Disclaimer: I own nothing but my computer, and possibly my brain... no wait... that was infested with rabbits with machine guns... uh... so yeah.. own nothing.. what you thought i did? Poor child. you need to take a nap.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Genre: General/Crossover
Summary: answer to a fic challenge from SciFiGirl1 over at NS: Crossover Smallville and The Secret World of Alex Mack... Chlex, Clark/Alex
Timeline: SV: Lana is living with Chloe, Nell's in Metropolis, Pete still in SV. Chloe and Lionel--- never happened. Lex has his memory. SWOAM: Alex in last year of High School. More will be explained
Pairing: Chlex. Alex/Clark
Spoilers: None that I can think of... uh.. what I can remember of 'The Secret World of Alex Mack'
A/N: Ok, so if anybody knew that I was planning on posting this when I got back from my trip, let me tell you right now, I'm a horrible liar.. I have a tendancy of saying one thing, and doing the complete opposite when it comes to updating etc... but seriously, I'm going to give you a present now, (ch's 0-4) and hope you throw any rotten things at me until I get back.. ok? ok I'm putting on my protective gear just in case though...

The Secret World Of
by S. Ann Smith


Alex was sitting in the family's new mini van. A courtesy vehicle from her father's new plant: LuthorCorp. She had left her best friend Ray, and the troubles of Atron High behind.

It had been three years since she had came in contact with GC-161. And six months since she had taken the antidote for GC-161. She had learned, with the help of Annie, how to live without her powers.

But Annie was gone. To California State University on some Chemistry scholarship, and she was stuck in a van. On the road to hickville USA. Stuck with just herself, because her parents were absolutely no help with anything.

She sighed as they passed the sign that declared the place she was going to graduate from. The place away from her friends. So far away that it was in Kansas, half way across the country from Paradise Valley. Half way across the friggen country. She thought exasperated.

Welcome to Smallville. The sign practically needed an exclamation mark behind it. It screamed tacky, with it's green meteor rocks. Alex played with the shoelace on her Vans as she absently looked out the window.

'Meteor Capital of America' She inwardly rolled her eyes. This was going to be a long, boring, year.