A Past Love

Chapter 1: A Search Ended; A Love Rediscovered

by AngelK

Author's Note: This is my first Yu Yu Hakusho story I've written. I like comments and suggestions/criticism. But, if you don't like this story as you read it, it's kind of pointless just to tell me how much you hated it and how terrible I am. So, I want a reason for why you dislike it so much if you do. If you see a problem with it, state it. Otherwise, enjoy yourself.

Disclaimer: This is a story based upon characters of Yu Yu Hakusho. It is for entertainment purposes only.

A small and petite figure stood near the crowd of departing demons, partially shadowed by forest trees. "Hiei... you're here."

Hiei's head jerked up.

"What is it, Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"I heard someone." The Koorime grunted in reply.

Kurama listened.

"Not approaching. Looking for me."

"Akihabara! What are you doing in Makai?" Yusuke exclaimed as he spotted a familiar face.

The petite figure turned. "Urameshi?" The speaker was small and petite. With black hair and onyx colored eyes, tan skin and a slim figure, a smile and a pretty face, it was surprising that no demons had attacked her yet.

"It is you, Akita. What are you doing here?" Yusuke asked.

"Enjoying the scenery. What are you doing around here? I didn't expect to see anyone I knew around this place," Akita stated.

"I was fighting in the Makai Tournament," Yusuke informed his classmate.

"Oh, I've come too late. It's over, isn't it?" Akita questioned.

"Yup. Won't begin for another three years-Hey, wait a second. How'd you get to Makai?" Yusuke queried, confusion settling in.

"I was born here."

Yusuke's eyes widened. "Then, that means..."

"I am a demon. A hybrid truthfully," Akita explained.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to some friends of mine." Yusuke said as he led her in the direction where Kurama had gone.

"Yusuke!" Kurama exclaimed in surprise.

"Hey! You didn't think you'd leave without a good-bye, did you! Anyways, let me introduce you to someone. Her name is Ak-"

Hiei's eyes widened as he saw the girl approach. "...Akita.."

Yusuke looked over at Hiei in surprise. "That's her name. How'd you know?"

Kurama smiled lightly. "Ah, it's my sister. The Master Thief of Makai. And Ningenkai."

Yusuke looked between Kurama and Hiei in utter consternation. "Alright, this is too weird. How the hell do you two know my classmate, Akita Akihabara?"

"She's my sister. Well, Youko's half-sister," Kurama explained, bemused as Akita approached.

Akita's eyes lit up as she sped up her pace and embraced Kurama.

Kurama returned the hug.

"Since when did you turn into a human coward like your intelligent half-sibling?" Hiei asked.

Akita glared at him. "Since when do you run from another demon, let alone one in their human form? You're the coward it seems. Hiding like a wild wounded animal."

"Do not judge me." Hiei snapped, eyes flashing angrily.

"Hiei, I only speak the truth. I NEVER judge." Akita retorted, her ki flaring.

"Before you two tear into one another, will you at least tell me how you know her, Hiei?" Yusuke asked.

"I am interested as well. You never told me that you two were acquaintances. You never told me you even knew her," Kurama said.

"She's a half-Koorime. I am a full blooded Koorime. There are few of us. She and I met when our paths crossed at a large burglary. We were opposing teams after the same item. She was the leader of her squad. I was likewise for my own. We-" Hiei paused, looking over at Akita.

"I see. Thank you, Akita. I understand much better."

"What do you mean, Kurama?" Hiei asked.

"She sent me memories. About her period of service to a demon master thief. You took an interest in one another. Of course, the master thief was not pleased. His leading associate had taken an interest in the opposite side. He wanted you dead, didn't he, Hiei?" Kurama questioned.

"Yes. Murdered by Akita herself." Hiei said in reply.

"She couldn't bear to carry through with it. She helped you escape. To kill the one she loved would've destroyed her very spirit in the process. It would've been the same for Hiei as well." Kurama completed, looking at Hiei.

The small demon did not deny the statement.

"You two were in love? But, Mukuro-" Yusuke was interrupted yet again.

