Finally the conclusion! Please don't mind the battle description, I'm not much of an action writer… But here's the final chapter which is very long, so please enjoy! Oh! And I apologize for any cheesiness and predictable situations… I just thought that it might add more to the story and Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic. P.S I am not fully aware of Deep Blue's attacks. Half his battle is made from what I thought he'd do. I've read all the manga's for TMM except the last one, but I know what happens in the last manga (this last chapter mirrors some of what happens) I haven't had a chance to see or read it yet. I apologize to all hardcore fans who know every attack and lines and such of the characters, as this may frustrate them. '
Ending Chapter and Epilogue:
Everybody tossed their heads around as they tried to search for the owner of the voice. "Who said that?" shouted Ichigo. Immediately as she asked a bright light flashed. When they felt that light wasn't violating their eyes, they all slowly opened them. The Mew Mews looked up as they heard Kish's shout.
"Put her down!" Everybody rose up to see a very strange and floating Masaya holding Ichigo at the waist. His eyes were empty and deep and his clothing held a strange distorted glow to it. "The time has come." He said.
His voice was cold and lacked tone; Ichigo did not like it one bit. "Masaya! What are you doing? Put me down!" She struggled but had her waist squeezed unpleasantly in response. He looked at her with those cold eyes, and she shivered at the dark depths. "The one you call Masaya is now dead." Ichigo gasped as Masaya changed—longer ears, longer hair, smaller darker eyes… "The one before you is Deep Blue…"
"Huh, no kidding," replied Minto as she stood up along with Zakuro. "You're all in the same group! We shouldn't have even trusted Masaya in the first place, and now the Aliens are winning! You are such a dumb leader! Now what are you going to do since you've been captured?" Ichigo hissed at Minto's comment, and Deep Blue turned to Minto and Zakuro. "Those traitors have no place with me. I am the mastermind behind this plan, those aliens are too stupid to come up with anything of the sort. Stand back human and prepare for judgment…" Deep Blue lifted his hand, and seemingly from nowhere, Kirema Animas jumped out and began to attack. The rest of the Mew Mews transformed to defend themselves.
Deep Blue then turned to face Kish with narrowed eyes. "You disgust me."
"Not more than the way you disgust me now, let her go!" Deep Blue gave a small smirk and lifted Ichigo's face to his. "I could make her mine… But then that would be succumbing to the weakness of my old self… So maybe I should just destroy her instead…" He tightened his grip around her waist, and Ichigo gasped. 'little… air…'
"Let her go!" Kish let out a ball of energy and Deep Blue transported away. "Feeble," he muttered.
"Your mind has been poisoned by this human 'love' It has made you a fool, and fools trip when they rush into things, just like you are doing so now…" Deep Blue raised his hand, and Ichigo looked up into his eyes. Those emotional eyes seemed to show a flicker of--jealousy? She didn't wait, Ichigo bit his arm, and he released her growling.
Kish ran up, and caught the falling body, and Ichigo released a sigh of relief. Deep Blue watched them and strangely enough, his blood began to boil. 'Very well then,' he said to himself. 'You shall die together…' He clasped his hands together and whispered. The kirema Anima's that were fighting stopped and retreated. The others watched them leave wary and confused. They gasped as they saw something that looked like a small white star above their head in the atmosphere.
Deep Blue smiled and looked up. "That will be the judge, and that will rid this planet of all you horrible humans, so that I may be able to reshape it into paradise." Laughter echoed through the area as he disappeared, and everybody growled. They looked up to the window of the café as they heard a shout and they silently retreated…
Everybody was infuriated as well as confused. "How can he do this to us?" Ichigo fumed over what Masaya or 'Deep Blue' said. "Look, we're not going to accomplish anything by just sitting here and moping!" Everybody turned their attention towards Ryou whom had just let them into the café. Keiichiro was tapping away at the computer. He stopped and turned to face everybody. "That source contains a great amount of energy, and in order to destroy the source, we'll have to neutralize its force with a high dosage of Mew Aqua. Since Deep Blue is the cause of everything, if we take him down, the bad effects will all disappear." Everybody nodded. Keiichiro continued.
