A/N: I do not own anything YGO. Loosely based off the ideas I used in "Unexplained", one of my earlier stories. PG-13 for some violence and a little blood. I know Yami means 'dark' or something like that but I'm using it instead of Atemu. Don't worry, Yugi is in this story but not till later. You might be a bit surprised.

It was a bright and beautiful sunny day in the Western Kingdom of Relor. Relor was deep in a luscious green forest surrounded by tall breath-taking mountains. Waterfalls were common as well as crystal clear streams, small lakes, and of course, one great raging river roaming throughout the vast land. Truly a beautiful place to live, a Kingdom long defended by the King and his large army, protected by unseen forces: Dragons.

For centuries, Dragons of nearly every color had inhabited Relor's outer parts, secretly making sure the Kingdom was safe. All Dragons were waiting for the Legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon to rise and lead them, perhaps to a farther and better place. The people of Relor thought the Dragons only a myth, a child's fairytale told in order to relieve anxieties. Nowadays, anyone who believed they existed was ridiculed, mocked, and sometimes challenged to go find one, which was almost impossible. Still the Dragons fought, usually at night and Relor was at peace for many years.

But the time of peace was quickly drawing to an end as an evil presence stirred in the North. King Bakura, the white-haired sadistic ruler of Delyan, was always looking for new lands to conquer, in hopes of obtaining great power and world domination. Typical villain actions but that was the way it was. Bakura knew of the Dragons and was slowly developing a plan that could end their reign.

Which was why the Princess was trying to enjoy the day as best as she could. Princess Tea had shoulder length brown hair and bright blue eyes. At only sixteen years of age, she was already trying to rule the kingdom. Only her father remained and was desperately trying to convince his only heir to find a husband, someone fit to rule Relor. Her brother, Mako, died of a terrible sickness so he could not take his rightful place as King. So Tea remained a Princess, destined to be Queen if she found the right man.

In the great fortress, servants and maids scurried around, tending to their duties. There were two personal maids who were Tea's best friends. One of them had an older brother who was part of the current regent's most trusted and gallant Knights. The maids were Mai and Serenity. Joey was Serenity's brother; an odd name but it seemed to fit his goofy yet hotheaded personality. The other Knights went by the names of Tristan, Duke, Yami, Ryou, and Seto. Tristan and Duke were constantly fighting over Serenity and Joey was always yelling at them for doing so. Nonetheless, all three were good friends and ready to defend each other to the end.

Yami and Ryou were best friends, quiet and shy but willing to give their lives for the King and his daughter. The last one, Seto, wielded a mysterious sword, sharp as a Dragon's tooth, sleek and silver, a rare beauty of a weapon. The handle was golden with a single blue diamond embedded in the handle. Upon the blade were four single letters in a language not known to the people of Relor, or to anyone else for that matter. Seto's parents and any other relatives were unknown and he arrived in the Kingdom at the tender age of twelve, silent yet deadly and graceful in swordplay. He was immediately appointed as a Knight-in-training, long before the rest of his group. Seto was loyal but harbored a belief in the Dragons, thus being the target of Joey and Tristan's jokes. However, he was quick with the comebacks.

Mai was twenty, Serenity was fourteen, Joey was nineteen, Tristan was nineteen, Duke was nineteen, Yami was twenty, Ryou was seventeen, and Seto was twenty-one.

And so begins a tale of Dragons, battle, magic, and a little bit of romance.

The decapitated limb fell from the deformed creature. It was dead. "No loss." Bakura muttered, looking at what claimed to be an intelligent being in disgust. "That's the last time he'll ever scorn ME." He chuckled evilly. Turning towards a couple of his men, he spoke again. "You! Remove this...thing from my sight. And you! Hand me that cloth there..." The two men did as they were told, fearing their King. Bakura wiped the black blood from his sword and tossed the soiled cloth back at the one that had handed it to him. He normally didn't act this spoiled but today, he was extra glad he was King. Even if he was only nineteen years old.

"Woman, come here." Bakura ordered sharply. A young woman, no older than twenty-two, slowly walked towards him. She had tanned skin and long raven hair, blue jewels for eyes, and possessed a mysterious power. A young sorceress, the only one left of her kind, lifted her face. Her name was Ishizhu and she had a younger brother, no older than the King, Marik, an eighteen-year-old soldier. Both were orphans and had lost their only other living relative, Odion, to the hands of the King. Bakura had made it clear he would eliminate anyone who dared to stand up against him. For this, she hated Bakura but fearing for the safety of her brother, obeyed him.

"What is it, my King?" She asked softly, but her tone held a hint of resentment.

