Disclaimer- Nope I don't own Inuyasha. Copyright goes to Rumiko Takahashi.



I learned at a young age that not all people were kind or had compassion. I saw the evils of the human race before me and they terrified me. Most villagers fear youkai. Not I, though. I fear the humans. My own race is what I fear. When I was 6 years old, bandits raided my home, killing my parents and my older brother. My mother had hidden me at the time and had told me to be absolutely quiet. Out of pure fear I hid as my mother grabbed a near by kitchen knife in an attempt to help defend us. I watched silently as the bandits came into our house after having already slain my Father and brother. My mother put up a good fight but in the end was over powered by 3 bandits who brutally beat her and finally ended her life by cutting her throat. I watched in silent horror as tears ran down my face. Bandits took what they wanted, looting our house and leaving it in shambles. The bandits left having never seen or heard me. By some odd miracle they did not look in that last closet.

By sheer luck I had escaped, but only to endure more hardships. About a day later the other villagers discovered the tragedy that had befallen my household. Our house wasn't the only one who had been attacked. They found me in the closet. I was in shock and couldn't talk, or maybe it was that I feared that if I spoke I would be killed. They sympathized with me, and helped me bury my family. But that was as far as their generosity went. No family stepped forward to take care of me. The crops that year were very poor and no one could afford to take care of another child.

I found an old dugout type of shack near the stream to live in since I could not bring myself to live in my old house. For food I constantly when out into the forest to collect wild vegetables and mushrooms. I lived like this for a year. I became brave in my own right because I could cry no more tears. At the time, it seemed like I had been through hell, so in my mind's eye, it couldn't get any worse.

During one of my daily trips into the forest to forage, I stumbled upon the most beautiful person I have ever seen. But person quickly turned to youkai as he violently turned and hissed at me, eyes blood red. But yet this did not faze me in the least.

You could say this is where my obsession starts.

Author's note - Well...as corny as the title sounds I do actually have an idea behind this lol. So I wanna know what you think, so PLEASE REVIEW! I know it's not much, but as much as I wanted to make this longer, I really wanted to leave it there. Next chapter will be up very soon, probably later tonight.