"We have detected an extremely large source—bigger then any we've had. Somewhere near the heart of a tree in the forest.. Masha will lead you there." Masha floated towards Ichigo's head. Ryou looked at them all and sighed. He gave Ichigo one long look before he continued. "Be careful out there girls… This may be your very last mission. The fate of the world rests in your hands."
They all nodded. "We can do this!" shouted Tart trying to get in more positive atmosphere. "Because we're super heroes!" She beamed a smile and Lettuce nodded. "We are the defenders of justice!"
"Tokyo Mew Mew," added in Ichigo proud. She turned and started to run. "Let's go!"
Nothing had happened…Yet… Nothing had gone wrong…Yet, and hopefully nothing would go wrong at all. The Mew Mews and the three aliens ran through the thick forest, they jumped and ducked to avoid oncoming leaves and branches. They followed the small puff of pink that was their guide to freedom and power. "Wait, stop a bit…" Ichigo
Huffed as she slowed down. Sure enough, things were getting a little hard. All the mew Mews were finding it hard to breathe—the aliens too. "Deep Blue must have lowered the oxygen in the atmosphere… It's only a 2 drop, but that is still enough to faze people…" said Pai calculative. They looked up at the darkened skies, and knew they had to hurry.
They stood up and looked to Masha who was patiently waiting. "Okay," huffed Ichigo, "Let's go…" There was a loud sound, like break braking, and all of a sudden… Masha wasn't there in front of them, instead, there was a big gaping hole.
"Oh my goodness! That, that thing! Whatever it was, swallowed Masha!" exclaimed Minto. All the Mew Mews stepped back as a large creature emerged from the whole. Just as it opened its large mouth, a white flash appeared, and they all froze unable to move.
Minto and Zakuro opened their eyes—which were previously closed. They looked around to see that all of them, the Mew Mews and the creature had disappeared along with the light. They heard sounds grow around them, and they looked back and groaned at the oncoming kirema animas. ..
Ichigo grabbed onto Kish's hand as they seemed to gently fall in a well of light, before lulling to a gentle rocking. "Where's everybody else?" she asked, her tone softened.
"Right here," Ichigo turned her head to see her friends and the aliens float in beside the two. "What happened?" Asked Lettuce. She turned to Pai, but he gave a blank look. "I… Must say I do not know." He answered, his voice echoed on. "Hello!" Hello, Hello… Ichigo's voice resonated back to her. "What are we going to do?" To do To do?
When a green light vibrated from a different direction, and the group turned their heads to it. A blurred green light floated into the middle, and began to speak. "Your help is needed."
"It's Talking! Na no da!" exclaimed Pudding with wide eyes.
"The earth is in deep danger Tokyo Mew Mews. I have seen you fight to protect me… My very nature and existence is truly threatened, and I do not think I can no longer support the people I hold." It spoke with softness.
"What?" asked Ichigo.
"I am mother nature, the very earth on which you live off. Deep Blue is threatening the very earth with his 'renaissance' If he succeeds, people will be gone, and I will no longer bear fruit. The earth will be barren."
Ichigo floated towards the green light. "What can we do? Masha was supposed to help us find the Mew Aqua that was supposed to help us save you, but now he's gone."
"Don't worry, because I will help you. He did not serve as a loss, since I hold a large dose—enough Mew Aqua to help destroy Deep Blue." The green light floated up and slowly turned turquoise. The six were soon slowly blinded by light and they covered their eyes. "The power of two and love in an eternal cycle will bring you together…"
Dark hair fluttered behind and whipped around his mature face. Deep Blue growled as he searched the deep thickets, he had sensed something powerful, and pure, and decided that for them to get a hold of, whatever it was could not have been good news. He stopped, wondering why he was wasting so much time and sent some energy flying. He released kirema animas that helped clear the way for him. Deep blue smirked as dust flew, then slowly settled to view six unarmed figures. 'I'm worrying over nothing,' he thought to himself. 'This is the end.'