"Have you come up with a way to defeat these rumored Dragons?" He questioned, raising one arm in the direction of Relor whose mountains were small at the distance they were at.

"Not yet, my King." Ishizhu answered, keeping her eyes to the ground.

"Look at me." Bakura demanded and Ishizhu lifted her face, her cloak and hood hiding most of her. "You WILL find a plan before we reach Relor." He commanded.

"Yes, my King." Ishizhu said, voice tight. As much as everyone hated him, most women could not deny the good looks Bakura held, with his slanted dark eyes and wild white hair.

Bakura smirked. "You had better." He murmured as he made his way back to his black horse and hoisted himself on top. "Let's go!" He ordered briskly to his army. Almost the entire kingdom in which Bakura ruled had come since most were fighters.

"Soon...Relor will be mine." Bakura whispered eyes not leaving the West.

"Will you two care to join me?" Tea asked her maids as she stood, admiring her dress in the mirror. It was of peach color and sparkled like the morning light. It was sleeveless and went down to her ankles. "I'm going to take a walk through the gardens."

"My Lady, we have duties to attend to...don't we?" Serenity, the youngest, asked. She and Mai were dressed in traditional maid uniforms but still looked pretty nonetheless.

"Nah, we finished them all." Mai said, looking at her nails. "Unless we have more to do that you want us to do. I personally wouldn't mind a break!" Mai was the most outgoing and had the don't-give-me-trouble-or-else attitude. Most unusual for a maid but she was loyal.

Tea grinned. "So it's settled. You'll come?"

"Yes!" Serenity affirmed eager to see the gardens. Being in the castle all day was boring and she never really got to see the outside that much. The three young women made their way down the stairs, soon finding themselves in the main hall of the castle. Tea's father was nowhere to be seen but the Knights were.

"Grr...will ya stop talking about my sister like that?!" Joey exploded, waving his arms around.

Tristan and Duke spotted the young girl and immediately ran up to her but not before showing their respect for the Princess. "Morning milady!" Tristan called out cheerfully. "Good Morning, Serenity, angel of light!" He exclaimed, grinning. "It is I, Sir Tristan!"

"Milady." Duke nodded to the Princess. "Serenity! Hello..." He smiled, taking her wrist and planting a kiss atop the hand. "How are you this beautiful morning?"

Serenity blushed in delight and embarrassment. As much as she liked them both, she could not choose nor did she like all the attention. "I'm fine, Duke, thank you. I'm flattered, Tristan. Um..." Her voice trailed off as she looked pleadingly at Mai and Tea who were unsuccessfully trying not to laugh.

"GAH!" Joey shoved the two Knights to the floor. "That'll teach ya!" He yelled and looked at his sister. "Hey sis!"

"Joey, calm down." Ryou said, shaking his head. "Morning, your highness." He bowed in respect.

"Good morning everyone!" Tea exclaimed, mildly amused by all the greetings. "Hello Yami!" She flashed a bright smile at the tri-colored haired knight who blushed slightly.

"Hello your majesty." Yami bowed as well.

Tea glanced around. "Where is Seto?" She asked.

"Why do ya want to know where he is?" Joey asked, raising an eyebrow. "I could care less where he is but at least he doesn't fancy my sister." He stated.

"Well, he always seems to be somewhere around you guys, either that or hiding in the shadows for some reason." Tea pointed out.

"If you ask me, that's kind of creepy." Mai said, shivering. Seto was clearly one of the most attractive men in the Kingdom with his dark brown hair and intense blue eyes but most were intimidated by his presence.

"That stuck-up jerk went somewhere in the forest." Tristan said, scratching the back of his head. "I don't know why though. Probably to find a Dragon." He laughed.

"What a wacko!" Joey added. "Dragons?! As if."

"Come on now!" Ryou intervened, much to the surprise of everyone. "Just because someone believes in something that can't be seen, doesn't mean it's not real."

"Don't tell me you believe that crud?" Mai asked, placing one hand on her hip.

"No not really but you're all being too hard on him." Ryou admitted, always the peacemaker.

Tea listened in silence. She herself did not know what to believe. Something was protecting the Kingdom but she wasn't quite sure it was the Dragons. But then...she remembered something from two weeks ago.

"What troubles you, milady?" Seto asked, noting her concern, written all over her face like a book. He had found her staring out the large balcony of one of the lone hallways. It was his duty to patrol these halls until two am and then someone else would take over.

"I'm not sure." Tea replied, still gazing at the stars. "Well, what I mean is, I'm not sure what troubles me the most. Bakura, my inexperience to rule, the need to find a husband, or the fact that I and my father may not be able to defend Relor this time around."