"She was wrong. But, no one knew of our relations so it is understandable. After he disappeared, taking on a job that would take him far away, he and I did not meet again until the fall of the crime ring." Akita explained to Yusuke.

"So, all this time, you two haven't seen one another?" The Spirit Detective asked.

"No. Like I said, our last meeting was after the crime ring I was a member of fell apart. Hiei and I met soon after. I remember as if it were only yesterday..."

"Hiei? Is it really you?" The female demon looked at the Koorime in disbelief. He wore a black cloak and a white bandana on his forehead.

"I'm glad to see you still don't trust anything without caution. I always did like that about you." The male demon smirked.

Akita smiled. "Hiei! It's like a dream come true. I'm just waiting to wake up from my dream like I always do."

The Koorime blurred out of sight and was beside her in a moment. "It's not a dream."

The demon hybrid sunk to the ground. She couldn't stand. Her muscles were refusing to cooperate. She wept silently.

"I still make you cry. You did this the last time I saw you." Hiei reminded her as he knelt on one knee.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just- I didn't think I'd ever see you again." Akita murmured softly.

Hiei wiped away the rest of her tears and his hand rested against her cheek lightly. "It's strange. I haven't seen you in person for a long time. But...you're just as I remembered."

"It's just not the same using only your Jagan, is it?" Akita asked solemnly, half-smiling.

Hiei looked at her in surprise. "How did you... know about that?"

Akita tapped her finger against her skull. "I always know." She smiled sweetly at him.

The corner of Hiei's mouth twitched. "Naturally. That shouldn't surpri-" He stopped as he felt silken lips brush his palm.

"You're so easy to distract. What would happen if I was the opposition and you were my selected interest?" The half-breed ran her fingers through Hiei's dark hair.

"Be seduced and captured I suppose."

This drew a laugh from Akita. "Oh, Hiei, I've missed you so much."

"Don't worry. You won't ever have to miss me again. We can stay together. With you no longer apart of that crime ring, it's fine." Hiei smiled as he stroked her cheek.

Akita threw her arms around him. "Then, we'll always be together..."

"So, that's the whole story. Are you both going back to Ningenkai now?" The question was directed to Yusuke and Kurama.

"I'm going to stay here for awhile. I'll eventually go back but there are some things I need to do first." Yusuke grinned.

"And you, Kurama?"

"I promised my mother I'd be back. I'm going now," Kurama told Akita.

"Too bad. I was hoping we could be together for at least a little while. You'll come back soon though, right?" Akita smiled.

"Of course."

"Next time, I'll expect you to stay and eat with me. You know where I hang out and where I live, don't you?"

"Yes. I do. I'll be sure to come by. Well, good-bye then, Hiei and Yusuke. Akita, for you."

A pink blossom landed in her palm. "A sakura flower? Thank you, Kurama."

Kurama departed.

"Well, Yusuke, I'm sure you could use some food. Why don't you eat dinner with me? You can spare at least a bit of time before you attend to your personal matters." Akita looked at Yusuke expectantly.

"I could. Anyway, I'm starved! Lead the way! I still remember the last thing you brought me for lunch. It was pretty damn good. Hiei, are you going to come along?" Yusuke looked at the remaining demon.

"Yes, I think I will." Hiei responded, glancing at Akita, who was smiling at him.

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go!" Yusuke exclaimed.

"You live in a house? It's pretty nice," Yusuke commented.

"Ya think? Yeah, I guess it is. I like it so that's all that really matters." Akita opened the door. "Just make yourselves comfortable. The sitting room is over there. I'll start cooking." She left the pair in the hall and went towards the kitchen.

Yusuke settled down onto the couch.

Hiei stood near the window. "Yusuke?"

"Yeah?" Yusuke turned his gaze from the ceiling to Hiei.

"What is Akita like now? You went to school with her."

"She's probably like you remember. She's a loner. She skips classes a lot and is pretty much a delinquent. She and I've talked quite a bit. I like her- Hey, don't give me that look. I love Keiko. I like Akita. She and I spend most of our time on the roof, skipping class. I was wondering, Hiei. How exactly did you take an interest to her?" Yusuke wondered if Hiei would even answer.