Something in Deep Blue told him to be rid of the green haired alien with ponytail sideburns. "Kish," he muttered his name with disgust. "You're mine." He said holding up a hand allowing a sword to materialize into it. He charged and saw that the six were engulfed with light. It was too bright for him to handle so he stopped and shielded his eyes. He cursed and before he knew it, heat was searing through his body. Chancing to meet eyes with the enemy, he looked to see six figures with something un-see-able in their hands.
"For the sake of love,"
"For the sake of the ones we know and love,"
"For the sake of the world we live in,"
"For the sake of true justice,"
"For the sake of peace,"
"For the sake of life! We rid of you!"
"Mew Aqua Drops Pure!"
Deep Blue was blasted away, and the six landed on their feet huffing, as the light dissipated and the object shrank. The six shielded their eyes as it turned into a small heart pendant and landed around Ichigo's neck. They looked at Deep Blue who was still. The sky slowly began to regain some light,a nd the growing star imploded. Fresh air became more abundant, and things seemed to generally return to normal. Without warning,Deepblueseemed to disappear, blowing away like sand into the wind, and all that was left was a very still and pale Masaya….
Ichigo shed a few tears. Kish was quiet just for the sake of it, but you could probably tell that he was jumping inside. As a past lover, something had to be felt, but Ichigo was mostly glad that everything was alright now. She shivered at the thought of what could have happened to her, if she trusted Masaya, would she be going against the earth and her friends for the one she loved? Boy was she glad that she was no longer oblivious to him.
Many things happened. Masaya's burial, was solemn, and his parents were hysterical. Though that did not matter. All that mattered to Ichigo were the wedding vows that she soon was about to exchange with Kish. (A/N: In the last manga, Ichigo actually exchanges wedding vows with Masaya! I'm like, bleep! How and why would she do this at such a young age! O.O At least this is what I hear from a friend of mine who's a huge TMM fan… I guess it makes sense since the cover has a picture of Ichigo in a wedding like get up….)
Obviously, by the last paragraphs, you can tell that Masaya was dead, and the earth was saved. Minto and Zakuro are just there…. They are no longer mentioned much because of their slight in approval to their friends' choice to exchange wedding vows with their loves but they didn't object much since they had been proved wrong.
The aliens have started living with many others, but they receive wary looks. It's hard, but they are slowly getting accepted after everything that has happened. They are helping on the side of justice. The aliens have agreed to share some technology and ideas that might help make the world a much better place to live in.
Pai and Lettuce are a more intimate couple, and have gone out much more. Pudding and Tart have hit it off very well. Each alien has already been accepted into the girl's household as 'son in laws' but they are all planning to get their own places and jobs.
Ichigo and Kish were having their own time together. In a week, they'd be down an aisle and both could not be any happier. They sat down quietly, thinking about how all this came to be; especially since Ichigo had once hated his guts. Kish looked over to his kitten and cleared his throat. She looked at him, large pink eyes curious. "I just want to say," he started and smiled. "That you are the best thing that ever happened to me, I knew since I first saw you, that you were the one. And even though you first hated me, I knew it would be tough. Then you broke my heart." Ichigo moved back a bit, slightly hurt. She looked down at her fingers nervous, and searching her mind for when this might have happened. "But," he reached his hand to her chin, and pulled her face so that she could see his eyes. "You're my antidote for heartache…"
IT'S DONE! FINISHED! OVER! Thnx to all my reviewers! You've been wonderful and very supportive since the very beginning and I thank you so much for that! To all that read this fanfic, thankyou and goodnight! bows and leaves