Well, it's taken a while, but finally I have updated. This chapter isn't beta'd yet though, but please, enjoy it.
Also, thanks for the reviews.

Prologue Part Two-

He knew, the minute he had been called, that something was happening. Never had the Dark Mark pulsed with such dark and malicious glee.


His exit from Hogwarts sent many a tongues waggling, as the portraits gossiped with one another, each trying to guess the reason why the vindictive Potions Master had left in such a rush.

Apparating immediately to his side, he knelt before the dark figure that sat in the throne in front of him.

"My Lord." He murmured respectfully, crawling forward to kiss the hem of the robes that he wore. He then returned to his position, kneeling before him, his head bowed reverently.

"My loyal followers," He began in a serpentine hiss. "As some of you may know, I have recently acquired something of great value, and amusement to me."

He narrowed his eyes slightly at the amused, slightly sadistic mood that circulated through the other Death Eaters.

"And, I know that my new toy has brought much amusement to you, my followers." He continued to hiss, a sadistic joy tainting the words. "But one of your brethren hasn't had the chance to play with my acquisition. He has been doing his mission faithfully, watching that Muggle loving fool for me, watching of his Order's plans, telling them of false attacks and lies." His monstrous red gaze landed on him, and he felt an invisible tremor run up his spine.

'This was not good.' He thought to himself.

"Severus Snape. My dear, faithful little spy. Would you like to play with my new toy? I'm sure it will bring much amusement to you, after all, he has the face of a hated enemy." He said, beckoning him forth.

'The face of a hated enemy?' He thought, going over his words, as he obeyed his master's call.

"Wormtail, bring my new toy forth. I'm sure my dear little spy has some delightful potions that he could use on it." He commanded, lightly stroking his hair with his thin, bony fingers as he removed his mask.

He could only stare in shock as the beaten, bloody and almost broken body of Harry Potter was thrown before him, but he quickly covered up his relapse by placing a sneer on his face, while his mind raced.

'What is Potter doing here? He should still be at his Muggle relatives home. The werewolf just saw him yesterday.'

"Would you like to play with him, my spy?" He asked, his tone silky.

He blinked. "I would love to, My Lord, but when I go to report your Summoning, his phoenix might smell your toy's scent on me and I will be found out." He watched as those monstrous red eyes narrowed in anger. "But, I do have some potions that can be administered to your toy, that will cause him great pain. I just do not think I should be the one to administer them." He said tentatively, knowing that he could jump from calm to murderous in mere moments. Fortunately, fate was on his side, and he watched as he nodded his consent.

Reaching into his robes, he pulled out two phials of coloured liquid, and one empty phial. Carefully floating the third, empty phial, he mixed the two potions together, mixing enough to fill a small glass. Resealing the two phials, he placed them back in his robes and handed the new potion to him.

"This, My Lord, has the effect of dissolving the internal organs of the drinker. It does it at a slow pace, so your toy won't die before you tire of him, but it is quite painful. Do you approve?"

Red eyes lit up with an unholy glee as he took in this information. "This is perfect, my precious spy." He praised, stroking his face. "Avery! Feed this potion to Potter, at once!" He commanded, before turning his gaze back to him. "And Severus, once he has fed the potion to Potter, you can make use of my Lab to make me more of that delightful potion."

He nodded and watched as Avery lifted Potter's head, to reveal the milky white eyes of one who is blind.

His eyes widening slightly, he hid his shock as he turned to his master. "My Lord, might I ask as to how you acquired such a toy? I'm certain that the fool mentioned something about wards protecting his Golden Boy's home."

"Ah, yes," He hissed, his tone smug. "There were wards, but they relied on Potter having a home with his muggle relatives. The moment he couldn't consider that place his home, the wards fell. The boy soon felt that that place wasn't his home, and the wards fell, giving me the opportunity to possess his weak mind. I walked out of the house and past his guards, before transporting the boy here. Then, I set up new wards that fooled the old man into believing that the wards still held."

His eyes widened once more, before he asked another question, this one more hesitant than the first. "But, hasn't someone noticed that the boy is missing?"

Red eyes narrowed, before he smiled twistedly. "No, my spy. You see, Young Nott joined your ranks the minute he stepped of the Hogwarts express and after we gave him polyjuice with some of Potter's blood, so it would last twenty-four hours instead of one, we led him back to the house and none are the wiser."

He nodded. "The fool doesn't even notice that he's gone. How long have you had your toy, Master?"

"I have had him since the second week of his holidays." Red eyes glowed with insanity.

He winced inwardly. Potter had been in his clutches for over six weeks and no one had known. He watched as the last of the potion was poured down the boy's throat and he was dragged out of sight and back to his cell.

"You may go now Severus. Brew me some more of that wonderful potion." He hissed.

He nodded and knelt to kiss his robes, before standing, bowing, and striding out of the hall in which they met.

He had to get Potter out of there. Following the corridor down to the dungeons where both the Potions lab were located and the prisoners were held.

Striding past the path that led to the Potions lab, he made his way down to the cells.

Suppressing a shudder at the intense feelings of helplessness, pain and death that washed over him as he entered the cell areas, he made his way to the cell in which Potter was being held.

He stood there for a moment, watching as Potter's eyes flashed their usual emerald green, before their fire died out into the milky whiteness that they had become.

He entered the cell, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was worried, worried about Potter's condition. Drawing his wand, he cast a quick numbing spell on Potter and walked over to the crumpled body.

Suddenly, he spun around and spied his master glaring at him hatefully, insanely. His master's wand rose as he reached into his robes to pull out a serpent on a chain. Quickly hooking the chain around Potter's arm, he muttered the activation word for the portkey. Just before he felt the tell-tale tug of the portkey, the Killing Curse shot from his former master's wand.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on the grounds of Hogwarts. Quickly, he drew his wand and levitated Potter to the infirmary.

It seemed that he had spied on Voldemort for the last time. He would no longer be welcome in Voldemort's circle.

Turning his onyx eyes to the body of the boy floating before him, he couldn't help but fear for the boy's life.

And this confused Severus Snape more than anything.