"The night of the burglary, we had to enter into a heavily guarded mansion. The crime syndicate I was a part of had only received information the day before. We took a back entrance. There was only one other syndicate interested in this particular treasure. Anyway, they had gotten there ahead of us. They were on their way out. Of course, we engaged into battle."

Hiei had decapitated another of the opposition.

"He fights quite well," The leader of the mission commented.

"That demon leads this group that we are now fighting."

"I think I shall go and entice him to fight. He looks like a worthy opponent. Delicious looking too." The leader started towards the demon.

"Fighter, you spark my interest. Would I be so selfish as to ask for a dance?" The voice was feminine.

The two stood face to face.

"Leaders should fight leaders. It's only fair. So, let's go." Hiei attacked first, lunging with his sword. He stabbed empty air. Where did she go?

"Up here she went." The fighter had taken refuge amongst the hanging chandeliers.

"You're so fast. Working off some precious little treasure?"

The masked female tensed. "It is nothing but my Koorime blood and strength. How dare you degrade me by thinking I'd use some petty item!" She shot downward, her blade directed at him.

Hiei blurred out of the way.

"Ah...a Koorime. This will be fun." She shot forward, slashing with her sword, catching some skin on Hiei's neck and drawing a bit of blood. "Only a little knick. We can't accept that..." She paused as she licked the blade of her sword. "You taste sweet, my lovely adversary. Tell me. What is your name, Fighter?"

Hiei smirked. "Why tell you? You won't be around long enough to remember it anyway!"

"We must retreat with the crystal, Akita. The potion's effect is wearing off of the guards."

"That's too bad. I really was enjoying myself. Fighter, we shall meet again. Perhaps it will be on friendlier terms next time. Blue Rose Tears!" A barrage of blue-tinted, petal-shaped ice shot at him.
An ice attack? Hiei dodged as the female demon vanished.

"Hiei, we have to get out quickly. Hiei? Hiei!"

Hiei entered into the mostly dark room.

"Hiei, I have not heard a good thing about you on this last mission. You failed to kill the leader of the opposing pursuers. And, therefore, the Crystal of a Thousand Spells was not captured." The demon sat in a high back chair, awaiting Hiei's response.

"I'm sorry, Atashi. We fought for only a short time. I didn't-"

"You usually have well enough time when you fight for only a moment. You are the most cut-throat demon I have working for me. Please, do not allow me to have this conversation again. Tell me, what was this fighter's name?" Atashi asked.

"They called her Akita." Hiei replied.

"Ah, Akita. She is a very lovely demon. It was unfortunate that her father owed a debt to that syndicate. My niece would've worked for me otherwise."

"She was a worthy adversary, Atashi. We will fight again. I won't fail to kill her next time..."

"Unfortunately, I did fail Atashi again. I was able to gain treasures but I could never kill her. After I saw her face, her presence haunted me. I told Atashi I would never be able to kill her. He accepted it. As long as I got what he wanted, he was satisfied." Hiei explained to Yusuke.

"Hiei, Yusuke, food's done!"

Yusuke jumped up from the couch. "Alright! I'm starving!" He headed for the kitchen.

Hiei followed Yusuke into the kitchen.

"WOW!" Yusuke exclaimed as he took in the table with five platters piled high with food.

"I knew you'd be hungry, Yusuke. You eat like a horse." Akita gestured to the places set for them. "Won't you two sit down?"

Yusuke sat down immediately and began piling things onto his plate.

Hiei sat down but hesitated as he watched Yusuke stuffing food hurriedly into his mouth.

"Yusuke, the food will still be here if you want to take some time to breathe," Akita remarked with a giggle. "Hiei, aren't you hungry? I remembered that you always did like ramen so I made that especially for you. But, if you don't hurry, Yusuke will consume that along with the dishes and the table."

"I will not!" Yusuke said through a mouthful of food.

Akita giggled again.

Hiei served some ramen into a bowl and began to eat that.

Akita continued to sip her tea as Hiei worked his way through a few bowls of ramen and Yusuke went through everything else.

