistling could be heard down the hallway and a slamming of a locker door. The whistling got louder and louder then stopped.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Michiru began picking up her papers that had fallen to the ground. The person bent down on their knees to help her pick up the remaining papers.
"Thanks." Michiru didn't even look at the person who helped her. One piece of paper was left on the floor, they both reached for it at the same time causing their hands to touch.
"Sorry" Michiru pulled her hand away. She looked up to the persons face, dark teal eyes met hers, and a smile led on the persons face. The person handed her the last piece of paper to her.
"No problem" They stood up, he was still smiling at her, Michiru couldn't help but smile back.
"What happened to you?" Michiru stared at him; it was the same boy from the hospital.
"Oh...I just tripped."
"Haruka!" someone yelled from the other end of the hall.
"Well it was nice meeting you, I'll see you around." He turned and ran to his friend. Michiru stood there watching him leave.
'Someone was actually glad to see me.' She turned to the doors to leave the school that see didn't hate as much anymore.
Michiru stood in the middle of her living room, in her left hand she held a violin and in her right hand she held a bow.
"Play a song that comes from you heart." Michiru's father sat in front of her. She put her violin under her chin and began to dance the bow across the strings creating a beautiful melody. It's been two months since her father's operation and out of two months she been playing for six weeks. Her father sat on the chair in amazement, it took him over a year to be that good at playing and he didn't even sound close to her sound. 'She is definitely a very talented child.' He thought as Michiru finished her song.
"That was truly amazing Michi." He got up off the chair and walked over to his daughter.
"Thanks dad." Michiru put her violin down inside its case.
"Dinners ready." Her mother stood in the door way of the living room watching her daughter performance. Michiru walked over to her mother and they walked out of the living room and into the kitchen with Michiru's father in tow.
"I have exciting news class," the teacher held a large roll of paper in her hands, "the grade sevens are going to be putting on a play at the beginning of June and since it was my idea this class gets to pick roles first." The teacher unrolled the sheet of paper and taped it on the board. At the top were all the roles that are in the play and at the bottom were blank spaces for the student's names.
"What play are we doing?" Katsuko shouted from the side of the room.
"Oh, I was so excited I forgot to tell you." The teacher laughed. "We're going to do my favourite fairy tale, Cinderella." She went back to taping the paper on the board. Whispering was heard all through the classroom. In the back of the room sat Michiru who was drawing in her book not paying attention to what was going on.
"Okay, I want everyone to come up here and put there names on the paper." The teacher walked aside while the students went to the front. Michiru walked over to the far wall and wrote her name in the corner. 'I hope I get a backstage part.' She returned to her seat and waited for everyone to finish.
"Alright let's see who is playing the Prince and Cinderella." The teacher pulled off the paper that was covering up the lines that connected the character's to the students names. "The Prince is going to be played by..." the teacher followed the line toward the student's name, "...Haruka." All the girls in the class were whispering 'I hope I'm Cinderella.'
"Now for Cinderella..." the teacher did the same thing she did for the Prince, "...Cinderella will be Michiru." All the girls snapped there heads around and stared at a red face Michiru with jealous looks in their eyes. 'Oh great,' she thought as she stared at her notebook in front of her.
Michiru walked through the school's garden looking over the script the teacher gave her. 'Cinderella is in almost every scene.' She was so involved in reading the script she didn't hear the heavy footsteps that were coming behind her, before she knew what was happening she was pushed face first into a tree.
"Listen here Kaioh," the person grabbed hold of her arm and put it behind her back. Michiru was surprised at first but than realized it was Katsuko. 'What does she want now?' The grip around her arm got tighter and tighter.
"I've warned you before Kaioh to stay away from Haruka," she talked louder than a whisper but quieter than normal tone, "since he is the Prince you have to give up your role as Cinderella to me." Michiru arm felt like it would break at any moment.
"Kats!" One of her friends yelled at her from the entrance of the garden.
"What!" she yelled back.
"Teacher is coming!" Katsuko released her arm and whispered in her ear, "I'll finish this later." Katsuko left Michiru standing by the tree not realizing that someone was watching her with a very angry face.
"Oww." Michiru rubbed her very sore arm. 'I hope that doesn't stay that colour.' She bent over to pick up her script that fell to the ground. A sneeze came from a tree branch above her; she looked up into teal eyes that stared back at her.
"Hey Cinderella." He jumped off the branch he was sitting on and landed on his feet next to Michiru. 'He is so handsome.' She watched him brush himself off of leaves.
"How's your arm?" Michiru looked into his eyes, they looked concerned. Why would he be concerned about me for?
"It's alright." She rubbed it again to try and get the feeling back.
"You're not going to do what Katsuko told you to do, are you?" Michiru swallowed hard, 'He heard what she said.'
"I don't know I'm not very good at acting and..." she looked at his shirt he was wearing instead of his eyes.
"I could help you learn your lines, if you want." He ran his hands through his golden blonde hair. Michiru looked at him with wide eyes. 'Someone wants to help me.'
"Haruka!" a dark haired boy ran up to him. "I've been looking all over for you." He bent over trying to catch his breath. "The coach wants to talk to you about a tournament." The boy grabbed Haruka's shirt and started to drag him to entrance of the garden.
"Let me know your decision Michiru." Haruka shouted at her before he was dragged from the garden.