- Love is all that -

Again where did everyone go??!! I was hoping to have a nice and long list of reviwers for this chapters since this is the LAST one. Anyhow..

Thanks to:

Animegurl1o1 : thanks for reviewing!! Unlike the other meanies out there!!


Dedicated to : Animegurl1o1

This is a special chapter!


- Chapter 20

(--Skips ahead a few years--)

Many years have past by seeing that the group has collected all of the jewel shards and already defeated Naraku.

One quiet day out in the fields everyone was carelessly walking around, with no more worries because there is no strong threat to them anymore. Naraku's dead! What more could anyone ask for?

"Sango? Can I have a favour?"

"Hmm? Oh sure! What is it?"

"I think it's time."


Sango knew what Kohaku was talking about. In fact the whole group knew. It's time for the wish. The wish that just might change Sango's life forever.

"Can't you wait a few more days?"

"I'm sorry Sango, I miss her very much. I just can't wait to see her again..."

Sango sighed. She knew she can't just lose her brother like that again. As the taijiya made her way to Kagome she was thinking of ways to stop Kohaku from going.


"Yeah? Did you need anything?"

"Um, yes. I need the Jewel."

"The jewel?! Why?"

Sango turned away, "Kohaku."

"oh..I'm sorry."

Kagome reached into her yellow backpack and pulled out the Shikon Jewel. The second she touched it the stone started to glow a bright pink... perhaps it knew what was going to happen next?

"Here. I hope you can get him not to do it though..."

Sango slowly walked back to the clearing where Kohaku was waiting patiently.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Please stay with me a little longer."

Kohaku looked up at his sister and knew that she erally wanted him to stay.

"Sango. This is really important to me."

"Can't we just wish her back instead? Even if we don't see each other again at least I know you're alive."

"You know just as well as I do that Kikyo's arrow made it so the person cannot be revived."


Kohaku looked up at her again and waited for a reply. When none came he started reaching out for the jewel. But just then Sango flinched and pulled the jewel back, away from his grip.


"I'm sorry Kohaku, but I..I just don't want to lose you again!"

Tears were formed at the edges of her eyes now. Holding them back, Sango continued.

"Why? Why can't you just not wish? I really want you to stay!"

"Sango, if it wasn't for her I would have been dead already. I practically owe her my life. But when she took me in I pulled her into this big mess. If she never met me, if she hadn't healed me, she could have been one of the escaping villagers that survived. Rin shouldn't of died Sango. She was innocent."

Sango was looking down at the ground, water marked the soil with slightly darker spots. She knew if he was to make that wish she would really never see him again. Even if he was evil, she would of seen him.

"But this is what I always wanted wasn't it? For him to be happy, be free."

"Can't you stay for a few more years? Or for the rest of your life? I'm sure she would understand!"

"You really don't understand."

Kohaku watched his sister's pained face as she continued staring at the ground.

"But.. I could keep it going for a few months.."

Sango then finally looked up as if that last sentence had snapped her out of her daydreams.

"Y-Y-You c-could?"

In what felt like forever Kohaku smiled a big happy smile.

"Sure why not?"

Almost immediately Sango ran forwards and caught her brother in a death-grip hug.

"S—Sango!! C..can't b..rr..eathe!!"

The girl released her brother and looked at him.


With that last phrase she turned around and walked back to camp. Leaving Kohaku alone in the field.

"Maybe I will live the rest of my life out. I'm sure Rin would understand. I can wait...right? Rin will always be there for me."

After smoothing things out a little Kohaku walked back to camp knowing he had done a good thing not only for his sister but also for everyone else.

"Sango!!! I have something to tell you!!"


That's all! This story is officially finished! My very first finished fic!! I really hoped you people out there liked it!! Don't forget to keep reviewing!!

( who can ever get enough of those?! )

And just because I'm feeling very happy, I've decided to add a Prologue!! Just can't leave you hanging like that now can I?


((--After Kohaku dies--))

"–sigh- this really is the life isn't it?"

