Lanne (OC) is in her 4th year at Hogwarts as well as Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Lanne isn't exactly the most cheerful person... and she's not exactly happy with her life... how far will she go for her own sanity? Read to find out.....

Disclaimer: Ehh... yea... everything belongs to J.K Rowling except the plot... and Lanne and any other people you don't recognize from the books...

Chapter One: The First Day

Oh joy, a new school. Stupid idiot parents think this'll do me any good... Ha, as if. Not like anyone's actually going to think of me as any less of a freak.

Lanne sat alone in one of the train compartments. knock knock

Ah crap... people.

"Come in..." she said.

Two boys, one with flaming red hair and freckles, and the other with dark brown hair and glasses, and a girl, who hair thick wavy brown hair, walked into the compartment.

"Hello, you must be the new girl here. I'm Harry, this is Ron, and that's Hermione," Harry Potter introduced himself and his friends.

"Er, Hullo," Lanne mumbled, "Can I help you...?"

The three friends exchanged glances.

"Well, the other compartments are full and we were wondering if we could sit with you... if that's alright," Hermione said politely.

This is just how it started last time...


Hey Lanne!" Kate shouted and ran to catch up to Lanne.

"Hey Kate, what's up?" Lanne replied cheerfully. These were the days where her life was great. She was so happy. She was smart, had lots of friends, got along great with her brother and her parents...

"Oh nothing... well, actually... There is something," Kate looked at her sneakers for a moment, fidgeting a little. Then she looked up. "I'm moving... my mom just got a job transfer and we have to move away...four hours from here, at least four ours that is."

Lanne just looked at her for a minute. "Well, you can still come visit. Maybe on long weekends or when we have off from school. It won't be so bad, I mean it's not like we'll never get to see each oth-"

"I'll be more than four hours away, Lanne... It'll be hard to visit. My parents would have to drive all the way over here, drop me off, and drive all the way back, and the same thing to pick me up..."

"Oh..." Lanne swallowed hard at the lump in her throat, her eyes stinging a little. "Ummm... I've got some work to catch up on... I guess- umm I'll just talk to you later." At that, she walked away, leaving her best friend behind.

end flashback

No... not again...

"Well... is that a yes or a no..?" Ron spat out.

"Ron!" Hermione elbowed Ron.

I could just play the cards differently this time... maybe things will work out... after all, that's why they sent me here; to start over new... then again...

"Yeah, sure" Lanne mumbled.

The three of them thanked her and sat down. Ron and Harry across from her, and Hermione next to her.

"Umm... By the way, what is your name?" Harry asked.

"Oh," Lanne glanced at him. "Lanne, my name is Lanne." She looked back down at her lap. "Do you have the time by any chance?"

"Yes, it's..." Ron looked at his watch. "It's a quarter to one."

"Oh! We have to get into our robes; the train will be there in fifteen minutes!" Hermione shot up to get changed.

"Thanks." Lanne replied and went to change.

Lanne got changed very fast and was the first back to the compartment. She sat there with her head down and put her arms up the opposite sleeves of her robes. (A/N: she put her right arm up the left sleeve and vice versa) Lanne traced her fingers back and forth over her forearms. As the others returned, she withdrew her hands and sat there cross-armed, still staring down.

"So, Lanne... what brings you to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"Ummm..." Lanne paused, thinking of what to tell her new... acquaintances. "I err, I moved. Our house was too small, so we moved and this school is closer..."

"Oh, that's good." Hermione replied.

Yeah... that's what you think.

Sorry for the short chapter. It really sucks, and it's a bit confusing, but I'll try to clear it up in the next one... Chapter two will be up soon, I hope. Please review.