"If only I didn't have stuff to do, I'd eat every meal at your house, Akita. This is fantastic!" Yusuke continued praising Akita's cooking in between bites.

"And what do you think, Hiei? Is the ramen up to your standards?" Akita asked as she sampled some of the food Yusuke had not yet eaten.

Hiei gave his nod of approval as he continued on another bowl of ramen.

"Well, I'm stuffed. The dishes are empty. I'll help you wash the dishes and Hiei can go clean himself up." Yusuke suggested.

Hiei looked at Yusuke suspiciously as Akita smiled widely and thanked Yusuke for the offer.

"Well, Hiei, why don't you go on upstairs to the bathroom? Akita and I have everything covered down here so you're free to go." Yusuke shooed the demon out of the kitchen and closed the door.

"Yusuke, Hiei's not stupid. Neither am I. What are you up to?" Akita questioned.

"Is it so wrong to want to talk to a friend as I help her clean up from the delicious meal she graciously made?" Yusuke asked innocently.

"Yusuke..." Akita gave him a look.

"Okay, so maybe they weren't exactly that but they were good intentions. So while Hiei's upstairs, I can talk with you. I wanted to hear your story about Hiei." Yusuke confessed.

Akita smiled as she started a pot of tea and they began to clean up.

After they were done cleaning up, Yusuke and Akita went into the sitting room again and as Akita served Yusuke a cup of tea, he asked her his first question. "Akita, what was Hiei like when you two were in love? I mean, Hiei does not look like the type of person I'd picture as being affectionate to another being."

"He does have some of those more aggressive qualities. But, he's incredibly protective. Once you make a bond with him, you will always have him. I loved him all the time." Akita smiled faintly.

"What did you do when you couldn't find him? From what you said earlier, it sounds like you were looking for him. You once told me that you had lost someone and you would search for him to the end of time. And then, I remember the one day you got detention because you hadn't been paying attention to class. You'd been "doodling" was how the teacher had put it. That picture, I caught a glimpse of it. A three eyed, black haired, short person. I didn't know at the time, but, that was Hiei, wasn't it?" Yusuke looked at Akita who was listening to him attentively.

"Yes, I searched for him for at least five years before I met you. I got so many different accounts. Some said he was dead. Some said he was on a dangerous mission. Some said he had gone off with some sweet thing and she had killed him. Some said he was in Ningenkai. Others recalled seeing him in Makai. No one knew where to find him. By the end of those five years, I was about to give up. I thought perhaps he was dead. Every day, I woke up, hoping I'd get some information on him. I was half-crazy. I had little sanity left. I had searched half of Makai for him. I knew I had to start over. I went to Ningenkai. I had lost contact with any relatives of mine so I had nowhere else to go. Then, one day while I was walking the streets of the city, I met someone..."

Akita walked through the streets of Ningenkai. She had gotten used to the humans for the most part. They weren't much better than demons. Many of them had no manners and no respect for others. Suddenly, she walked right into someone. She fell backwards and ended up on the pavement.

"I'm very sorry, Miss. Are you alright?"

Akita looked up into the face of an emerald green eyed, red-haired male. He offered his hand to her. "I'm sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention." Akita took his hand and he helped her stand. "What's your name? I'm Akita Akhiabara."

"Shuichi Minamino. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled kindly at her.

"Again, I'm sorry I knocked into you," Akita apologized.

Shuichi was giving her a strange look.

"What? Is something wrong?" Akita looked at the boy with raised eyebrows.

"Akita? Kitsune-Koorime demon Akita?" Shuichi asked.

"How do you know about me, Shuichi?" The girl questioned.

"Are you related to a demon known as Youko Kurama?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes. How do you know of him?" Akita looked at the male suspiciously.

"I am his human form. That makes you my half-sister."

Akita looked at this human in shock. "Kurama? Is it really you?" She hugged him tightly.

"I imagine you are happy to see me. Tell me, why are you here? In this form. I didn't think you were ever too fond of humans." Kurama commented.

