Disclaimer: I don't own anything having to do with Harry Potter. Wish I did, and hopefully will when I dominate the world... LOL I'm just kidding! :)

A/N: I hope you like my Ron/Hermione fic as well as the minor Ginny/Harry thrown in. I'm open to any ideas or criticism you might have. Helpfulness is always welcomed. Okay thanks. :)


CHAPTER 1: Keeping in Touch

Dear Hermione,

How's your summer been so far? Mine has been great! Fred and George were actually nice to me and have helped me train for Quidditch. Makes me wonder what they want, being so nice and all. The bright side is that I have been getting loads better thanks to it. I can almost save every shot!

To answer the question I know you're just waiting to ask, no I haven't started my homework yet. And I don't plan to until summer is almost done. You can yell ay me all you want, but I'm going into sixth year and it's about time I do what I want! And I don't really feel the need to ask you whether you've started your homework as I'm sure you're already finished it all. Wait... why on earth am I writing about schoolwork?! I'm afraid you are a terrible influence on me Hermione. I mean first I'm made Prefect, what's next, Head Boy? Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

Anyways, in case you were wondering, this letter did have a point to it, and it wasn't just a ploy to waste your valuable summer studying time. Since we have a month of summer left, Mum said I could have you and Harry over for that time. Hope you'll say yes and I know you will. I'm writing to Harry as soon as I finish this, so send your reply back soon so I can send Harry's letter.

Hope to see you soon,


P.S.: Be prepared to see a big surprise in me. You'll know what I mean once you come.

P.S.S.: I was just kidding about my homework. I already finished it. Mum forced me. Enough said.

'There,' thought Ron, 'that seems good,' as he sent Pigwideon with the letter. He then began on Harry's.

Dear Harry,

How are you doing mate? Them Dursley's treating you alright? What about that Dudley? 'Cause if they aren't, then I just might have Fred and George drop by to "demonstrate" their new products.

Their joke shop is doing well, but they've been at the Burrow almost every day, so I am completely clueless as to how they make any money. Well, they seem to be making it as it is, so I suppose that's all that matters right? Speaking of Fred and George, they've been helping me train for Quidditch and I've gotten quite good if I do say so myself. Can't wait to practice with you. You are going to be amazed at how good I got!

I'm actually hoping that we will be able to practice together soon. Mum said I could have you and Hermione over for the rest of the summer. So can you come? I know that you want to come, but are probably having issues with the traveling thing. Just so you won't worry about that, Dad has found another flying car. I already sent out a letter to Hermione and am waiting for her reply before I send this to you. Send your reply as soon as possible.

Be seeing you soon,


P.S.: What's the deal with all those letters you and Ginny have been writing to each other? I swear you write more to my little sister than you do to me! You know, you are beginning to make me a bit suspicious. I do hope that we are still best mates, now.

Chuckling to himself as he rolled up the piece of parchment of Harry's letter, he noticed Pigwideon through his window, in the distance, fluttering his way towards Ron's bedroom with Hermione's reply. As soon as Pig was close enough to the window, Ron grabbed the letter and quickly unrolled the parchment. But before he read it, he sent off Pig once more to deliver Harry's letter. As he eventually saw his tiny owl disappear into the sky, he then began to read.

Dear Ron,

My summer has been great, thanks for asking! This past month I've been spending as much time as possible with my Mum and Dad. No, Ron, I haven't finally cracked from all of that studying, I just suppose I really value family time. And seeing as how most of the year I spend at Hogwarts and most of the summer at your house, I end up really missing my parents. But I'm afraid now I've done every possible family event in the universe and my summer's sparkle is starting to turn a bit dull. That was until I received your invitation as was expected around this time of summer. And as you had been expecting I am accepting and will be at the Burrow in about three days time. I hope that is okay with your Mum.

And, yes Ron, I did finish my homework already. I'm so glad that you finished too! Aren't you happy now that you got it over and done with? Now you can do whatever you wish with the rest of the summer and not have the worry of an unfinished Potions essay, nagging you over and over in the back of your head. And don't you even dare say, Ronald Weasley, that you don't have that worry in the back of your head but instead you have me nagging you in you face, because I swear I will be a surly Hermione for the next four weeks. And you should know form our past history. That it won't be a pleasant experience, for anyone.

Well there I go, rambling on about homework as usual! But before you fall asleep, as I am sure you are about to do or have already done, I just want to congratulate you on the progress with you rQuidditch training! I'm so sure Gryffindor'll do wonderful this year for the Quidditch House Cup! There you are! Now you may fall asleep as I'm done this letter and am going to start on packing all my things.

See you soon,


P.S.: I'll be prepared for that surprise, but you better be ready for one of my own.

