Kayla the kawaii gurl says: HI! This is my first Teen Titans fic. I hope you guys like it! Oh yeah, just to let you guys know, this is indeed a Robin/Raven fic, so if you don't like that pairing, please don't flame me! Anyways, I hope you guys like it.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Teen Titans.
Chapter One
"Titans, GO!" Five teenagers dashed off into different directions, all with one goal in mind; get the villain and take him down.
Beast Boy changed into a eagle, a green eagle that is, and took off in flight, Cyborg running at top speed directly below him. Starfire and Robin took off on the rooftops, keeping the culprit just within their sight, and Raven slightly behind, keeping an eye on everyone.
They were going through their daily routine, or rather their daily crime fighting routine, which was now like second nature to them. It had been about three years now since the Titans had been formed. She was no longer the shy, quiet, emotionless, monotone fifteen year old she was when the team was formed. Instead she was now all of that in an eighteen-year-old body.
She shook the reminiscent thoughts out of her head and noticed that her teammates had engaged in battle. 'Well, here we go…' Raven stopped in mid-air and readied herself to chant her three magic words. However when she opened her mouth, the words never came thanks to the hand that was currently covering her mouth.
Her eyes went wide and she mentally scolded herself for being distracted. She tried to wiggle herself free from the person's grasp but it only ended up being a futile move. Her attacker's grasp only tightened and Raven felt fear growing inside of her. She screamed, trying to alert her teammates to her current predicament but thanks to the hand once again, it only came out as a muffled noise.
The attempted noise she didn't get their attention but thanks to her fast rising fear the exploding windows and street lamps did.
Robin was the first to cease his fighting and whirled around only to see Raven being dragged to the ground and pulled into an alleyway by none other than the evil-doer of the evening himself, Black Dog. "Raven!" The momentary distraction brought a kick to the side of his torso, sending him flying across the street and into the side of the building.
Cyborg, hearing Robin's distressed yell, took off in the direction Robin had turned. Just as he was about to reach the spot where Raven had disappeared, Black Dog's assistants had cut him off. "Raven!"
They all heard a scream, and then all was silent.
Robin sighed as he set down the papers he had been scanning and scratched his head, yawning loudly as he did so. He let his head fall backwards into the back of the couch, surveying everyone in the room.
Starfire and Beast Boy were in the kitchen, Starfire deciding to make her 'Pudding of Happiness' and Beast Boy trying to change her mind. Robin's head turned to his left; Cyborg was on the couch beside him, playing away at a racing game. He looked around once more. As for Raven, well…
Raven was nowhere to be found.
He sighed and gathered his papers, thinking he would get more done in his room than he would in the company of his teammates. As he reached the living section of the tower, he stopped in front of Raven's room, and a frown graced his face.
Raven had been locked in her room for the past week. The rescue had been short and sweet. When they had returned she had went straight to her room and hadn't been seen since. Robin's frown deepened. That was almost a week ago that all of that had happened. Something didn't seem right to him. Sure Raven was a private, wait scratch that, a VERY private person, but she always came out of her room.
Shaking his head he continued on to his room. Opening the door slowly, stepping over the man books and papers that littered the floor, finally making it over to his workbench after what seemed like an eternity. 'Maybe I should clean up some time soon…'
He sat down, sighing as the papers hit the table's surface. The lights flickered a bit, on and then off quickly, and again Robin sighed. That had been happening a lot lately, for about a week now that he thought about it. He stopped and thought about it for a minute. No… it was just because of the rain outside.
He took a sip from his hot cocoa he had brought with him and began looking at his papers. They were police records he had obtained on Black Dog. 'God, what a stupid name that is,' he thought as he began scanning the papers. So far it seemed as if this guy was a loner with no connections what so ever to Slade.
He was about to call it quits on researching this guy when something in his file caught his eye. It wasn't a Slade connection or anything, but something else entirely different. Not only was this criminal a bank robber, but he was also a rapist. A four-time rapist at that.
The papers slid from his frozen and shocked hands as a thought occurred to him. His head whipped around to his door. 'Please don't let what I think happened be true…' With that, he looked at the papers once more before he took off.
KTKG: Well, what do you guys think? Do you like it? Should I continue? Review and let me know!!!!