Seto stood next to her, a thoughtful expression on his normally stoic face. "I see." He cleared his throat. "Might I offer you some comforting words?"

"Go ahead."

"Your highness, whatever happens in the future, the Dragons will not abandon their duties and loyalties." Seto said.

Tea faced him. "Oh? Really?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Hn." Seto narrowed his eyes and looked at her. "I know you must think me a fool, but rest assured, they do exist. They haven't failed yet..." His voice faded to a whisper.

"Okay..." Tea yawned. Even though she'd been brought up not to believe in such things, she couldn't help but feel at ease.

Since then, Seto had become a close friend. He was not interested in her romantically and neither was she. Tea had her heart and sights set on someone else. A certain Knight with colorful hair...

Meanwhile, Seto was deep in the forest, sitting cross-legged in a clearing, meditating. His silver armor was off to the side, leaving him clad in only his black and gray clothing. His sword was resting on his lap, not wanting to leave it just anywhere. His bow and arrow lay with his armor and so did his shield.

From 0200hrs till 2300hrs, he was free from duty, able to catch up on sleep and sometimes food. The Knights were able to eat a little during their duty but they mostly waited until their breaks. Seto was different. He didn't really like the food that was served and often went out into the kingdom, in search of better food, preferably anything with meat. Stew was his favorite meal.

All of a sudden, a cry broke through his thoughts, and his eyes snapped open, expecting an attack. He scoured the area around him, seeing nothing. Then the cry came again but this time in form of a word. "HELP!" Seto leapt to his feet, and began running towards where it had come from.

"HEEELLLPP!" A young boy cried out again, tears streaming down his face. 'Not this way! I don't wanna die!' He thought as he ran his hardest. Currently he was being chased by a wolverine, which was peculiar, because they never came out till night and that was when all residents were ordered to stay out of the forests. They didn't bother the wolves; the wolves didn't bother them.

Unfortunately, Mokuba, the boy, had decided that day to explore the forest more than usual and had come across a den of baby wolves. They seemed harmless and Mokuba had reached out to pet one but just then the mother showed up, baring her fangs. And now he was running for his life.

He wasn't exactly watching where he was going and tripped over a rather large root. He spun around, throwing his arms up in defense as the wolf leapt into the air, ready to pounce upon her prey.

Suddenly, an arrow pierced the air and hit the wolf at the back of its throat. Gagging, it fell upon Mokuba, causing the boy to release more screams of terror, as he had not realized it was dead. But so fast...how?

The wolf was pushed away from him and Mokuba opened his eyes and found himself staring into the blue eyes of Seto. "Are you all right?" Seto asked, kneeling down beside him.

"Yeah..." Mokuba realized he was shaking.

"Hey, it's okay, kid." Seto assured him. "Look...it's dead." He pointed to the wolf.

Mokuba stared blankly at the wolf. And then, "How did it die so fast?" He asked curiously.

"Poison on the tip." Seto responded. "It's a deadly one, quick to kill and it comes from these." He held up a small yellow sphere that he had grabbed from a branch. "Often mistaken for berries as you can see. When injected into the bloodstream, it travels quickly." He explained. "You can even be poisoned if you eat one. So don't eat anything out of this forest, especially these. If you do...the consequences could be fatal." Seto warned, knowing full well there was good things in the forest to eat but he didn't want to risk it.

"Really?" Mokuba stared at the small but lethal sphere. "Uh, thanks for saving me...?"

"Seto. You can call me Seto." The Knight smiled faintly at the kid. He was starting to warm up to Mokuba. There was just something about him that made it hard not to like him. "Where do you live? I'll take you home."

Mokuba suddenly looked sad and looked down at the ground. "I don't have a home or a family." He mumbled, a lone tear crept down his cheek.

Seto's eyes widened. An orphan...just like he was. "Where do you stay then? How do you eat?" He blurted out, mentally cursing himself for such rudeness. "Forgive me..."

"I stay wherever I can. I kind of...steal my food." Mokuba muttered, feeling ashamed. "It's been like that for a month now. My parents died when our home burned down." The ten-year-old whispered, more tears threatening to show themselves.

Seto's heart went out to him. How come no one had noticed? Did anyone even off their help? "Well, if you don't mind, how would you...like to stay with me?" He asked.

Mokuba's eyes brightened. "Really?" He asked timidly and Seto smiled a genuine smile, happy to see the young boy glad.

"Yes." He paused. "I live in the castle-"

"Are you a Knight?" Mokuba interrupted eyes huge. "I've always dreamed of being a Knight. They're so brave and they get to have swords!" He exclaimed.