"I'm not here because I like humans. I'm looking for someone dear to me. His name is Hiei. Do you know him by chance, Kurama?" Akita looked at him, eyes pleading.

"I'm sorry to say I have not. Did you fall in love with him?" Kurama gazed at his younger half-sibling.

Akita nodded sorrowfully. "We planned to be together. But...he disappeared one day. He hasn't come back since." Tears were dripping down her cheeks.

"If I ever happen to meet him, I will tell you. Stop those tears now. Do you plan to stay in Ningenkai now?" Kurama wiped her tears away with his index finger.

"Yes. There is nothing left but old and sad memories in Makai. I can build a new life here and build up my strength again. I've fought too many battles with opposing thieves." Akita said as they began walking together.

"You have left the thief business?" Kurama queried.

"Never. Being a thief is a large part of me. The crime ring collapsed after the disappearance of Sakamoya. It's nice to go back to living quiet though. I'd forgotten that lifestyle." Akita smiled genuinely at Kurama as they continued walking.

"Yes, it is nice and peaceful most of the time here. You will adjust to it."

"Kurama was the one who told me about Hiei still alive. I did not go looking for him. I had begun to adapt to my new lifestyle. It worked fine for me. I had school to deal with. I had made friends. Like you, Keiko, and Kazuma. There was no reason to return to the life I once knew. So, I traveled between Makai and Ningenkai without worrying about Hiei. That was until I felt him looking for me. So, I decided to come back for a little. Anyway, you're always welcome here, Yusuke. My door is always open to you."

Akita smiled and for the first time, Yusuke realized how sad and empty her smile had seemed whenever he had seen her smile before. "You really do love him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. If anything ever happened to him...I would die on the spot. He's my soul mate. My life wouldn't be worth living if I lost Hiei again."

"He's coming downstairs. Would you ever tell him that?" Yusuke looked at Akita.

"When the time is right, he will know."

Hiei pushed the swinging door open, wearing his black pants and a light blue tank top. "You can go and shower, Yusuke." The demon continued to towel dry his still wet hair.

"Thanks, Hiei. I'll be back in a bit. Don't have too much fun while I'm gone." Yusuke called over his shoulder as he left.

"What are your plans now, Hiei? Do you have to go somewhere?" Akita asked, staring into her teacup.

"What does it matter? I go where I please. I don't account to anyone anymore." Hiei said simply.

"You never accounted to anyone!" Akita stood abruptly and left the room through the swinging door.

"Wait! Akita!"

She climbed the stairs, went to the door at the very end of the hall, opened it, and continued up another flight of stairs. She opened the window at the edge of the room and crawled out onto the roof.

Hiei followed after her. He stayed inside the house though. "I think I can manage to stay around here. You'd like that, right? If you'll have me, I can even stay here. If you want me to, that is," Hiei hesitated. He didn't know if he'd said too much.

"You're welcome to stay in one of the two spare bedrooms. But, don't do me any favors, Hiei. Go and do whatever you want." Akita turned her face completely away from the Koorime.

"Akita, I'm sorry. What I've done to you over these years, I don't know if I can ever atone for them. But I couldn't-"

Akita turned her gaze back to him instantly. "Then why did you start looking for me again! Tell me! Why, Hiei...why?" A tear crept down her cheek. "You never told me where you were going. You just left me without a word. I nearly went crazy. Finally when I gave up searching, I had begun a life in Ningenkai, and you had to start looking for me with your Jagan. I looked for five years in Makai. Hiei..." Akita broke off into sobs. "You just never cared enough..."

Hiei said nothing for a moment until he found his voice again. "I looked for you so I could apologize. I looked for you because your face was in all my dreams. Your voice was in every place I traveled. And yet... I could never find your love. No treasure could hold your beauty. No being could have your personality." He turned and went towards the stairs. Hiei paused for a moment as he reached the first step. "I'm staying here. End of discussion."


The Koorime turned slowly.

In a moment, Akita was in his arms again. She trembled as tears fell from behind her closed eyelids.

Hiei stroked her hair with rough fingers. "It was sad for you..."

Author's Note: Let me know what you think.