(A/N- I know that I shouldn't write so many fics at a time (6) but I want to so I will. I don't own Trigun, but I do own a totally opposite Kilala plushy. Enjoy the fic..)

Always Running

Confusion of two worlds

She didn't know what she was running from, all she knew was that she had to get away, she just had to run. The only things that she could remember was slight memories of a crash and then waking up this morning in a daze, not knowing what had happened, and the really weird part was that she woke up in the hospital, the minute that nobody was wracking her brain for information or bothering her about people she didn't know, she ran- yes she just ran. The girl was able to escape the hospital grounds and was running through a nearby patch of forest before she started to hear sirens.

The police were after her.

"But I didn't do anything, why are they after me?!" She said in panic while still running. 'I have no clue what I did- but it must have been a pretty bad damn thing for the police to be after me-' She was cut off from her thoughts when she tripped on a tree root and went tumbling through a bunch of branches and then head forward into a tree.

"DAMN IT!" The girl realized that she had just said that out loud when she heard rustling from a nearby bush and saw a policeman with a dart gun in his arms.

"NOOOOO!!!! I CAN'T BE CAUGHT. There's to much confusion- I- I need to just escape!" The moment after she said that something caught her eye. A weird purple light, she walked towards it and touched it with her four finger. It felt cool and relieving.

"Ok, I have to make a quick decision- either jumping into an unknown vortex- or- letting the police drug me down like a bear" She thought about it for precisely one second. "Mystery vortex thing it is!" She said before jumping in just as the police shot a dart at her, but instead it hit a tree not to far away from them.

It missed her because the vortex had closed.


She felt like she was flying in a sea of cold purple water and air. It was the most amazing experience she had ever had- but it went crashing down just as she did, except she went crashing straight into the side of a mountain. The girl quickly grabbed onto a dried up tree limb sticking out of the side of the mountain.

"Oh shit! Now how am I gonna' get out of this!" She groaned.

"I know a way!" A happy male voice said.

She looked up.

What she saw was a man far hotter than any other man she could remember (she could only remember the men from the hospital, but that's beside the point because this guy was hot!) He had long blond hair slicked high up with a lot of gel, he had big strong caring aqua green eyes. His arms were wrapped up in several black belts and he was wearing a red trench coat.

He put an arm out for her.

She gratefully took it.

For a second it felt as if electricity was running through her entire body.

He quickly swung her from the side of the mountain and up into the air....

He slipped on a rock....

Lost his grip with the girl's hand....

And went tumbling backwards....

Only to have the same girl that he threw up into the air come tumbling down....

And land right on top of him.

She was blushing furiously.

"Hi my name's Vash, What's yours!" He said with a BIG perversely childish smile.

"WAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She swung herself off of him and smashed her head directly on a rock.

"OOOOOOOOOOH man! Why does this always happen to me?!" He groaned.

"And why is that the same reaction I get every time I meet a girl?" Vash let out a deep harrowing sigh and swung the unknown girl over his shoulder.

(A/N- Well that's it if you don't review, SO REVIEW!!!! I would have written more but I have five more fics to write here, so I'll be doing that. Bye..