Seto frowned. "Swords are not to be taken lightly. They are dangerous weapons." He said firmly. "And yes...I am a Knight." He then remembered something. "I need to go back and retrieve my belongings." He stood up, offering his hand. "And then we will go back into the castle and get you cleaned up and fed." He was sure the Princess wouldn't mind.

"All right." Mokuba took his hand and began to walk, not letting go of it. It was the first time, aside from his parents, that someone had ever shown such care. He didn't want to let go.

A bit surprised, Seto allowed Mokuba to hold on to his hand and two headed for the clearing.

Elsewhere, Tea, Mai, and Serenity were sitting on a stone bench in the middle of the gardens, chatting. "Do you think he fancies me?" Mai was asking Serenity, referring to her brother.

Serenity nodded enthusiastically. "He sure does. Joey is always asking me questions about you. I think he is rather bashful around you much less even approach you."

"Well, maybe he won't be so shy when I send word of a grand ball I am having!" Tea grinned. "It's to celebrate my father's birthday next week. And you girls don't have to work!"

"Wonderful!" Mai clapped her hands. "If he doesn't ask me, I will!"

"I'll definitely have to choose an escort." Tea said.

"Oh really?" Mai winked. "I know who you wouldn't mind having as your escort."

Tea went red. "Uh...Serenity! Who are you going to choose?" She quickly changed the subject.

Serenity sighed, knowing she'd have to make a decision eventually. "As usual, I don't know."

The girls laughed and Tea gingerly inhaled the scent of flowers. Then she heard a voice. "Oh wow!" A boy's voice filled her ears and she frowned, not remembering any young servant being in her service. The other two girls heard it as well and glanced around, looking for the source.

Soon Mokuba appeared from behind a cluster of bushes and stopped short when he saw the three females. He blushed and went back behind the bushes only to bump into Seto. Seto's eyes widened as well as he had not expected them to be there. "My apologies milady! I was just returning to my duty but-"

"Who is this cute boy?" Tea asked, a friendly smile on her face. "Hi!" She called out as Mokuba hid behind Seto. Mokuba hadn't been around people for most of his life.

"This is Mokuba. I found him in the forest." Seto responded, not wanting to explain his whole life story. "He will be staying with me...if that's all right with you...?"

"Of course!" Tea exclaimed, smiling. "I don't mind at all. I think it's sweet." She paused and tried to look behind him. "It's all right, Mokuba...we don't bite." Serenity giggled behind her, Mai looked amused, and Seto winced, believing those might not have been the best words to say.

Something struck the young boy. "Wow...are you the Princess?" He asked, looking at her incredulously.

Tea grimaced. "Yes, I am." She didn't really enjoy false attention but the boy looked sincere. She wanted real friends, real people who didn't just respect her because she was the Princess.

Mokuba's eyes suddenly went very wide. "Uh...um," He quickly bowed down almost falling over. "Sorry, um, your highness!"

Tea burst out laughing, the girls giggled, and Seto cracked a half-smile. "Mokuba?" Tea said and the boy looked up, face red. "Listen, you don't need to bow because...you're a special guest to the castle and can go and come as you wish. All right?"

Mokuba smiled shyly. "Really?"

"Of course." Tea paused and frowned. "Seto, you have your duties. Have you anyone to watch the boy while you're gone?"

Seto looked thoughtful. 'Good question.' "Not really. I hadn't thought about that."

"Well come on! Let's all go inside and I'll find something for Mokuba to entertain himself." Tea led the way as the Knight, the boy, and the two maids followed close behind.

Inside, the other five Knights were engaged in a game of poker as they waited for their break to end. Then, they would head for their respected positions in the castle and carry out their obligations. "Greetings!" Tristan called out. "Aw, man!" His shoulders sank as Joey collected his winnings.

"Heh, heh." Joey turned around and saw the little group. "Well, well, look who's back?" He laughed. "Did ya catch a Dragon this time?"

Seto stiffened and glared at his fellow nobleman, the one he loathed the most. "Shut it, mutt." He muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Mutt? Who ya calling mutt?! Grr..." Joey stood up, knocking his chair down, unaware that he had basically proved Seto's comment to be somewhat true.

"Here we go again..." Duke grumbled as Joey prepared to hurl back insults.

"I thought it was obvious." Seto rolled his eyes, a bored expression on his face.

Mokuba glared at Joey. "You leave him alone!" He yelled, fists bunched together. The room became silent.

"Whoa! Who's this kid? Sounds like he's pretty defensive." Tristan remarked, putting down his share of cards. "What's your name?"