Rin giggled as she watched Kohaku fall onto the bed.

"It all seems like yesterday..."


" Ugh...where am I?"

Kohaku stands up and looks around. All he could see was swirls of purple and black. T was like he was standing in some other dimension...well in a way, he was.


Naturally Kohaku jumoed nearly 2 metres up.

"W-W-Who said that??!!"

In a bright flash of light Kohaku found himself walking down a hall where people where screaming and shouting.



"Good Job!"

"No... You're not him either!"

Kohaku found himself following a long line of others who too seemed to be looking around and aslo, very confused. The crowd on either sides of the railing (the only thing that was keeping them back) were still screaming and shouting. But only one voice seemed to stick out in the huge sea of white and grey.

"KOHAKU! KOHAKU OVER HERE!! I'm so glad I finally found you! I've been waiting for so long!"

Kohaku turned around, trying to find out where the voice came from.


Suddenly a girl with black hair and about 18 appeared at the front nearly falling over the railing.



Rin smiled her biggest smile and called one last thing to the boy before disapearing back into the crowd.

"Meet you at the front!"


Kohaku kept walking following the line all the way to where he could see the people hugging and greeting old friends. Once again the boy looked back there was a very long line coming from the 'portal'. He was near the front now and about to step through what looked like a barrier when-

"Hey, you. Kid commere'"

Kohaku cautiously walked over to the man dressed in blue and black.

"Don't worry, I don't bite"

The man smiled gently and handed Kohaku a piece of paper.

"That there is a map, of the city. Don't get lost now. Oh yeah, and on the back there. Those are instructions/laws or anything you need to know. I hope ya enjoy heaven."

Kohaku gave a small nod and continued walking towards the barrier as the man greeted the next person. The former-taijiya looked around. It was nothing like he was used to. The floor... it wasn't just dirt or straw anymore, it was more like squares. Lots of them made from something hard and shiny at the same time. Kohaku looked down at the floor, and lots of squares too...all beside each other..weird. ( you know, tiles!)

Next thing he saw was the strange colour of the walls – grey. And the were very hard too. (cement walls) There were these stalls (corner store type of thing) that had many different kinds of food...but they were all in either a plastic wrapping or covered in a very shiny material. (Chocolate bars/chips..)

Kohaku watched as someone walked up to the counter and placed round pieces of metal and slips of coloured paper on it. In return the man was givin everything he had picked out earlier in bags. Kohaku reached into his pockets and came up with nothing.

"Why is that man giving him paper and metal for food? "

"Kohaku! There you are! Come on! I can't wait to take you to my house!!"

When Rin ran over to pull him away, he stood there frozen to his spot.


"Rin... what is all of this? The hard floors and walls the things over there in a shiny material, and...and I saw someone giving that clerk over there paper and metal!"

Rin laughed. She knew that Kohaku was used to the old times when people bartered and floors were dirt or straw and when walls were soft.

"Silly. This is heaven and it's made out to look like a time about 500-700 years after ours, like the future!"

"but.. the paper and metal?"

"I'll talk to you about it on our way back."


"Hello?? Kohaku are you even listening to me?"


Rin laughed, "You are so weird."

"am I really?"

"Yup! Anyhow I want to go shopping later today. I love how many things there are here...so much better than the Feudal Times."

"Shopping... again?! You just went yesterday! And the day before that! And the day befor-"

"Yeah, yeah I get it."

"Anyhow I have to go to work."

"I know... you are almost late too."

Kohaku looked up at the clock and gasped. He got up immediately and ran for the door.



But Kohaku was already out the door.

"-sigh- just like every other day."

And so Kohaku and Rin lived happily together forever...cause, they can't die again...can they??


And that everyone was the true ending. I really hoped you liked it and oh yeah! There will be no sequel. I can't think of anything to go with this ending. Or maybe If I'm really bored...I might consider it to the people who actually LIKE this story..


Bye now!!

Dedicated to : Animegurl1o1