P.S.S.: How come you wrote to me before Harry? Please tell me that you didn't tell him you did that, I mean how is he going to feel about that? Aren't you two supposed to be best friends? Or is this just your way of getting back at him for sending all of those letters to Ginny instead of sending as much to you?

P.S.S.S.: In case you didn't figure it out, Ginny and I have been keeping in touch. Okay now you can sleep, though I doubt you want to anymore.

As Ron put down Hermione's letter. He was undoubtedly annoyed and slightly angry, and mostly at Ginny. Had his little sister suddenly become the most popular person this side of Great Britain, that his two best friends would rather write to her than to him? He could maybe understand why Hermione might write more to Ginny. After all, Ginny was someone Hermione could talk to about the girly things going on in her life. Something Ron definetly didn't want to think about.

So he quickly turned his thoughts towards Harry. How could Harry, Harry his greatest friend of all time, enjoy corresponding letters with Ginny more than with him? And further more, why was it tried to be kept in secret? The only reason, in fact, that Ron knew about Ginny writing to Harry, was when she asked to use Pig for a delivery (for about the thousandth time) with a piece of parchment in her hands. Ron had snatched the parchment to see who she was writing to, for enough time to read, "Dear Harry," before she snatched it back from him and took Pig not waiting for a reply from her brother.

Just as Ron finished those thoughts, Pig pooped his petite body in Ron's room, now with a reply from Harry, and gave a high-pitched "Hoot" to receive recognition from Ron for a delivery well done. Ron gave him a quick pat on his miniscule head as he began unrolling Harry's letter and read it.

Dear Ron,

I don't know, are we still best mates? After all I could say the same about becoming suspicious now. What's this about you writing to Hermione before to me? What did I do to deserve that? Oh wait, now I remember. I wrote slightly more letters to your little sister. Oh no! I'm surprised they haven't locked me up in bloody Azkaban yet for that one Ron! Don't worry though, once I'm there I'll be sure to write only letters to you about how my terribly painful life with the dementors! Geez Ron! Yes I write to your sister. So what? Big deal! She's my friend, just like you and Hermione, and so I write letters to her, just like I do for you and Hermione. And how many more did she have anyways? Like one? What do you do anyways , count the difference? It's no big deal. It doesn't hold a deeper meaning that that, so can we just drop it now faster than Dudley drops food into his mouth? (Ha! Like the analogy?)

Speaking of the Dursleys, they've been okay so far, I mean Mad-Eye must have really creeped them out at the Kings Cross Station. Basically they've ignored me and tried to forget I existed and ever ruined their picture perfect life(yeah I know, how is that picture perfect?).

Dudley is so terrified that I might pull out a dementor out of my pockets, that he's staying away from me and told his friends to do the same. He gave them some rrason having to do with my criminally insane mind or something like that. Sorry I don't remember, but I do tend to overflow with these Dursley-started rumours, that I forget others. Damn criminally insane mind of mine!

So in conclusion of the summary of my summer so far I say this, get me out of here as soon as you can!!!! I'll be ready byt tomorrow with all of my things so come whenever you want, the sooner, the better!

Come soon!


P.S.: Great about your Quidditch training Ron! Can't wait either to practice.

P.S.S.: Seriously though, Ginny's just my friend, and that's the only reason I write to her. Just so you understand that.

P.S.S.S: I'm not really mad you wrote o Hermione first. I could care less as long as I still get written to.

P.S.S.S.S: Me and Ginny= friends

Ron tossed the letter on his bed as sighed inwardly at the thought of seeing his best friends soon. He was happy Harry had once again survived the Dursley experience and would be hanging out with him soon. But something puzzled him, why was Harry so intent on insisting that he and Ginny were friends? Ron knew that and a simple one-time reminder of that would have been a good explanation for the Weasley sibling letter fiasco. But the fact that he kept on stressing that part had still given life to his earlier suspisions. There hopefully wouldn't be any nasty (well nasty to Ron anyways) surprises unveiling themselves this summer.

Then Ron thought back to Hermion'es letter, she mentioned her having a surprise herself. He pomdered on what it could possibly be. As Ron lied down on his bed, he couldn't help but think,

'Despite anything that might happen this summer, or this year for that matter, I still cant wait to see Hermione again...And Harry.'

Sitting up quickly after this last thought occurred, Ron said out loud,

"Now why on earth did that just happen?"

Something could be assured there and then, that life was not to quiet down at the Burrow for the next month.

A/N: Okay I know that the letters were sent to each other really quickly, but I didn't really want to bore you guys with the things Ron did in the time he awaited the letters. Also I think this'll be the only chapter that is just letters. The rest are going be regular story/dialogue type chapters. I hope you liked this fist chapter anyways and I'll try to update soon!