Mokuba stared at him suspiciously, expecting him to taunt Seto as well. "I'm Mokuba." He said flatly.

"Knights!" Tea called briskly in a regal tone. All stood at attention. "This boy will be staying here with Knight Seto and you are not to give him any trouble. Is that clear?"

"Yes My Lady." Came the dull reply.

A bell rang in the Kingdom, signaling it was noon. "Duty calls!" Joey yelped and jumped up from the table once again. The rest followed suit, hastily giving their farewells.

"Mai? Would you take Mokuba to the kitchen and get him something to eat? I'm sure he's hungry." Tea looked at Mokuba. "Are you?"

There was no mistaking the delight in his voice. "Oh, yes I am!" He exclaimed and as if on cue, his stomach rumbled loudly. "Oops..." He reddened.

Seto chuckled. "Eat well, kid. I've got to go now." He patted Mokuba on the shoulder and left.

"Bye Seto!" Mokuba followed Mai.

"And Serenity? Can you please inform Espa about the ball and to write up invitations? I will join you momentarily with more information." Serenity nodded and disappeared from the room.

Yami stood up, gathering the cards and Tea suddenly went over to him. "Here! Let me help." She said, giving him a shy smile.

"Huh? Oh no, milady, you don't have to-"

"That's all right!" Within a minute, Tea had all the cards formed back into a deck. "There! Two's better than one right?" She asked, grinning.

"Uh...yes..." Yami stammered but smiling back at her. 'She's so beautiful.' He thought and flushed red. "I...good day, your highness." He stood up, cards in hand, and headed for his patrol watch.

Tea suddenly remembered something and called back to him. "Uh...Yami?" She hesitated as he looked back to her.

"Yes milady?"

"You can just call me Tea."

"A Lady, more so a Princess, deserves respect...Tea." Yami replied quietly.

Tea smiled. "Thanks but I would prefer it if you did." Yami nodded and she continued. "I'm having a ball in honor of my father's birthday and I was wondering if you would be my escort?" It was customary for a man to ask a woman but Tea figured no one would ask her for fear of rejection or because she was simply royalty.

The crimson-eyed Knight gaped at her. "Y-your escort? Uh, don't I have-"

Tea sighed. Everyone was obsessed with duty these days. "Yes or no?"

"I'd be honored to." He responded, smiling warmly.

Ishizhu sat on a rock, basking in the warm sun as the entire army took a break and fed their horses or sharpened their swords. Bakura was currently discussing with some of his men on the best ways to overthrow the King and his daughter of Relor. "Sire, perhaps if the Relor army was distracted somehow..." One man suggested.

Bakura stared at him and narrowed his eyes. The man swallowed hard, worried he'd get an earful. But to his surprise, Bakura broke out in a grin. A rather nasty grin. "That is brilliant, General!" He exclaimed. The General sighed in relief. "But don't think I'm going to treat you any different." Bakura warned, glaring at him. "Now, how can we distract them? If we are successful, we still will have one obstacle: the Dragons. The people of Relor are foolish enough to believe they don't exist."

As they continued in discussion, Marik walked towards his sister. "Sister." He greeted her and sat down next to her.

"Marik." Ishizhu nodded. "How are you, dear brother?" She asked. The young woman was worried about him. He had just recently been drafted into the Delyan army and was not particularly fond of having to kill for the first time in his life.

"I'm fine for the moment." Marik replied bitterly. "Did you come up with a way yet?" He too was not eager to see the Dragons fall but they had to obey their King.

"No because I do not need to." The woman answered.


"I have foreseen the leaving of the Dragons." She faced him. "I have yet to notify the King. You see, the most powerful of all, the great Blue Eyes White Dragon, is in Relor at this time and he will rise very soon. I saw and felt feelings of anger and irritation." A sad look came into her eyes. "The people of Relor should have believed. Now their only hope of withstanding the Delyan army will soon vanish, never to return."

"Why?" Marik asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

Ishizhu was silent for a moment. "Lack of faith can be wounding." Was all she said, leaving the teen soldier in a state of confusion.

A/N: Well that's the first chapter. I'm kind of a slow 'updater' so this is my first ongoing fic since I quit on-going stuff awhile ago and devoted my time to oneshots but this fic won't be that long. Four good long chapters at the most.

I'm not really a romance writer. I tend to lean more towards fantasy/sci-fi/angst/dark/family fluff kinda fics and I'm more of a Tea/Yami Bakura fan, strange enough as it is.

Please review; it will be greatly appreciated and I will try and get the next chapter up ASAP. This chapter was more of an intro chapter.